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阅读绘本故事,完成以下三项任务。“Welcome to Healthy Life. Today we interviewed some people and asked them about their eating habits(习惯). Lets check it out!”Reporter: Hello! What did you have for dinner yesterday?Bob: I had some candy and a lot of ice cream.Reporter: Its not healthy to eat sweets for dinner.Bob: Youre right. I feel bad. And I had a toothache yesterday.Reporter: Hello! What did you have for dinner yesterday?Kate: Nothing. I never have dinnerReporter: Thats not healthy. Dinner is a very important meal. You can have some fish and salad for dinner.Kate: Good idea! Im too thinReporter: Hi! What did you have for dinner yesterday?Mr Li: I had some rice, some vegetables, and a bowl of chicken soup. I never eat foods with too much oil.Mr Li: Im 90 years old now, and I never feel tired.Reporter: Happy to hear that! You have a healthy lifestyle.Reporter: Hello! What did you have for dinner yesterday?Amy: I had dumplings, an egg and some vegetable soup. I never eat anything with too much salt.Amy: I also play basketball every day. I love sports.Reporter: You look fresh and healthy. Well done!试卷第1页,共1页1阅读绘本,选择正确的答案。(1) The reporter was asking about peoples _. ( )A. eating habitsB. sportsC. three meals (2) In picture 7, “lifestyle” means(意思是) _ in Chinese. ( )A. 方法B. 生活方式C. 生命(3) Which of the following(下列) is NOT true? ( )A. Kate never has dinner. So she is too thin.B. Mr Li is 90 years old, sometimes he feels tired.C. Amy plays basketball every day.2请根据绘本内容,选择适当的内容完成以下的采访报告吧。从题中A-E选出正确答案。A. feel badB. look fresh and healthyC. a bowl of chicken soupD. some vegetable soupE. nothingInterviewee被采访者What did they have for dinner yesterday?How do they feel/look? Bobsome candy and a lot of ice cream Kate too thin Mr Lisome rice, some vegetables, and never feel tired Amydumplings, an egg and 3请根据绘本内容回答问题。(1) Is Bobs eating habit healthy? (2) What should Bob do to stay healthy? 试卷第1页,共2页参考答案:1 A B B 2 A E C D B 3 No, it isnt. He shouldnt eat sweets for dinner.答案第1页,共1页
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