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译林英语四上Unit 2 Lets make a fruit salad 教 学 设 计一、教学目标1. 能灵活运用和会写水果类单词banana, mango, pineapple, grape2. 能正确运用语句Do you like ?/ Yes, I do./ No, I dont.进行交谈并能初步书写这些语句。3. 能初步掌握some和any的用法。4. 能理解cartoon time中的趣味故事并能流利朗读。二、教学重难点重点:1. 能灵活运用和会写水果类单词banana, mango, pineapple, grape2. 能正确运用语句Do you like ?/ Yes, I do./ No, I dont.进行交谈。3. 能初步掌握some和any的用法。4. 能理解cartoon time中的趣味故事并能流利朗读。难点:1. 会写水果类单词banana, mango, pineapple, grape2. 能初步掌握some和any的用法。3. 能正确运用名词单、复数形式进行交谈。4. 能初步书写语句Do you like ?/ Yes, I do./ No, I dont. 三、教学过程Step 1 Lead ina GreetingsT: Hello, boys and girls. S: Hello, teacher.T: Whats my English name? 教师指着ppt第一页上的个人信息。S: Sam.T: Yes. My English name is Sam. The same as our friend in cartoon time.T: Where am I from?S: Yinghua Primary School.T: Ok. Now are you ready for class?S: Yes.T: Class begins.S: Stand up.T: Good morning, boys and girls.S: Good morning, Sam.S: I like I like b Get to know each otherT: Now I want to know something about you.教师对全体学生提问。T: Do you like apples?S: Yes, I do.T: Do you like bananas?S: Yes, I do.教师对单个学生提问。T: Ok, you please. Do you like cats?S1: Yes, I do.T: Do you have a cat?S1: Yes.T: Really? What colour is your cat?S1: T: Do you like dogs?S2: Yes, I do.T: Do you have a dog?S2: Yes, I do.T: Is it lovely?S2: Yes.T: Do you like rulers?S3: Yes, I do.T: Do you have any rulers?S3: Yes, I do,T: How many rulers do you have? One? Or two?S3:T: Do you have any pens?S4: Yes, I do,T: How many pens do you have?S: T: Now, can you ask something about me? Try to guess what I like and what I have.(如果学生反应不积极,教师则说呈现ppt上的提示信息。“Maybe you can ask me about animals, fruit and so on.”)S: Do you have/ like ?T: Yes, I do./ No, I dont./ How about you?/ Do you ?C Warming up课件story time的背景图片T: Now you know what I have. But do you remember what the students have? Please work in groups of four. One is Liu Tao, one is Wang Bing, one is Yang Ling and one is Mike. 学生小组讨论。T: Are you ready to talk about what they have, boys and girls?S: Yes.T: Who can try? Come here please. Here are some fruit cards for you. May be you can say Im I have 教师请四位同学上台,引导他们站成一排,向他们示范汇报的方法,并把单词卡发给他们S: T: Are they right?S: Yes.T: Well done, boys and girls. Thank you,面向全体同学。T: Look at the picture. Can you spell banana? b S: a-n-a-n-a教师把图片贴在黑板上。T: Can you spell grapes?S: G-r-a-p-e-s.教师把葡萄图片贴在黑板上,同法复习pineapple和mangoStep 2 Presentationa; Play a game.T: Now, lets review these words by play a game. Look, if I say banana. Then, you should say a banana. If I say bananas, please say some bananas. OK?S: OK.教师先慢速的说T: appleS: an appleT: orangesS: some oranges.T: Now lets speak quickly.T: mangoesS: some mangoesT: orangeS: an orangeT: Grapes.S: Some grapes.T: pineappleS: A pineapple.b WORD saladT: The students have so many fruit and they can make a S: Fruit salad.T: Yes. And today little bear has a word salad. He wants to make some sentences out of these words and punctuations. Lets see what he has.教师出示单词卡片,学生集体读出相应单词,教师实时把单词卡贴在黑板上。T: Can you make some sentences with them? Talk in pairs.学生小组讨论,然后请一位学生上台组合单词卡片。.(1)如果学生只排出一句。T: Lets read together.学生齐读句子。T: Is he right?S: Yes.T: Thank you. Big hands. How about the other words? Who can try?请一位同学上台继续排卡片。(2)如果有学生说到 Do you have some grapes?教师则面向全体学生提问T: Some grapes or any grapes? S: any grapes.T: Good, but how can we use some?S: I have some grapes.学生拼完以后,教师可把卡片整理整齐,说Lets move some cards. Now, it looks better.T: Well, boys and girls. Look at the sentences. Why do we say Do you have any grapes? but say I have some grapes. What should we pay attention to when we are using some and any? Please Talk in pairs.S: some通常用在肯定句中,any通常用在疑问句和否定句中。教师借助板书,用红笔圈出相关语句中的some和any以及标点符号。T: We usually use any in questions while often use some in affirmative sentences. Now, lets read the sentences.带学生读一读这些语句。T: Look at this sentence. Do you have ? How can we answer this?S: Yes, I do./ No, I dont.教师板书这两个句子。c fun timeT: Lets use these sentences correctly. Lets play a game, Look, the boy has some fruit cards and he needs to collect some animal cards. The girl has some animal cards and she needs to collect some fruit cards. Ok?T: You can play this game in pairs. Please try to use some and any correctly and collect all the four cards as soon as possible. Now, I want to play the game. Who can play with me?S: 教师面向全体学生。T: Look, I have four fruit cards and he has four animal cards.T: Hello. S1: Hello.T: Do you have a Monkey? S: Yes. I do.T: Give it to me.S: T: Its your turn.S: Do you have any grapes?T: Yes, I do. 同时将卡片交给学生。 Do you have any lions?S: Yes, I do. Here you are.T: Oh, you only have one lion. So you can say Yes, I do. I have
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