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Unit 1 Social Communication 导学案 第一课时New Words and Phrases一教学目标.1. 会读写unit 1中的新单词和短语2. 单词短语英汉互译.3. 会运用关键单词和短语.二课前预习1. 学生自己练习读单词.2. 单词联想.三合作探究1. misunderstand的反义词 2. misunderstand的过去式 过去分词 3. politely的形容词 反义词 ,四课堂检测(1 12全体学生完成,13 16优等生和中等生完成1. 人类,2. 说母语的人3. 母语4. 礼节礼仪5. 宽容6. 假装做某事7. 要求某物8. 要求某人做某事9. 向某人解释某事 10. 迷路11. 转向,转换12. 忽视遗忘,忽略13. 我们的父母亲对我们宽容。14. 他在学英语方面有麻烦。15. 老师要求我们课堂上保持安静。16. 昨天上午他假装在认真听老师讲课。Unit 1 Social Communication 导学案第二课时Reading-Etiquette in Lan guage Communi cati on教学目标1 掌握 key words and useful expressi ons.2了解语言交际中的礼节礼仪。3了解目的状语从句和让步状语从句的用法。4阅读课文,理解文章内容,注意课文中出现的各种从句。二情感目标1培养学生自主学习意识,小组合作学习,探究学习的良好习惯。2通过学习课文,了解语言交际中的礼节礼仪。三任务型阅读Task 1阅读课文,回答以下问题。1. Why are foreig ners usually tolera nt of non native speakers Enft中?1(. 2.Why is it rude to talk with a person in your native Ianguage and leave your American friends sta nding there?优中. 3.What would you say when people say to you,“ You look gre中差bday!” (. 4.What are really good manners in com muni cati on?优中Task 2合作探究疑难句子1. America ns usually non-n ative speakers who3.2. doesn t reallySec on d, it is quite rude to talk with andt un dersta nd the conv ersati on andt want them t(4. The America ns certa inly will because they can may also feel that you are talk about them or say ing someth ing you don hear.5.dont6.Third, learn just a few more polite English expressions, and you ll7.And remember you cough in the middle of a talk with some one or before an audie nee, you must say, “ Excuse me. ”8.you ve studied this quick overview of manners in the US, you re ready to be polite inEn glish.9. Let s hope your American friends will be just polite are ready to be polite in English.四课堂检测(优等生和中等生Part 1翻译下列句子.1. 他的父母亲对他很宽容.(be tolera nt of2. 一些学生在学英语方面有麻烦.(have some trouble in doing sth3.他假装病了以便能呆在家里.(prete nd to do sth4.说清楚点,这样每个人都可以听懂你的话.(so thatPart 2填空。1. My sonmea gift for his birthday last mon th. (ask for2. The teacherthe stude nts. (ask sb to do sth3. He is n everme. (be anno yed with s 生某人的气4. Wethe flies. (be anno yed at st讨厌某事或某物Unit 1 Social Communication 导学案第三课时语法-目的状语从句和让步状语从句教学目的:掌握常见的目的状语从句和结果状语从句的构成和用法一目的状语从句1. 含义:为了,以便,.2. 关联词:so that , , that, , in or der that ,.3. 注意:目的状语从句中常常使用 may , might , can , could , shall , should , will , would等情态动词。例句:(1 If you must switch to your native Ianguage, at least tell your American don feel left out.(3二让步状语从句1. 含义:虽然,尽管,即使,。2. 关联词 :though, although, even though, even if, no matter who(how/ whe n/ what/ where 等。3. 句中位置:让步状语从句可置于主句之前或主句之后.例句:are some differences in spelling.课堂检测(优等生和中等生1. (中国的经济在近几年有了很快的发展Ch ina is still a developi ng cou ntry. 2. Althoughour teacher has told us how to solve the problem,我们 依然不知怎么做3. He won t tell me(即使他知道全部事情.4. We sat in the front(这样我们就可以看清楚黑板上的字5. We must hurry(我们能早到那里6.1 looked up all the new words before class,这样我就可以听懂老师的讲课了 .Unit 1 Social Communi cati on第四课时Writing一教学目标1. 掌握e-mail的写作方法和格式2. 练习写一份电子邮件,熟悉电子邮件的组成格式.二教学过程1.介绍e-mail所包括的内容,即:收件人、抄送、主题和正文.2. 让学生通过阅读范文,讨论并总结出e-mail的格式与书信格式的异同点3. 指导学生完成写作.4. 教师点评.三写作要求(优等生和中等生必须完成1. 给老师写一份电子邮件2. 谈谈自己在学英语方面存在的问题.
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