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2014届本科英语双学位毕业论文浅析英语交际中的性别差异姓 名: 郭 利 娟 系 别: 美术学院 专 业: 雕 塑 学 号: 101211014 指导教师: 孟 献 策 2014年4月Gender Differences in English CommunicationbyGuo LijuanShangqiu Normal UniversityApr 2014摘 要自古以来,男女性别差异无论是在身份语言还是工作地位以及其他一些方面,国内外都是有所体现的,并受到一些先进人士的关注。本文从社会语言学的角度出发,在变异理论基础上从性别差异方面点出了男女在日常交际中的不同方式,分析了男性与女性在语言方面的差异,并对原因及其在日常文化交际方面所起到的影响作了简单的分析。本文旨在描写男女在交际中的不同,着重从词汇句型以及内容等方面所存在的差异进行表述,并在后面对其原因进行了分析和总结。另外,作者在文末指出人们在生活中应该关注男女语言的差异,以便取得成功的交流,更好的提高人们的实际交流能力。关键词:语言;性别差异;跨文化交际AbstractGender differences is with us from ancient times to now, home and abroad, no matter on identity, language, status, jobs, or others. With the rising of feminist movement in western society in the 1960s, the relationship between language and gender gradually caused peoples attention. The study of gender differences has been a favorite subject of sociolinguistics. Gender differences is also embodied in language, language and gender has become an important branch in sociolinguistics. The aim of this paper is to describe the gender-related differences in daily English communication, such as the differences in vocabulary, syntax, content and analyze their reasons. From this paper people know more about the differences between male and female speech and this paper hopes to help people have an overall understanding of gender differences.Key words: language; gender differences; cross-cultural communicationContents摘 要IAbstractIIContentsIII1 Introduction11.1Communication and Gender Cultures11.2Motivations22Gender-related Differences in English Communication22.1Vocabulary Difference22.1.1Adjectives and Adverbs22.1.2Color Words32.1.3Hedges and Fillers42.1.4Colloquialism and Professional Words42.2Syntactic Structure52.2.1Declarative and Imperative Sentence52.2.2Tag Questions62.3Difference in Content62.3.1Difference in Topic62.3.2The Number of Talk72.3.3Turn-talking Regulations82.3.4Difference in Speech Strategies83Influence on Cross-cultural Communication104Conclusion11References121 IntroductionGender differences in English communication is gender differences between male and female using the same language when the characteristics shown by the differences. Gender differences is a new topic in the intersection of sociolinguistics and psycholinguistics, especially in the study of sociolinguistics, the relationship between language and gender which has long been of the study and research of traditional linguists.Since the early 20th century, many linguists have focused on gender differences in pronunciation, intonation, words choice and so on. Until in the late 1960s and early 1970s, when in the United States feminist movement aroused, the subfield of linguistics known as Language and Gender studies is the best thought of as a quite important part. Nowadays linguists focus on the language use to study the gender related differences.Robin Lakoff is one of the most known scholars under the wave of Western feminist movement to deal with the issue of language and gender. She thinks language reflects society and cultural differences, and womens language depends entirely on her own intuitions and casual observations, while mens language is assertive, adult-like, and direct. (Lakoff. 1975) Lakoff may well be regarded as one of the forerunners of recent research into the field of language and gender in western societies.1.1 Communication and Gender CulturesA communication culture is a group of people with the exiting set of norms regarding how they communicate with each other. These cultures can be categorized as masculine or feminine, each differing in how they get along with others through different styles of communication. (Tannen, Deborah. 1990) Masculine and feminine cultures differ dramatically in when, how and why they use communication.In the study of sociolinguistics, gender indicates the distinctions between male and female from social perspectives, so the relationship between language and gender is bi-directional, too. People always grow up in a specific gender group, during their daily life, boys and girls are subconsciously influenced by the speech and the custom of their group, so a special gender group can develop a special language. In addition, men are related with masculinity, women are regarded as feminine. It is natural that men and women speak differently with each other. Deborah Tannens studies found these gender differences in communication styles “where men more generally refer to masculine people and women correspondingly refers to feminine people.” (Tannen, Deborah. 1990, 13 )1.2 MotivationsThis thesis is particularly interested in the gender-related differences between male and female speeches. In the study of socioling
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