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精品文档机密启用前2005年福建省高职高专升本科入学考试基础英语试题(考试时间120分钟,满分150分)答题说明:(1)选择题部分的答案请写在答题卡上相应字母的中间划横线。(2)主观题的答案写在主观答题纸上相应的位置注意:答案写在试卷上一律不给分。I.Vocabulary and Structure ( 40point ,1for each )1.2.It is easy toA) differC) disti nguishNot onceone state of matter from ano ther.his view of life.B) varyD) cha nge3.A) did the gen tlema n men tio nC) the gen tlema n men ti onWe discuss the matterB) has men ti oned the gen tlema n D) the gen tlema n men ti oned tea and cakes.A) overB) withC) byD) at4. It was n such a good dinner she had promised us.A) thatB)whichC) asD) what5. It was esse ntial that the applicatio n forms back before the deadli ne.A) must be sentB) would besentC) be sentD) were went6. The reas on I went to take that class is the professor is supposed to be very good.A) why, forB) why, soC) why, thatD) that, because7. this aware ness, attitudes towards dream are cha nging.A) As a matter of factB) In effectC) In stead ofD) As a result of8. The mach ine can be made perfect over ni ght; in fact, it should be improvedA) one after ano therB) right awayC) by turnD) step by step9. The print is still wet. !A) Be not sure to touch itC) Be sure to not touch itIO It was until she arrived in class _A) whatC) why11 This is a nice car, but we cannotA)C)B) Be sure not to touch itD) Don be sure to touch it she realized she had forgotte n her book.B) whe nD) thatit.provide B) supply afford D) man age12. This is the dict ionary I depe nd a lot whe never I have problems with new words.A) with whichB) in whichC) on whichD) for which13.Where did you get your watchA) repair14.C) repairedHis carelessness C) resulted inA) resulted fromB) to repairD) repairi ng her failure in the exams.B) resultedD) resulted to15. wait for the n ext boat. There is no _ for you on this one.A) placeB) roomC) seatD) cornerThe days _ you could travel without a passport are a thing of the past.A) whe neverB) whereverC) on whichD) in whichWe still know little about outer though we have made much effort in research.A) heave nB) uni verseC) spaceD)skyBut for sun light, there no moon light.A) will beB)would beC) had beenD) hasWe made several pla ns for our holiday, but we went to London the end.A) atB) onC) byD) inRevolutio n means the productive forces.A) to liberateB) liberatedC) liberateD) liberat ingMany people plan to put RMB 5,000 every year to finance their children future educati on.21. A) downC) upA) upI ranC)B) asideD) on Alice, who was on her way to see me.B) out of into D) over22. see ing the damage he had done, he felt ashamed.A) OnB) By23.C) AtD) For he could do to help the poor.24. In fact he had done B) whichA) whatC)as D) all whichWe must be off. It id eight already.25.A)by accide nt B) on averageC) by cha neeD) right awayIm very sorry the whole mornin g. I forgot the appo in tme nt.26.A) ingto keep youwait B) to have kept you wait27.28.29.C) to keep youwaitD) to keep you waitThese young men walk out ofthe office buildi ng, each a file un der his arm.A) carriesB) carry ingC) carriedD) havi ng carriedA computer can store in formati on because it has a very large memory.A) a great manyB) a vast amount ofC) a large nu mber ofD) a nu mber ofLao Wang is a selfless man, so un der no circumsta nces any thi ng that will ben efit himself and hard the in terests of others.A) does he doB) did he doC) he does doD) he doesNo one doubts _ he is the best leader in the compa ny.30. A) whetherB) whatC) ifD) that_ n obody was willi ng to vote for her, she decided to drop out of the electio n.31. A) See n thatB) So thatC) Seei ng thatD) When thatThe audie nee, , enjoyed the performa nee.32. A) most of them were stude ntsB) they were mostly stude ntsC) most of whom were stude ntsD) they themselves were stude ntsIt no good him. He is always in differe nt to others. to turn toC)turn toA woma n and three childre n are saidA) to be injuredC) havi ng bee n injuredIn the experime nt we kept a watchful eyeA) inC)forDo you thi nk Tommy is _the truth?A) say ingC) telli ngB) turni ng toD) turned toin the traffic accide nt.B) to have bee n injuredD) being injured_ the developme nts and recorded every detail.B) atD) onB) speak ingD) During the time whe nA) Just whe n 37.C) It was while_ she was livi ng in New York that she met her husba nd Terry.B) Soo n afterD) During the time when
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