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贵州大学本科毕业论文(设计) 第 VI 页目 录目 录I摘 要VIAbstractVII前 言1一、井田概况及建设条件21.1 井田概况21.1.3 气象31.1.4 地表水41.1.5 地震41.2 矿井建设的外部条件51.2.1 运输条件51.2.2 电源条件51.2.3 水源条件51.2.4 土地征用51.2.5 建筑材料供应条件61.3 矿井建设的资源条件61.3.1 区域地质61.3.2 矿区地质71.3.3 煤层81.3.4 开采技术条件91.3.5 资源量及勘探程度12二 、井田开拓152.1 井田境界及可采储量152.1.1 井田境界152.1.2 储量152.2 矿井生产能力及服务年限172.2.1 工作制度172.2.2 生产能力的确定182.2.3 服务年限192.3 井田开拓192.3.1 开拓方案的确定192.3.2 开拓方案综述242.3.3 开采顺序272.4 井筒、井底车场及硐室272.4.1 井筒布置及装备272.4.2 井底车场272.4.3 硐室272.5 主要运输方式及设备282.5.1 运输方式282.5.2 运输设备282.5.3 矿车28三、 采煤方法303.1 设计采区概况303.1.1 采区位置303.1.2 采区边界、范围303.1.3 可采煤层303.1.4 煤质313.1.5 采区储量313.1.6 采区生产能力及服务年限343.2 采区巷道布置及生产系统353.2.1 采区布置方案353.2.2 采区巷道布置353.3 采煤方法及工艺设计373.3.1 设计工作面概况373.3.2 采煤方法及工艺选择383.3.3 工作面回采工艺设计383.3.4 工作面生产能力403.3.5 顶板管理413.3.6 回采工艺设备选择413.4 巷道掘进423.4.1 初期巷道工程量423.4.2 掘进工艺及设备42四、 通风与安全444.1 矿井通风444.1.1 通风规定454.1.2 通风系统选择464.1.3 风量计算与分配464.1.4 矿井通风阻力计算524.1.5 矿井通风设施554.2 矿井灾害防治简述564.2.1 瓦斯灾害防治564.2.2 顶板灾害防治584.2.3 水害防治594.2.4 粉尘防治594.2.5 火灾防治61五、 矿井主要设备选择625.1 提升运输设备625.1.1 设计依据625.1.2 选择计算635.1.3 设备选型705.1.3运输大巷胶带输送机选型715.1.4运输上山胶带输送机选型715.1.5轨道上山绞车的选型715.2 通风设备715.2.1 设计依据715.2.2 风机选型计算725.3 排水设备735.3.1 设计依据735.3.2 选型计算735.3.3水泵选择745.4 压气设备755.4.1 设计依据755.4.2 选型计算755.4.3 设备选择76六、供电及通讯776.1 供电电源776.2 电力负荷776.3 供电方案796.4变压器选择796.5 通讯与信号81七、采掘计划837.1 “三量”及可采期837.2 建井工期847.3 开采计划857.4 巷道掘进工程计划85八、经济分析及评价868.1 劳动定员及劳动生产率868.1.1 矿井工作制度868.1.2 劳动定员868.1.3 劳动效率878.2 投资估算878.2.1 井巷工程投资估算878.2.2 土建工程投资估算878.2.3 设备及工器具投资估算888.3 生产成本估算898.3.1 原煤成本计算898.3.2 固定成本与可变成本计算918.4 技术经济评价928.4.1 产品销售价格及收入928.4.2 年销售及附加税计算928.4.3 利润938.4.4 盈亏平衡分析938.5 技术经济指标93结论96参考文献97致 谢98附 录99贵州大学本科毕业论文(设计) 第 1 页摘 要火烧铺井田位于贵州省六盘水市盘县特区西部,西邻云南省的富源县,滇黔公路横穿井田北部,东距盘县六宫钝44公里,距贵阳382公里,西至粘益87公里,昆明266公里。矿井设计开采煤层为21#、22#、23#煤层,三层煤的平均厚度分别为2.3m、1.93m、2.1m;平均倾角为24.5。煤层之间的间距较小,分别为18m、10m。井田走向长45km,倾斜宽11.5km,面积4.5.5km2;井田内的工业储量约为5814.4万t,可采储量为4783万t;矿井的设计年产量为60万t/a,设计服务年限为46a;日工作班数为四班,工作面作业方式采用的是“三班采煤,一班班准备”。设计井田内有火7的断层构造,此断层作为采区边界,留设40米的保护煤柱。矿井按煤与瓦斯突出矿井设计。井田内采用斜井开拓方式、开采水平标高设置为+1650m。根据井田内断层和构造的特点,将井田为六个采区,采区采用联合布置方式。采区内区段间的开采顺序采用下行式;分层间的开采顺序为下行式;煤层间的开采顺序也采用下行式。井下煤炭主要采用皮带运输机和刮板运输机运输,材料和矸石等采用矿用电机车运输。矿井的采煤方法采用的是单一走向长壁后退式采煤法,回采工艺为“综合机械化采煤”。采区的通风方式采用的是抽出式通风,选用矿用隔爆轴流式通风机,采区由主、副斜井进风,回风斜井回风。每个采区设计独立的通风系统。关键词:矿井设计,井田开拓,采煤方式,通风与安全Huo Pu Valley mine design new wells - Design seam: 21、22、23AbstractHuo shao pu mine Liupanshui city in Guizhou Province is located in the SAR Panxian west, west of Fuyuan County, Yunnan Province, Yunnan-Guizhou Coal Mine Road across the north, east blunt Panxian 44 kilometers, 382 kilometers away from Guiyang, 87 kilometers west-yi Nien , Kunming, 266 kilometers. Design for the exploitation of coal mine seams 21,22,23, the average coal thickness of the three were 2.3m,1.93m, 2.1m; average inclination of 24.5. Smaller distance between the coal seam, respectively, 18m, 10m. Mine to long 4 5km, tilt width 1 1.5km, area 4. 5.5km2; Waida industrial reserves of approximately58,144,000 t, recoverable reserves of4180 million t; mine design capacity of 600,000 t / a, length of service for the design of 46a; day for three classes of work, working practices are adopted, the two semi-mining ban, half of the class to prepare. Mine design, there are 7 of the fault structure fire, this fault as the mining area boundary, located about 40 meters left of the coal pillars. Mine by mine coal and gas outburst design. Mine used to open up the way inclined, the exploitation level is set to an elevation of +1650 m. Mine in accordance with the characteristics of faults and tectonic, will be mine for the six mining area, mining area a joint arrangement. Mining the area between the mining section of the order of the use of down-type; stratification between the mining sequence for the downlink type; coal mining sequence between downlink style used. The main use of coal mine belt scraper plane transport and transportation, materials and waste rock mining electric locomotives and other transportation used. Methods of coal mine is a single long wall back to mining law, mining process as fully mechanized mining. Mining area of the ventilation means is out of the use of ventilation, choice of mine explosion-proof axial fan, from the main mining area, the Deputy inclined into the wind, back to the wind inclined to the wind. Design independent of each mining area of the ventilation system. Key words: mine design, mine development, mining me
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