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Unit 2The Gra nd Canyonwas no t just big. & Un it 3第2课时分层训练根据句意及首字母提示写出正确的单词1. The weather is fine and the sun is sbrightly.2. Kate sits bMary and they are deskmates.3. Do you know the s ?Yes, it means“ No Parking ”.4. The rain stopped and the clouds cslowly.5. The classroom is very sand the students are having an exam.n .用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空grey ; n early ; rema in ; reply ; sky1. Look! Some nice birds are flying in the2. Itsnow. Its going to rain soon.3. I wrote to him several times, but he never4. What do you thi nk of the village?Great! I really want toIon ger.5. The room isempty. We cant see any furniture.-gJStfl固提町i.单项选择()1.the bottom of the canyon, there are some beautiful flowers.A. OnB. AtC. ToD. From()2.The CCTV Tower is about 405 metres _A. wide二二八;B. heightOkay, lets go!SI积A. blueB. clearC. greyD. bright()4. Is it going to be colder tomorrow?Yes. The radio says it will be fivezero.A. belowB. withC. underD. up()5. Who was the first one tothe top of the mountain?It was me. When I , I found I was there alone.A. reach; arrivedB. get; reachedC. arrive; reachedD. get; arrived()6.Istood at the top of the mountain and. It was so beautiful below.A looked throughB looked acrossC looked downD looked up( )7. Have you seen the film Coming Homedirected by Zhang Yimou? Not yet. Im seeing it. Its said that the film is great!A looking down onB looking out forC looking up toD looking forward to( )8. Oh, my god! Ive left mykeys in the room. Ill have to get in the window. Its dangerous. Youd better wait for your mum to come back.A pastB overC acrossD through()9. 2017 随州一Did you watch the football match on TV last night?I wanted to, but my father his favourite TV programme.A watchedB watchesC was watchingD had watched()10.2017 黔南州 I dont know when he .If he here,Ill call you at once.A will come; arrivesB will come; will arriveC comes; arrivesD comes; will arriven .补全对话,方框中有两项多余(L Lucy; M Mike)L: Hi, Mike! Where did you travel last summer vacation?M: I went to India with my parents.泰姬陵).L: 1.M: Yes. And there are many ancient buildi ngs there, like Taj Mahal(L: 2.M: Youre right. The white buildi ng attracts us a lot.L: 3.M: We also took many photos of lotus flowers(莲花).L: Really? 4.Could you show the photos to me?M: No problem! By the way, where did you go?L: I went to China.M: There is a won der called the Great Wall in China._ If you have a char_ 一 一 二尹三二 _r. :Xwill be shocked by the won derful wall.bE3线“A. The lotus flower is the national flower of India.L: Yes. 5.-IB. Its the pride of Chinese peopsomene day, I believe youple.曲懐需:全春胪杭秀埶畦广:;叱療#C. We dont know how people made the building years ago.D. Its a wonderful country with a long history.E. ni write a report about the ancient buildings in the world.F. What else did you do in India?G. Its one of the greatest wonders of the world.川.完形填空Welcome to Grand Canyon Nati onal Park! The Grand Canyon is famous as a won der of the natural world, and it _1_ is. Here are some tips for enjoying the Grand Canyon.悬崖)for a better _2_ on the paths. Dont sta nd on the edge of the cliff(_3_. We saw people doing this! Dont run around in dan gerous areas. Bring eno ugh _4_. The Grand Canyon has a very dry climate, especially in summer. You will drink _5_ thn you can possibly imagi ne. Wear the right shoes. _6_ youre going to walk any distanee on the Rim Trail, youd better wear closed -toe( 不露趾的)shoes. Weather. During July and August, storms can _7_.The South Rim is ope n all year round, and in win ter and early spri ng, bring more clothes to stay _8_ Dont feed the animals. Some animals here are really lovely and they are not)8.A. awakeB.warmC. happyD.safe)9.A. afraid ofB. interested inC. angry withD.proud of)10.A. You B . ItC.WeD. They_9_humans(人类),but dont feed them.Somea nimalscan bite if you getHuman food is bad for many of the animals.一10_ may die! So let the ani mals feedthemselves.()1.A. hardly B. alreadyC.really Dalmost()2.A. Jump B . StayC.WorkD.Dance()3.A. life B. reasonC.lookD.trip()4.A. water B. foodC.clothesD. money()5.A. more carefullyB.moreC. more slowlyD.better()6.A. AlthoughB.SoC. BecauseD.If()7.A. come upB.take offC. go awayD.look outtoo close.IV 阅读理解The Great Salt Lake is the biggest lake between the Great Lakes and the Pacific Ocea n, and is one of the biggest salt lakes in the world.The Great Salt Lake is salty because it does not have any outlet(出口 ). Manysmall rivers are bringing in water with a little salt. In
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