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PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL受评者/Employee评估者/Appraiser年龄/Age部门/Dept.职位/Position日期/DateA 行为准则 2010年个人目标完成情况/Achievement of main individual objectives in 2010主要职责/Key Responsibilities(1) 未达到岗位要求/Unsatisfactory y(2) 需要改进/ Improvement needed(3) 达标/ Meets Expectations(4) 超过标准/ Exceeds Expectation(5)优秀/ Outstanding评述/CommentsB 行为标准 / Performance Criteria标准/Criteria请选择与该岗位相关的标准进行评分,至少选5条。对岗位不适用的标准用“N/A” 来表示.Please select criteria that are relevant for the position and select a minimum of five criteria. Use “N/A” for those that do not apply to the position.岗位标准Critical for the Job(1) 未达到岗位要求/Unsatisfactory(2) 需要改进/ Improvement needed(3) 达标/ Meets Expecta(4) 超过标准/ Exceeds Expectation(5)优秀/ Outstanding评述/Comments (所有评分均需要/Required for all ratings)企业家精神/Entrepreneurship- 行动有目标性- Targeted action -组织性,工作的优先合理安排- Organization, priority management- 独立性- Independence- 承诺及责任感- Commitment- 适应性- Adaptability- 以客户 (内部外部)为中心- Foucs on customers- 以工作质量为中心- Focus on quality学习及组织能力/Learning Organization- 创新力- Innovation- 主动性- Initiative- 持续改进- Continuous improvement- 解决问题的能力-Problem Solving尊重同事及环境/Respect for People and Environment- 团队合作及参与精神- Teamwork & Team Player- 建立良好工作关系- Building Relationships- 沟通能力- Communication- 健康,安全和环境- Health, Safety and Environment- 员工的管理和发展- Management and Development of People注重成效的领导力Leadership by Results- 领导力- Leadership- 战略思维- Strategic Thinking-以收益为导向- ProfitabilityC 总结/ Performance Overall Summary强项/Strengths需改进项/Areas for DevelopmentD 2010个人发展回顾 /Professional Development Review for 2010目标或行动/Objective /Activity评述/CommentsE 2011个人发展计划 /Professional Development for 2011目标或行动/Objective /Activity完成日期/Due Date集团内部轮调区域选择/Geographical mobility:无/None 中国/China 亚洲/Asia全球/International评注(请列出时间安排, 区域选择及相关的细节等)/Comments(time frames, constraints, geographical regions ruled out, specific wishes)F 面谈纪要,总体评分/ Comments, Overall Rating面谈纪要(根据需要)/Comments (optional)总体评分Overall Rating未达到岗位要求/Unsatisfactory(1)需要改进/Improvement Needed(2)达标/Meets Expectations(3) 超过标准/Exceeds Expectations(4) 优秀/Outstanding(5)受评者Employee签字/日期Signature & Date评估者Appraiser 签字/日期Signature & Date评估者上级主管Appraiser Supervisor签字/日期Signature & Date人力资源Human Resources签字/日期Signature & Date绩效评估使用指南PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL GUIDE公司政策规定每位员工都有机会每年至少一次与主管讨论其每年的业绩。此绩效评估表体现了此政策。It is our policy to provide every employee the opportunity to discuss performance with his/her supervisor at least once a year. The annual appraisal ensures that opportunity. 此年度评估是员工和管理人员的直接对话,是双方有效沟通的一部分。The annual appraisal is a dialogue between employees and management. It is part of the ongoing communication process between the two parties. 基本评估原则Basic appraisal principles 此评估必须建立在双方相互尊重和聆听基础上,以达成一致。 The appraisal must be conducted in a spirit of mutual respect and listening, with a view to reaching a consensus. 此评估的目标是根据事实评定一段时期内员工的表现,而不是根据对员工的印象,看法或个性而做出评定。 The objective is to assess the employees performance over a given period, based on facts, not on impressions or opinions of the employees personality. 业绩评估是根据岗位的需求而去评估的,请避免对与绩效评估无关的不同工作或不同业绩进行比较。 Performance is evaluated with respect to the jobs requirements. Avoid making comparisons with jobs or performance levels that are not relevant to the appraisal. 评估的目的并非局限于对目前业绩的评估,而且要采用有远见的方法去改进,帮助开发员工的潜力,以及保证业务的增长。 The purpose of the appraisal is not limited to assessing current performance, but also to taking a forward-looking approach designed to improve performance, help develop the employees potential, and ensure the growth of the business.评估结果的用途How is the information used 员工,员工上级主管以及人力资源部门都会收到一份评估报告。这份报告是用来记录员工的业绩表现,决定工资(根据总体评价),计算奖金(作为参考), 制订培训计划,以及评估员工的其它需求。 The employee, the employees managers and the Human Resources Department receive a copy of the appraisal report. The information is used to document performance, determine salaries (based on the overall appraisal), calculate bonuses (where appropriate), outline training programs, and evaluate other staffing needs.如何使用此表格How to use the form此文档有两部分:This document contains two sections. 第一部分是评估员工过去一年的业绩表现以及来年的工作计划。 Use the first to review an employees job performance over the last year (Review) and
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