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我们在提炼主题时,应考虑到以下几个方面:1. 在确定故事主题前,有必要仔细阅读篇章。注意人物、行动以及整个故事中展开的事件。2. 主题是贯穿整篇文章的重复想法或主题。寻找在整篇文章中出现的想法或概念的模式或重复。3. 文章中的人物通常可以提供主题的线索。思考他们的立场、挣扎和价值观。他们在整个故事中学到了什么?4. 故事的背景也可以提供主题的线索。考虑位置、时间段和社会背景如何有助于整体信息的传达。5. 故事的中心冲突通常围绕主题展开。人物面临的主要问题是什么?有什么风险?6. 作者在关于社会、人性或整个世界方面想要表达什么?作者通过故事试图传达什么信息?我们在写作时要准确理解文章内容并进行适当的拓展,避免引入新的内容,保持与全文主题的连贯性。建议考生注意以下几点:1. 简洁明了:结尾部分应避免冗长的叙述,用简短的语言表达深刻的观点。2. 突出主题:结尾句应紧扣文章主题,对主题进行深入的阐述和升华。3. 留下启示:通过结尾句,引导读者思考,激发读者的思考和感悟。4. 语言优美:运用修辞手法,如比喻、排比等,使结尾句更具文学性,增加感染力。常见主题及结尾句:1.智慧、责任、成长与进步In the journey of life, growth and progress are our constant companions. Lets embrace challenges and make every step count.Through his adventures the young boy found a sense of belonging and discovered where he truly fit in.Through his experiences and the lessons he learned, the wise old owl became a trusted advisor and mentor to the younger animals in the forest.Through his sense of humor and playful spirit, the young boy brought joy and laughter to those around him,even in the darkest of times.Through her journey of self-discovery, the young girl learned to embrace her unique identity and celebrate.Through his adventures, the young hero learned that with great power comes great responsibility, and that he had a duty to use his abilities for good.2.友谊与信任True friendship is built on trust and understanding. With these foundations, our friendships will stand the test of time.Even though they were different in many ways, the two friends stuck together and helped each other through thick and thin.3.勇敢与坚持Courage and perseverance are the keys to unlocking our potential. Only by standing firm can we reach our goals.Despite her fear, the young girl summoned all her courage and stood up to the bullies, showing them that she would not be intimidated.As they set out on their journey, the children had no idea what lay ahead, but they knew it would be a grand adventure.Despite facing many obstacles, the young hero never gave up on his quest to save his kingdom and his people.4.环保与责任Protecting the environment is a shared responsibility. Lets take action and be the guardians of our planet.5.希望、梦想与追求Even when things seemed impossible, the young girl never lost hope and always believed that things would get better.Dreams and aspirations are the driving force of our lives. Lets pursue them with passion and determination.As she drifted off to sleep, the young girl dreamed of all the amazing things she could accomplish in her life.Through her journey to achieve perfection, the young girl learned that true happiness comes from embracing imperfection and finding joy in the journey.Through her adventures, the young girl learned to trust her instincts and make decisions for herself, becoming more independent and self-reliant.Despite facing many challenges and setbacks, the young hero never gave up and remained resilient in the face of adversity.6.科技与创新Technology and innovation are transforming our world. Lets embrace these changes and create a brighter future.Technological advancement has revolutionized the way we live and work, lets use innovation for the greater good and strive for a better tomorrow.With the power of technology, we can overcome challenges and create a more connected world, where progress is driven by creativity and collaboration.Through her love of art and music, the young girl discovered her creative talents and learned to express herself in new and exciting ways.7.文化多样性Cultural diversity enriches our world. Lets celebrate and respect the unique qualities of each culture.Through her travels and adventures, the young girl learned to appreciate the differences in people from all over the world, and embraced the idea of inclusivity and acceptance.8.教育与成长Education is the cornerstone of personal growth. Lets continue learn and expand our horizons.Through hard work and determination, the young boy learned that anything was possible, and that the reward for his efforts was well worth it.Education is the key to unlocking our potential and shaping a brighter future, lets invest in knowledge and skills to pave the way for success.As we educate the younger generation, we are also preparing them to be the leaders of tomorrow, guiding them towards a future full of promise and possibilities.9.健康与生活方式Health is our most valuable asset. Lets adopt a healthy lifestyle and cherish our well-being.10.人与自然Humans and nature are interdependent. Lets live in harmony with the natural world and be its protectors.Respecting and protecting nature is not just a responsibility, but a way to ensure a sustainable future for all living beings.Lets cherish the beauty of nature and strive to live in harmony with the environment, for it is our home and our heritage.As she walked through the forest, the young girl marveled at the beauty of the trees and flowers, and realized how important it was to protect
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