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初三英语Un it 3 A卷、根据英文释义写出相应的单词或短语。(5分)1 .precious2 .insane, mad3 .argue4 .advice5 .stop doing sth.、翻译下列短语。(16分)1 .互相争吵2 .打搅别人3 .聚焦最喜欢的爱好4 .给提供帮助5 .做调查6 .对付、处理7 .感到有压力8.喜欢写诗三、替换画线部分“ ge的意思。(12分)( )1.He gets a train to work every morning.A . takesB . drivesC. usesD . has( )2 .The man got angry with his son .A . becameB . feltC . seemedD . is()3 .Can you get some water for the little girl?A . takeB. haveC . bringD. send()4. I will get a lovely present from my pen friend tomorrow.A . carryB . takeC. buyD . receive()5. My mother gets a lot of homework to do every day.A . bringsB . hasC . takesD . owns()6 . He worked so hard that he got home very late yesterday .A . becameB . arrivedC . reachedD . took四、判断下列句子的类型。(10分)1 . Blue bedrooms are restful .2 . What exciti ng n ews!3 . I have no time to play football . 4 . Must I fin ish my homework first?5 . Be quick!6 . Don t be late next time!7 . How big the fish is!8 . I won t go to school today because l am ill 9. What can I do for you? 10. Which is your favourite colour?五、 用宾语补足语翻译句子。(10分)1. 学生们认为他是最好的老师。 2. 请保持水干净!3. 我们应该学会如何委婉地拒绝别人。 4. Sim on发现英语有趣。六、连词成句并写出句子结构。(10分)1 . glad, Sim on, is()2 . has, father, books, my()3 . reading, is, Millie()4 . me, a, Sandy, present, bought()5 . made, story, sad, that, them()七、完形填空。(10分)Most adults once studied at schoo1 . had classes and did their homework every day . The same 1 is going on at school now .2 it seems that doing weekend homework is 3 problem forthe moder n stude nts.All the students should agree that weekend homework should be abolished . It is 4 for them to study at school five days a week . They have a lot of interests . With homework to do on Saturdays and Sun days, whe n can they find 5 to help around the house, go and see a football or basketball game or a good film . join in family recreations( 娱乐),or just have 6 at home? Because of there the activities , the homework can t be finished un7 so their weekend homework is usually done in such a hurry that on Mon day teachers are 8 a nd ofte n threate n to fail whole class of stude nts because they know nothing about the 9. If there were no weeke nd homework for the stude nts to do , they would be happy to go to school on Mon day 10 hav ing agood rest and to lear n what the teachers teach .()1.A .thi ngB .schoolC .classD .homework()2 .A .AlsoB .ButC .StillD .Though()3 .A .noB .ano therC .oneD .other()4 .A .not enoughB .enoughC .no goodD .no use()5 .A .frien dsB .timeC .placesD .money()6 .A .a restB .an examC .a less onD .a pic nic()7 . A . Mon day after noonC . Friday ni ghtB . Saturday after noonD . Sun day ni ght()8ApleasedBsorryCunhappyDnot worried()9A1essonsBgamesCinterestsDactivities()10A untilBwhenCbeforeDafter八、阅读理解。 (15分 )Sometimes teens need to have sortie time away from their families They may want to move out of the family for a while Many parents will say no to this demand But expels say it might be a good idea to let your teens live with a friend or relative “ It was the break I needed at the time ” said Richard Lerner He is talking about the time he spent living with his grandmother when he was l5 “It allowed me to be a different person thanI was with my parents ”Lerner said He now heads the Institute for Children , Youth and Families at Michigan State University Experts say teens living away from their families can test new ways of thinking and getting along with people They may see new solutions( 解答 )to problems This is different from running away , the expels stress Runaways are often fleeing serious problemsSome teens who want some time away from family attend a structured summer program Others live for a while with a relative 01 with the family of a friend If there is conflict( 冲突 )at having a teen live elsewhere can benefit other family members It gives everyone space to develop better relationships Josepy Kett teaches history at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville He says living at home until the late teen years has become the norm (准则 )only in recent times “ In the l7th century, children were often sent to live in other people s homes when they were about lo to 11 ”he saidPeter Sheras teaches education at the University of Virginia He said parents should listen when a child wants to move out They should try to find out why the child wants some time away Often, parents can help the child find a safe place to stay during that time In other cases, they can meet the child s needs at home()1 According to this passage ,many pa
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