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Module 2 Unit 1 They() 1. A. lionB. tigerC() 2. A. tallB. fat() 3. A. theyB. it() 4. A. isB. are() 5. A. monkeysB. tigersC、写出下列所缺的字母。、选出与其它三个不同类的单词。 re monkeys.zooC. monkeyC. hisC. thatlion1. mey2. elnt3. t _ ge_4. pda5. li三、单项选择) 1. What are ?A. theyB. that) 2.They are.A. monkeysB. monkey) 3. Herea father monkey.A.isB. are) 4.this?A. What sB. What() 5. -What s this?-_ a dog.A. It sB. This is四、翻译下列句子。1. What is this? 2. It is a tiger. 3. What are they? 4. 他们是大象。 5. They are all in the zoo. 五、选词填空。They; What re; fat; They re; Here1. -they?-tigers.2. are elephants.3. The panda is .4. is a monkey.1.C2.C3.C4.C5.C1. onk2. epha3.i r4.an5.on1.A2.A3.A4.A5. A四、 1.这是什么?2 .它是一只老虎。3 .他们是什么?4 . They are elephants.5 . 它们都在动物园里。五、 1.What re; They re2. They3. fat;4. Here5. 6.
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