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Book3 Unit 1 词汇讲解1.harm n.&vt.伤害,损害Tharmful adj.伤害的Tharmless adj.无害的(l)n.伤害,损害。常见搭配do sb./sth.harm 对某人/某物有害do harm to.对 有害There is no harm in doing Sth=It is no harm to do sth 做某事是个好主息/没有坏处Excessive drinking will do you a lot of harm.The typhoon did great harm to the rice crop.伤害;损害。常见搭配:harm ones reputation/imageWhat he did did harm to his image.归纳拓展:饮酒过度非常不利于健康。那次台风对稻谷的收成造成很大的损害。损害某人的声誉/形象他的所作所为的确损害了他的形象。(1).harmful adj.有害的be harmful to对 有害(反义短语:be good for对.有好处)Your smoking can be harmful to the health of your children.你吸烟对你的孩子们的健康有害。(2).harmless adj.无害的be harmless to 对.无害(3).harmlessly ade.无害地;无恶意地巩固练习:L 单句语法填空(1).Staring at the screen of the computer for a long time will do harm your eyes.(2).Scientists do not know how much and what kinds of noises are(harm)to oceananimals.(3).The treatment did him mor e than good,though the doctor insisted it was.(harm)2.一句多译:在强光下读书会对你的眼睛造成伤害。(1).R eading in the strong light wi l l your eyes.(2).R eading in the strong light will your eyes.Key:1.(1).to(2).harmful(3).harm;harmless2.(1).do harm to/be harmful to(2).do;harm2.ecosystem n.生态系统eco-生态的;环境的ecology n.生态;生态学eco-friendly对环境无害的;环保的ecologist 生态学家ecotourism 生态旅游业maintain the balance of the Earths ecosystem 维持地球生态系统的平衡3.overseas ad j.海外的,国 外 的 a d v.在海外,向国外overseas students/markets 海外留学生/市场live overseas/go overseas 在国外生活/出国H e has returned to South Africa from his long overseastrip.他结束了漫长的海外旅行回到南非。If youre staying for more than three months or working overseas,a full 10-year passport isrequired.在国外工作或居留3 个月以上,需要持10年期的护照。Much of the investment was overseas.大部分均为海外投资 4.region地区,区域;行政区regionalone overseasad j.地区的;区域的;地方的region of France 法国的一个海外区域in the region of(表示不确切的数字等)大约,H e earns somewhere in the region of 50 000.We divide into pairs and each pair takes a region5.continent n.大陆,陆地,洲差不多同义词:approximately他大约赚5 万欧元。我们分成两人一组,每一组负责一个区域。continental adj.大陆的,洲的the South American continentcontinental drift6.million 一百万;南美大陆大陆漂移许多,搭配:millions of6 m川 ionone in a million大量数百万六百万万里挑一的人/物;不同寻常的人/物It is reported that several million people are starving in the world because of the shortage of food.据报道,世界上有几百万人因为食物短缺而正在挨饿。Millions of people in the world are sending information by e-mail every day.每天,世界上有数百万人通过电子邮件发送信息。学法点拨:.当hundred,thousand,million,billion以及dozen,score等以复数形式存在时,表示泛指的数量,其后要加。3但前面不能用表示具体数量的词修饰。(2).当 hundred,thousand,million,billion以及dozen,score等以单数形式存在时,其前常用表示具体数量的词或SeV eraL some,many,a few等修饰。巩固练习:,The local government brought in(五百万)dollars last year to develop theeconomy.The Great Wall is such a well-known tourist attraction that(数百万人)pour inevery year.(3).The(三百)workers on strike were surprised to see that(数千)people were on the b street to support them.I bought(好几十个)eggs today.Key:.five million .millions of people(3).three hundred,thousands of(4).a few dozen7.length n.长,长度;时间的长短;篇幅,(电影)片长搭配 at lengthin lengthgo to great lengths(to do sth.)for a length of time详尽地;=in detail;充分地;最后;终于在长度上尽一切可能/不遗余力(做某事)相当长的一段时间two meters in length/width/height/depth=two meters long/wide/high/deep 两米长/宽/高/深Each class is 45 minutes in length.每一节课为 45 分钟。We have already discussed this matter at length.我们已经详细地讨论 了这个问题。They go to great lengths to shelter the homeless.他们竭尽全力为无家可归者提供住所。long adj.长的lengthen v.(使)变长联想:long-*length-*lengthenstrongstrength-*strengthenhigh height-*heightenwide-width-*widendeep-depth-*deepen巩固练习:1.单句语法填空:.The fish can grow to length of four feet.The(long)of your talk must be at least 10 minutes.Can you help me(l e n g t h)this skirt?2.完成句子:The broad river is 300 mi l es(在长度上).H e told us how he had worked out the budget(最后).We will(尽一切可能)to help you out of trouble.Key:.a .length(3).lengthen(4).in length.at length.go to great lengths8.biodiversity n.生物多样性biology n.生 物 学 f bio-生物的;人生的biotechnology n.生物科技biochemistry n.生物化学diversify使多样化vt.-*d ive rse 多种多样的adj.-diversity n.多样化;差异性9.species n.(pl.species)种;物种the diversity of species 物种的多样性a species of flowers 一种花many species of flowers many species of flowers10.Varietyn.不同种类;变化,多样化;变种,变体。常见搭配:a variety of 各种各样的varieties of 各种各样的This tool can be used in a variety of ways.这个工具有多种用途。A variety of hooks are used,each for a different kind of fish.各种各样的鱼钩被使用,每种对应不同种类的鱼。特别提醒:(1).a variety of 中的 V ariety 可用 great,large,huge,wide 等词修饰。a variety of=varieties ofzJ可跟可数名词复数或不可数名词。(2).a variety of+复数名词做主语时,谓语动词常用复数形式;the variety of+复数名词做主语时,谓语动词要用单数形式。.avarietyofvarietiesof后可接可数名词复数或不可数名词。后接可数名词复数作主语时,谓语动词多用复数形式,偶尔也可用单数形式;the variety o f后接复数名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。归纳拓展:(1).vary vi.变化;改变V arywith随着.而变化vary in 在.方面变化/不同V aryfrom.to.从.到.变化vary between-*and.在.和.之间变化(2).various adj.各种各样的;各种不同的(3).variously adv.各种各样地单句语法填空(1).R ooms vary size and some are equipped with televisions and telephones.(2).The radio station had an open line on which listeners could call up to d i s c u s s(v a r y)issues.(3).The island offers such a wi d e(v a r y)of scenery and wildlife.(4).Every solid object will reflect a s o u n d,(v a r y)according to the size and nature ofthe object.Key:(1).in(2).various(3).varie
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