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PEP英语五年级下册微课教案 Numbers Around Us微课”设计稿微课 名称Numbers Around Us教材 册 别PEP 6 (五下)Unit 4Let s wrap it up微课用途该微课为 PEP第四册五下 四单元的Let s wrap it up 板块内容,适合放在本单元第2课时A部分Let s learn 的拓展环节或是B部分Let s learn 的复习环节。该微课旨在解决在平时教学中遇到的一个难点:基数词与序数词,本课由生活中的数字为切入口,以实例告诉孩子如何正确认识基数词与序数词,并通过形象演绎让孩子们体会两者的书写区别与转换方式,最后通过课本中练习告诉孩子两者的使用区别。整个微课简明扼要,重点突出,形象生动。教 学 设 计 教学 目标 1.分享生活中的数字,认识基数字和序数字; 2.能基本学会区别运用。 教学 过程 教学环节及学习材料呈现 教师语言(详细) 1.认识生活中的数字 (图片资料见微课) Hello my dear friends !when you open your eyes, you will see many interesting things.the sun , the sky, the flowers , the birds ,or your pet, of course ,and your families . Now look 1)how many flowers ? 2) how many birds? 3) how many families ? You see, numbers around us . one star , two clouds , three flowers ,four kites, five frogs , six candies , seven apples , eight pencils , nine books and ten Indians . 2. 认识基数字与序数字 (图片资料见微课) A 两者意义理解 B 书写教学 Hey!Do you remember the numbers now, lets say them together: one ,two , three , four ,five, six , seven ,eight , nine , ten .Wow , good! Now look , this is acalendar, if we want to say this date , how do we say ?May 1?or May first? Yes , wed better say May 1stMay 1st. Now look , this is our school.Where is Susans office ? Its on the second floor . So if we want to tell the order , weshould usefirst ,second , third, fourth , fifth , sixth , seventh, eighth, ninth , tenth. One or First ?Are you clear ? Now lets write them in a simple way ? Lets see : first ,second , third ,these three numbers are very special ,and the left seven numbers are easy , so first ,lets try to remember the special ones . 1)first -pick the last two letters st ,and then plus 1 before them -1st ; clear ? The same way for second 2)second- nd - 2nd 3)third - rd -3rd Wow ,good job ! 4)How about fourth -4th 5th, 6th, 7th , 8th , 9th ,10th 5)Here are the numbers we have learned today .Lets read them together : 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th , 8th , 9th ,10th and 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 3. 简单区别运用 A 机械记忆练习 B 简单运用练习 OK,boys and girls ,its our check time ,open your books Page 44, 1)Fill in table ,write down their friends ; 2)Lets Check .(Read the answers one by one) Wow ,well done .Now please fill in blanks ,write the numbers in a right way . Lets Check . 1.tenth 2.2nd 3.second 4.three 5.eight 4.结束语 so ,my dear friends , One and First. They are all numbers , but they are different. Ok, this is our lesson today. See you next day!
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