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Review of Units 3-4教师寄语:We must be strict with us and learn to love us by ourselves .(我们必须严格要求自己并学会自爱。)Class_ Grade9 Group_ Name_课型:复习+展示课Title: Review of Units 3-41-9 (P105-108) 一课时Learning steps (学习过程): (Check before class)(5)(我会做)1、自学新词汇:先汉译英并写出单词的音标及词性,然后熟读。各组派 C层次的学生上台展示学习成果。(在二次铃时完成,学习组长组织并检查评定)1)女服务员 ( ) / / _2)杂志 ( ) / / _3)公鸡 ( ) / / _4)妻子,太太 ( ) / / _5)小鸡 ( ) / / _6)油漆/ 在刷油漆 ( ) / / _7)奋斗,努力 ( ) / / _8)王宫,宫殿 ( ) / / _9) 塔 ( ) / / _10) 监狱 ( ) / / _11)囚犯,俘虏 ( ) / / _12)词汇,词汇量 ( ) / / _13)颐和园_ 14)一束,一串 _(learning target)(1) 1学习第105-108页的新单词,要求会读会写;2复习第3-4单元所学的语法被动语态(Passive Voice)、现在进行时表示将来时(Showing the Future by Present Continuous)、定语从句 (Attributive Clause)和特殊疑问词+动词不定式(Wh-/How +to do ).(Self-study)(20)(我最棒)1、听P105/1的笑话并标出问句的语调,然后练习讲笑话并注意意群。 2、独立完成P105/2并核对。(用方框中所给单词的正确形式填空。) The answers are: 1)_ 2)_ 3)_ 4)_ 5)_ 6)_3、独立完成P105/3并核对。(用that, which或who填空,完成短文。) The answers are : _ _ _ _ _ _4、独立完成106/4,然后核对。(改写句子,使句子意思不变。)The answers are :1)_ 2)_ 3)_ 4)_ (Lets show and improve )(15)(我参与) 1、独立完成106/5,然后核对。(用所给的词的被动语态形式填空。)The answers are :1)_ _ 2)_ 3)_ 4)_ 5)_2、独立完成107/8,然后核对。(从方框中选择正确的句子完成对话,然后练习。)The answers are :_3、阅读P108/9的短文,并回答问题:The answers are :1) _2)_3) _4)_(Summary )(4)(我能行)1、记住本节课的所学的知识;2、整理导学案,梳理本节课所学的知识,检查导学案并完成导学案上所有内容,学习组长注意检查督促。(test in the end )(5)(我会做)1、用所给词的正确形式填空。1) Your homework _(must do ) now.2) Why not _(cancel) the meeting?3)My brother is very fat . All his friends advise him _(lose ) weight.4)Sad movies always make my mother_( cry).5) It took me two hours _(wash) my clothes last Sunday.2、单项选择。( )1) This brush is used _. A.to writing B. for writing C. write D. as writing( )2) -Do you know the little boy _is helping the old man cross the road? - No. But how nice he is ?A. which B. who C. whom D. / ( )3) -Whats your dream? -I wish I _ into outer space one day .A. can go B. go C. am going D. could go ( )4) He has _ stamps , and _of them are from America. A. hundreds of , two hundred B. two hundreds of , hundred C. hundreds of , two hundreds D. hundreds , hundreds七、课后反思1、我今天学到了什么知识?_2、这节课我的表现( ) A、很好 B、好 C、一般D、有待改进批阅情况评定等级_ 小组长签名:_ 2020年_月_日
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