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(英语)将来完成时练习题含答案及解析一、单项选择将来完成时1. Tom is pla nning to buy a car.I know. By next mon th, he _ no ugh for a used one.A. savedB. has savedC. would saveD. will have saved【答案】D【解析】试题分析:考查时态:句意:-汤姆计划买辆车。-我知道,到下个月底为止,他就可以攒足够的钱买一辆二手车了。时间是by next mo nth和将来完成时连用,选D。考点:考查时态2. Hurry up! The con cert will beg in at half past eight. The performershalf an hourwhe n you arrive.A. will be playing B. will have playedC. are playing D. have played【答案】B【解析】考查时态。句意:快点!音乐会将在八点半开始。当你到达时,表演者将已经演奏半小时 了。将来完成时表示将来某一时刻或将来的另一个动作之前,已经完成的动作,强调的是 完成,故选B。3. By the end of this mon th, we surelya good soluti on to the problem.A. have foundB. will been foundC. will have foundD. are finding【答案】C【解析】【详解】考查时态。句意:到本月月末我们一定会发现这个问题好的解决方法。根据句中时间状语By the end of this month(到本月月末),可知用将来时;再根据与主语we是主动关系,故选Co4. By the time you finish the book, youmore about Chinese history.A. will learnB. have learntC. are learningD. will have learnt【答案】 D【解析】试题分析 :句意:当你读完这本书后,你将会了解到更多的中国历史。根据状语从句中的一 般现在时可以判断主句应该用将来时,由句意可知此处指到将来某个时间已经做完的事 情,应该用将来完成时,选 D。考点:考查动词时态。5 By the time Juan gets home, his aunt for Puerto Rico.A will leaveB leavesC will have leftD left【答案】 C【解析】试题分析:句意:到Jane回家的时候为止,他姑姑将已经动身去波多黎各了。By the timeJuan gets home,是时间状语从句,用一般现在时代替将来时,所以主语用将来的时间范 畴,而且和 by 的时间状语从句连用,用相应的完成式,所以选C。考点:考查时态6. Tony, it seems that you have been very busy all the time , what do you think of your occupation now?Just so-so. I ve decided to quit my job in the company next month, where I for five years.A workBis workingCwill be workingDwill have worked【答案】 D【解析】试题分析:句意:-T ony,似乎你最近一直在忙,你认为你现在的职业怎么样?-就这么回事,我已经决定下个月放弃公司的工作了,在那里我将已经工作了5 年。因为是到下个月为止,将已经到五年了,所以用将来完成式,所以选D。考点:考查时态7By the time Peter comes back from the meeting, wehere for three hours.A will be waitingBis waitingC will waitD will have waited【答案】 D【解析】 考查时态。 by the time 引导的时间状语从句的主句一般用将来完成时。8By the end of next year , they the work on the new stadium.A would have completedB had completedC will have completedD have completed【答案】 C【解析】考查时态。根据时间状语 “ By the end of next year 可知”,本句应使用将来完成时态,表示到 明年年底前他们将已经完成新体育馆的建设。9 By the time he gets home, his father for Pairs on business.A has leftB will have leftC had leftD will leave【答案】 B【解析】试题分析:考查将来完成时。此处考查的是 by the time 之后要用相应的完成时态,由于前 面用的是一般现在时,所以后面的句子用的是将来时态中的完成时,句意为:等他回家的 时候,他的父亲就已经前往巴黎出差了。故选B。考点:考查将来完成时。10 - I hear that Jason is planning to buy a new car.- I know. By next month, he enough for a used oneA has savedBsavesC will be savingD will have saved【答案】 D【解析】试题分析:考查时态的用法; A 现在完成时,表示已经可以买了; B 一般现在时,表示经 常性,习惯性; C 将来进行时,表示将来的某个时候正在进行的动作;从题意可看出是不 符合的。到下个月的时候是攒够了,将来完成时的意思是到将来的某个时候要完成的动 作;句意为: -我听说 Jason 正计划买一辆新车。 -我知道的,到下个月为止,他就攒够 了钱买一辆二手的了。故选 D。考点:考查时态的用法。11 You are hardworking and surely most of you a college admission notice by the end ofSeptember this year A will receiveBwill be receivingC will be receivedD will have received【答案】 D【解析】试题分析:考查将来完成时态。 By 加现在,就用现在完成时态; by 加过去的时间点,就用 过去完成时; by 加将来的时间点,用将来完成时态。句意:你们都很努力,到九月底的时 候,你们都已经收到了大学的录取通知书。考点:考查将来完成时态12. Oh, Mom, just a few minutes.Hurry up, Harry, or by the time you pack your bel ongin gs, the flight!A. has leftB. will have leftC. had leftD. will be leaving【答案】B【解析】试题分析:考察将来完成时的用法。句意: -妈妈,等会儿。-快点,否则等你收拾好了行李,飞机就已经飞走了。将来收拾好行李时,飞机已经飞走了。将来的某个时间已经发生,用将来完成时。所以选B。考点:考察将来完成时的用法。13. - Tommy is planning to buy a car.-I know. By the time he retur ns from abroad, heeno ugh for a used one.A. will have saved B. savesC. had savedD. will save【答案】A【解析】试题分析:考查时态:句意: -Tommy正计划买个汽车。-我知道。到他国外回来的时候他将攒足够买一辆二手车的钱。By the time引导的是时间状语从句,用一般现在时代替一般将来时,所以主句应该是将来范畴的时态,而且时间状语是by the time连接的,主句用将来完成时。选A。考点:考查时态点评:时态题的考查关键是抓住句子的上下文含义和句中的时间状语。要根据时间状语来选择合适的时态,在平时的学习中要注意积累有关时态的用法和各种时态的特殊之处。还要注意语态的正确使用。注意时间条件状语从句不能用一般将来时,应该用一般现在时代 替一般将来时。连词 by至L时为止;该词经常与完成时连用。14. I m sorry, but the manager isn t here yet. Shall I have him call you when he comes back?No, I ll call him later. If I call again in half an hour, do you think _he ?A. arrivesB. has arrivedC. will arriveD. will have arrived【答案】D【解析】试题分析:句意:-对不起,经理不在这里,当他回来时我让他给你打电话好吗?-不用了,我到后来再给他打吧,如果我过半个小时再给你打电话,你认为他会回来吗?这里是指过半个小时之后,经理是否已经来到,所以表示将来完成时,表示在将来某个时间之前已经 完成的动作,故用将来完成时,故选D。考点:考查动词时态的用法。点评:本题难度适中。动词时态也是高中阶段的重难点之一,需要考生能够理解句意进而对动词的时态做出正确的判断。这里考生容易误选Do即学即练: Tomin the library every ni ght over the last three mon ths.A. works B. worked C. has bee n work ing D. had bee n work ing解析:Co句意:在过去的三个月里,Tom每天晚上都在图书馆里学习。”题干中出现的over the last three months ,是明显提示用现在完成进行时或现在完成时。故选C。15 I believe that I to the modern life in New York by the end of next month.A will have adaptedB have adaptedC adaptD will adapt【答案】 A【解析】试题分析:根据句末 by the end of next month. 时间状语,这是表将来的时间,故排除BCo如果时间状语是 next month 那么答案就选 D, will have done 是将来完成时,表示将来某个 时间之前已经完成
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