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Unit 4 Free Time Part 8 A story教学目标: Look at the pictures, listen ,read the story to understand the story and read the story fluently. Love our animals , love our nature.教学过程:Step 1:Warming-up1.Greetings(谈话导入,创设情境)Step 2 :Presentation1. Learn: bow , arrowT: Have you got a toy?Look! I have got two new toys”.(出示弓和箭)Ss:Learn “bow , arrow” Read them one by one2.设计小游戏 Do you know how to play them?(做射击动作)Can you shoot ? (学生在玩中使用新单词)3. Learn this story together.T: Look,I have a good friend, he is Tom.(出示Tom玩弓箭的图片) What has he got?Ss: Bow and arrow.T: Where will he go? What will he do ?4.Listen to the story, tick the new words.Then answer the below questions.1).Where do they go ?2).Who is the winner ?3).Does Mike shoot the duck ?(学生带着问题听录音,同时勾出新词,培养自学水平。)5.Discuss in groups, and find the answers of the questions.6.Read after the tape again in roles7.Act the story.Step 3 :PracticeRetell the story.Tom has got a new _and _, his friend and he go to the _, and they play a _ game, Mike is the _.Tom lets Mike shoot the _, but Mike says:“ No ,_”, at last最后, the duck flies away飞走.
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