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初中八年级英语上册(Module 1-6) 句子练习许多学生询问关于提高英语的建议。Many students _ _ _about _their English.你在课堂上应该一直说英语。但尽量不要去逐字翻译。You should _ _ English. But try not _ _every word.萨利曾邀请我有一天去英国和他们住一阵子。Sally _ _me_ _with her in England one day.你曾经参加过比赛吗? _you ever _a _?通过看英语电影学英语是个很棒的方法。It is a great way _ _ English by _ English films.每天检查你的词汇本是一个好主意。It is a good idea _ _your vocabulary notebook every day.很难想象宇宙有多大?It is hard _ _how large the universe is.迄今为止,我们还没有在太空中发现生命。So far, we havent _ _ _space yet.从北京首都机场起飞,然后在伦敦着陆。_ _from Beijing Capital Airport and _in London.你曾经有过奇妙的经历吗?Have you ever _ a _ _?我喜欢纽约因为那里有许多可以看的(风景)和做的(事情)。I like New York because there is _ _ _ see and do there.刘德华在全国都开过音乐会而且票总是销售一空。Liu Dehua has _ _all over China and the _ have always_out.飞船用了好几个月才到达那里。It has _the spacecraft several months to _ _.太阳和它的行星被叫做太阳系。The Sun and its planets _ _the _ _.他们正在为希望工程筹集资金。They are _ _ for Project Hope.事实上,自1989年以来希望工程已在全国建了许多学校。_ _,since 1989 Project Hope _ _schools _ _China.他的父母想让他退学。His parents want him _ _ _ _school. 在希望工程的帮助下,他们现在可以上学了。Now they can go to school _ _ _ _ Project Hope.多数人听说过希望工程并且捐过钱。Most people have _ _ Project Hope and have _ _.儿子甚至比老子更成功更受欢迎。The son was _ _ _and _than his father.维也纳是欧洲古典音乐的中心。Vienna is _ _ _European _ _他的华尔兹是他举世闻名。His waltzes _ _ _对他来说幸运的是,吉他只有六根弦。_ _ him, a guitar has only six _!录音室的经理决定为他录制唱片。The manager of the _ _decided to _ _ _him.人们认为他是20世纪流行文化最重要的人物之一。People think he is _ _ _ most_ _of the 20th_popular culture.她看了她姐姐的书一两次/ 她看了几眼姐姐的书_ _ _she looked _ his sisters book.我常常梦想能在天空中飞翔。I often _ _ flyingin the sky.没有插图、没有对话的书有什么用?”_ is a book_without pictures _ conversations?The rabbit took a watch _ _its pocket.Alice _ _ a rabbit hole and went_ _their strange world.你和你的新老师相处得怎样?How are you _ _ _your new teacher?让我们深呼吸。 Lets _ a deep _.比尔的梦想实现了,他当了一名宇航员。Bills dream _ _ and he became an _.你来中国多少次了?_ _ _have you _ to China?他经常帮助我学英语。He often _ _ _ my English.他向我要了20元钱。 He asked_ _20 yuan.
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