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Unit6 词汇篇 _1.熟练掌握重点单词、词组的用法2.理解并运用关于饮食喜好的表达1. birthday n. 生日。 When is your birthday? 你的生日什么时候?相关短语: birthday dinner 生日晚宴birthday party 生日聚会birthday cake 生日蛋糕2. think about 意为“思考;考虑”,think为不及物动词,常与介词about连用,其后可接名词、代词或v.-ing形式。3. sure adv. 当然;肯定;一定,其同义词为certainly。4. right adj. 正确的;适当的,在句中作表语或定语。 Is he right? 他是对的吗? Its a right answer. 这是个正确的答案。5. so conj. 那么。 So, lets go to dance. 那么,让我们去跳舞吧。拓展:conj. 因此,所以。 Im ill today, so I cant go to school. 今天我病了,所以我不能去上学了。6. star n. 明星。 There are many stars in the sky. 天空中有许多星星。7. eat v. 吃。8. well adv. “好”。 You speak English very well. 你英语说得很好。词义辨析:good/well。 good形容词;well副词,但指身体状况是形容词。 She will make a very good athlete. 她将来会成为一名很好的运动员。 He is well now. 他现在康复了。9. healthy adj. 健康的,可放在名词之前作定语,也可放在连系动词之后作表语。 Dont eat bad fruit, its not healthy. 别吃坏了的水果,不健康。相关名词: healthn.健康。 Smoking is bad for your health. 吸烟有害健康。10. really adv. 事实上;真正地。 Im really sorry. 我很抱歉。相关单词:adj. real 真的,真实的 That is not her real name. 那不是她的真名。11. want vt. 需要;想要。 (1)want sth. 想要某物 I want a new schoolbag. 我想要一个新书包。 (2)want to do sth. 想要去做某事 I want to play basketball after school. 我想放学后打篮球。 (3) want sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事 My mother wants me to get up early tomorrow. 我妈妈想让我明天早点起床。12. Do you like bananas? 你喜欢香蕉吗? 询问某人的喜好,通常用一般疑问句“Do/Does+主语+like+其他?”。肯定回答用:Yes, 主语+do/does.,否定回答用:No, 主语+dont/doesnt.。其中do/does为助动词。 Do you like the sweater? Yes, I do. Does he like the pen? No, he doesnt.13. What do you like for breakfast? 你早餐喜欢吃什么? “What do/does+主语+like for+某餐?” 用于询问某人某餐喜欢吃什么。介词for与一日三餐名称搭配使用时,表示三餐喜欢吃的食物。 I have bread for lunch.我午餐喜欢吃面包。单项选择1.Your birthday party is on Sunday . Lets about the drink and food.A. think B. wantC. haveD. eat2.(2015四川达州宣汉期末)Linda her friend, Gina, about her favorite food . A. helps B. thinksC. asksD. wants3.(2015山东泰安新城实验中学期末)Do you like French fries and fish dinner ? A. in B. ofC. aboutD. for4.(2015重庆巴蜀中学期末)Anna lost her ID card . She find it . She needs it at school .A. wantsB. hasC. want to D. wants to 5.(2015四川开江永兴中学期末)Tim is a student and he plays tennis .A. well; good B. good; goodC. good; wellD. well; well6.(2014山东济宁中考)-May I use your dictionary for a while ?- . Its on the desk.A. Yes, sureB. Take it easyC. Youve got itD. Sorry, you cant7.(湖南湘西中考)-May often has eggs and bread breakfast .A. withB. for C. on解析及答案:1. think about是固定词组,意思是“考虑”,故选A。2. 句意:琳达询问她的朋友吉娜关于她最喜爱的食物。ask sb. about sth. 向某人打听某事。about表示“关于”,用来解释说明(问的)是哪方面的问题。故选C。3. like.for breakfast/lunch/dinner是固定搭配,意思是“早/午/晚饭喜欢吃.”。故选D。4. want to do sth.意思是“想做某事”。故选D。5. 第一个空作定语,修饰名词student, 应该用形容词good;第二空格处需要一个副词,做状语,修饰动词play,要用well。 故选C。6. Yes, sure是“好的,当然可以”;B. Take it easy是“别着急”;C. Youve got it“你已经知道了”D. Sorry, you cant“对不起,你不能”。根据句意可知,故选A。7. have sth. for breakfast 意为“早餐吃.”。故选B。基础演练一、单词拼写(单句首字母填空) 1. Eating more fruits and v is good for your health.2. My father sent me a new car as a present on my twenty-first b .3. If you want to stay h , you should often move your body.4. Do you w a big bed or a small one for your son?5. I get up at 6:00 in the morning and have b at 6:30.6. I usually look at the s in the sky(天空) at night.7. Most of the students have l at school.8. - Its a good h to keep a diary every day.- Thats right. I believe it can help us improve our writing.9. Our classroom is r big and beautiful.10. David is good at singing. So he w to be a singer.答案:1. vegetables2. birthday3. healthy4. want5. breakfast6. stars7. lunch8. habit9. really10. wants巩固提高二、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子) 1. 我每天吃一个苹果。I eat every day.2. 林书豪是一位运动明星。Lin Shuhao is a .3. 我们应该多吃健康食品。We should eat more .4. 我妹妹通常在学校吃午饭。My sister usually at school.5. 这个女孩想成为一名歌手。The girl a singer.答案:1. an apple2. sports star3. healthy food4. has/eats lunch5. wants to be三、排序题(连词成句) 1. I, salad, think, is, food, healthy .2. like, hamburgers, I, them, eat, dont, but, I .3. for, have, I, you, one, question, last .4. apples, what, some, about, milk, and ?5. lunch, have, where, you, like, do, to ?答案:1. I
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