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英语中名词修饰名词的情况现代英语的特色之一,是力求以简单的结构,表达复杂的思维。以名词作修饰语,简称名词定语”(attributive nouns),便是朝向这目标的手段之一。所谓名词修饰名词,就是以名词直接修饰另一名词,其作用和形容词相似。例如:Scie nee stude nts; the Cli nton Adm ini strati on; dinn er-time; oil in dustry; Christmas party 等。 下列是名词作修饰语时的语法功能:1代替形容词(或形容词短语)或分词(或分词短语),如: cou ntry life宀 rural life Chin aU.S. relati onsSwAmerica n relatio ns a launch pad a laun chi ng pad cube sugar sugar formed in the shape of a cube.2代替名词所有格,如: good rapport between consumer and producer countries pood rapport between con sumers and producers coun tries. a proposal for a ceiling on ASEAN commodity imports a proposal for a ceiling on ASEANs commodity imports.3代替介词短语,如: a tool box t a box for tools. a televisi on programme t a programmetelevisi on. apple seeds t the seeds of an apple.4代替同位语、形容词分句或不定式动词短语,如: his bank man ager son t his sonwho is) a bank man ager. an ASEAN joint conference reportta report to be jointly made by ASEANmembers).上述四种情况是名词修饰名词的常见现象。这情形在报章上出现得更频繁。最后有一点要注意的是,名词作修饰语时,与同词根的形容词或分词作修饰语,有什么语意上的差别呢?不同在于前者强调内容或职能;后者侧重属性和特征。试比较下面三组句子,以观察其不同:a. labour intensity (劳工密集)b. labouring people (劳动的人民)a. a space rocket (宇宙火箭)b. a spacious room (宽敞的房间)a. an art gallery (艺术馆)b. artistic effects (艺术的效果)a. a history department (历史系)b. a historic relic (历史遗迹)a. riot police (防暴警察)b. riotous police (闹事的/暴动的警
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