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江苏省灌南县七年级英语Unit1-2单元练习一、单项选择。(15分)( )1.I have lunch at school, but my mother_ lunch at school. A.isnt have B.hasnt have C.dont have D.doesnt have( )2 - are my shoes ? -They are under the bed .A. Where B. When C. What D. How( )3.Ronaldo is _ football player. A.the favourite B.favourite C.her fovourite D.her the favourite( )4.Kate _ volleyball _ in the match. A.play, very well B.plays ,very wellC.plays ,very good D.play, very good( )5.Where _ Andy _ from? A.does, is B.does, is come C.does, come D.do ,come( )6.Miss Li has long black hair and _ . A.wear glasses B.wears glasses C.wear glass D.wears glass( )7.My friend likes to play _ football before _ lunch. A.the ,the B./, the C.the, / D. / , /( )8.Sometimes Sandy with her friends _ TV at home. A.watch B.watches C.watching D.watched( )9.At the weekend, Tom usually _ for half an hour. A.goes to run B. go running C.goes running D.go to run( )10.Simon and Jim are _ football. A.good at play B.good for play C.good at playing D.good for playing( )11.I have _ friends in Suzhou. A.lots of B.a lot C.a lots of D.much( )12. _Fine, thank you.A. How do you do? B. Nice to meet you.C. Are you Mr. Wang? D. How are you?( )13.Jill often _ a kite in the sky on Sunday. A.fly B.flys C.flies D.flying( )14.-Does Daniel _ a bus to school every day? A.go B.come C.take D.have( )15. Its time lunch.A. to B. for have C. to have D. to having二、根据句意,首字母或者中文提示完成单词。(5分)1. Yao Ming is a good basketball p _ .He lives in the USA.2.Everyone knows the girl is _ (有礼貌 ).3.My brother _ (have) lunch at school every day.4.He often watches football m_ on TV.5.The girl wants _ (play) football after school.三、句型转换。(10分)1.He likes playing computer games.(对画线部分提问)What _ he _ _ ?2.Millie and Betty often play football.(同上)_ often _ football?3.Swimming is my favorite sport. (同上) your favorite sport?4.Li Ming is on Huanghe Football Team. (同意句转换)Li Ming is _ _ _ Huanghe Football Team.5.Millie does her homework after school.(变否定句)Millie _ _ homework after school.四、根据汉语完成句子,字数不限。(10分)1.Frank在学校球队里是我最喜欢的足球运动员。Frank is _in the school football team.2.林涛想要在下一次世界杯上踢足球。Lin Tao _ in the _.3.他既有礼貌又乐于助人,我所有的同学都很喜欢他。He is _,all my classmates _very much.4. 在周末,我总是和我父母去游泳半个小时。At the weekend, I always _with _ for _ .5.我不知道这个用英语怎么说。I dont know _ to _ this _ _ .五、完形填空(10分)Xiao Lin has a good friend. 1 name is Lucy. Shes from the 2 .She is American. Xiao Lin and Lucy are in 3 same class. They go to school five days a 4 , They stay 5 home on Saturday and Sunday. Lucy 6 Chinese and Chinese food. Her favourite food are rice and cakes. At school they play football 7 class. Xiao Lin and Lucy like 8 things. Now they like flying planes 9 Saturday and Sunday. Lucy can 10 Chinese. They are good friends. ( )1. A. She B. Her C. Hers D. Shes ( )2. A. USA B.UN C. UK D. SAR ( )3. A. a B. an C. the D./ ( )4. A month B. year C. hour D. week ( )5. A. in B. on C. at D. of ( )6. A. like B. likes C. liking D. is liking ( )7. A. at B. for C. after D. in ( )8. A. make B. making C. do D. doing ( )9. A. at B. from C. on D. in ( )10 A. say B tell C. talk D. speak六、阅读理解(30分) ADick is a student of twelve.He is from London.He lives in Beijing.Dick goes to school from Monday to Friday.There are four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon.He doesnt like Chinese food very much .He often plays tennis on Sundays. Dick doesnt like singing .He enjoys watching TV. He isnt good at chinese .Sometimes people cant understand him . Dick wants to learn it well.(正确的填“ T” ,错误的填“F”)( )1.Dick is an American.( )2.Dick doesnt go to school on Saturday.( )3.Dick has four lessons a day.( )4.Dick is good at music.( )5.Dicks Chinese isnt quite good.BMary is an American school girl. She is now in Beijing with her parents. She doesnt know Chinese but she is trying to study it. She often tries to speak Chinese to
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