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九年级“定语从句语法专题复习”作业设计【复习教学内容】:1能正确识记九年级Unit6和Unit7中的重点单词、词组。2能熟练运用以下句型进行交际:-What kind of music do you like? -I like / prefer music that I can sing along with / -I like musicians who write their own songs / . -Where would you like to go? -I love places where the people are really friendly / . 3能正确理解和使用由关系代词that, which, who(whom, whose)和关系副词where, when引导的定语从句。4能学会构建写作框架,准确合理地运用定语从句就我的性格爱好这一话题写作: I prefer music that I cant stand movies whichI want to make friends with people who【课前准备】(一)忆一忆复习九年级Unit6和Unit7两个单元,你还记得里面的重要词组吗?请仔细回忆,查阅书本,翻译下面的几个词组。(由小组长批改,明天课堂上老师也会提问你们。) 演奏不同的音乐_ 唱得清楚_ 提醒某人_ 一个世界级摄影师_ 大量精力_ 老实说_ 提供某人某物_ 考虑做某事_ 两个教堂_【设计意图】:用回忆的方法让学生复习已学单词词组,并用简单的题目加以检测,增强学生的自信心,培养学生学习英语的兴趣,激发学生的学习主动性。(二)说一说你还记得下面这些句型吗?在课文中把它们划出来。你能用这些句型来说说你自己吗?(课堂上需要你勇敢地展示自己哦!)I like/prefer music that I like/prefer musicians whoI love places where I like/prefer music which这些句子叫定语从句,想一想,定语从句的引导词有哪些:_【设计意图】:用书本上学生熟悉的句子引出语法,既复习课本句型,又为下一步句型语法解析做铺垫,由浅入深,由易到难。(三)辨一辨 现在请仔细辨别下面几个句子,相信你一定能看懂并完成后面的练习! (不懂可以向小组成员寻求帮助哦,不过老师相信你一定会尽力的!)A. 由关系代词that,which,who引导的定语从句观察1:(1)A plane is a machine that can fly. (2)The noodles (that) I cooked were delicious.(3)Who is the man that is reading the book over there?梳理:在这3个句子中,that在从句中作主语或宾语,句1和2句指_(人或物),句3指_(人或物)。 运用:I love music _.(我能跟着唱歌的)观察2:They planted trees which didnt need much water.梳理:which在从句中作主语或宾语,指_,此时用法和that相同。运用:He cant stand food _ tastes sweet.观察3:(1)The boy who broke the window is called Tom. (2)The person (whom) you just talked to is Mr Li.梳理:who在从句中作主语或宾语, whom 在从句中作宾语,两者都指_,所有格形式_, 在定语从句中作定语。运用: The girl _ is reading under the tree _my sister.A. which;is B. whom;was C. who;is D. who; wasB. 由关系副词when,where引导的定语从句观察4:October1, 1994 was the day when the Peoples Republic of China was founded.梳理:when 表示_,其先行词是表示时间的名词(如time, day, hour, year等)。运用:I still remember the days _ I lived in that village.观察5:This is the place where my mother was born.梳理:where表示_,其先行词是表示地点的名词(如place, room, house等)。运用: He helped his father on the farm _they lived. A. which B. that C. when D. where【设计意图】:适度点拨为学生自学提供支持,这是教师无声的帮助。作业不仅是学生任务的完成,更可转化为学生的笔记,笔记型作业为学困生搭建脚手架,给学生全程助学。【课中随堂】(一)比一比1下列的练习,你能做对几个呢?我们来赛一赛,看谁听课最认真!(1) The boy_ is playing ping -pong is my classmate.(2) The e-mail_ I received yesterday was from my sister.(3) The car _ my father bought last month is very beautiful.(4) I like to go to the places _ the weather is always warm. (5) A lot of great changes have taken place in the city_ we live in.2你能把下面两个句子合并为一个句子吗?比比谁做得既对又快!(1) Can you lend me the book? You talked about it last night. _(2) I love singers. They can write their own music. _(3) Mrs. Clark is angry with the goat. The goat is eating her flowers. _(4) I cant stand the people. They talk too much but do little._ (5) The woman got the job. We saw her on the street._ 用时_分 _秒,我答对了_题自我测评效果我真棒!(全对)还不错哦!(对9-10个)我还可以更好!(对6-8个) 我要加油!(对6个以下)【设计意图】:把枯燥的语法练习放在学生喜欢的游戏比赛中,一下子就吸引了学生的注意力,在紧张有趣的氛围中巩固了所学知识,也为下一步语言运用作准备。(二)听一听Jake是个美国学生,想了解他吗?听下面一段话,竖起耳朵仔细听哦!有任务等着你呢!He lives in a village which is _km from New York. _ 1_He prefers food that _. _ 2_He prefers the musicians who can _. _ 3_He cant stand the movies which are _. _ 4_Hed like to go to the places where he can_. _ 5_( )1. A. 10 B. 15 C. 20( )2. A. taste sweet B. is healthy C. taste delicious ( )3. A. dance B. play the instruments C. Write their own music( )4. A. scary B. funny C. exciting ( )5. A. go swimming B. go shopping C. go hiking【设计意图】:课外听力的补充是对今天所学知识点的强化和拓展,也为下一步语言运用说和写作铺垫。(二)说一说现在,你对Jake已有了大致的了解。根据上面的表格,说说他的情况吧!温馨提示:开头和结尾要有总起性或总结性句子,中间别忘了用上连接词哦! (课堂上要勇敢地SHOW出自己哦!看谁的表述既准确又优美!)(三)写一写现在,你对Jake已非常了解,Jake也迫切想了解你,和你交朋友哦!给他写一封信吧,介绍下你自己!可以从以下几个方面着手:性格,兴趣爱好,假期计划等。温馨提示:用课堂上所学知识点,注意文章结构,并用一些好句和串联词哦! Dear Jake,_ 【设计意图】:从口头到书面,提升难度,一方面是提高学生的写作能力,另一方面也是对本课重点句型的一个梳理和总结。【课后巩固】(一)口头作业:1
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