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英文致歉信8篇 在人们往来越来越亲密的今日,我们总不免地须要写致歉信,写致歉信时要留意说明状况与理由,实事求是,简明扼要。信任写致歉信是一个让很多人都头痛的问题,以下是我细心整理的英文致歉信,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 英文致歉信1Darxx, Ia riting thislettrtopresy ology thtx I fee terri sr abut hs. Once agin, I aver srry r any ioeniece cased. I wl be realy appreiat f you aacept myploge and unestnd y sitatio oursSnerel英文致歉信2 Dar ro. atent, I m erysoryto inorm you thtI did nt manage compee the bookrepr you asgnedlast wek, duetoa ddn lsalingupon ma ew days ao. For the pastfeways have een n hospitalwih actnuousvr, wichhathus prvented me fromany acadei avit hereby sbith dosnote. woul e r mucoliged yucould gantm anotherw for thtas, as mhalth isurgbtr.Hopeyocan undestad my siation and accpt m apology Yours faithfull, i英文致歉信3 DarXXX, Iam witin this leterto XXpresmy apology tha XXXXXXXXX I fee erribly srrybot tis. On aai, I a vry orry or any ncoveniece used will be reallyprciadif you anccet plogiesannderstand msiutio. YoursSincerly英文致歉信 敬爱的客人: 您好!首先请允许我对您遇到的预定没有房间的问题给您带来的不便致以真诚的致歉。由于近来客人较多,客房惊慌,导致有些客人无法入住,我们深感愧疚。 我们可以介绍您去与我们同等档次的酒店,还有不知您方不便利把您的姓名和联系方式留下,假如有了房间我们会在第一时间通知您并免费接您回来,为了表示我们的歉意,我们确定在您入住时给你肯定折扣折并免费供应早餐。 祝您过得开心! X酒店 20x年x月x日英文致歉信5XXX:Im sosorry , was lae o chol .I tink ts a bad ht and bd manners. I willo to hoalittl earlier ,a go o aendcla on me. Il never belae or scool agin,pls forie m and beleve me. Than you! X ate 译文: X: 对不起,我迟到了。我认为这是一个坏习惯,坏习惯。我会早点去学校,然后去上课的时间。我不会再迟到了,请宽恕我,信任我。感谢你!X 年 月日英文致歉信6exxxx, am ritingthisletter to erss my ooy hat xxxxxxxxx. I eel terrbsory bt tis On n, Iamvery sorry for any nonenine causd I ill be rel apreciat if you can ccept aplgies d undestnd my iuation. Yors Sincl xxx敬爱的xxxx,(对方姓名) 我写这封信以表达我的致歉 xxxxxxxxxxxx(致歉缘由)。 对此我深感愧疚。 我再次对给您造成的任何不便深感歉意,希望您能理解我的境况并接受我的致歉。 谨启 xxxxxxxxx(自己姓名)英文致歉信7Da rak: a terrby or to tell u ht Ihvlst thevale boo you eesoin o ld m last wek. I dit eeyd and inted to fins t onh.ast nigh henIamto m room,it wasnohertobeonI wil tr to eover iassoon as ossble.IfI filtofind ,I will get a ne ook fr you.But am afraid itca neer take the plae of thedone. Old osar lik old rens. Ocelot,tey nver beplacd Theyre connetdwitcherishedasociations wich thnewescan eer ha. Andr thi ircoverabe lo, I am tolme. ws ocarels ith mytis. Thi is a ag ometobe moe ceful in th futu Your trul, Tom英文致歉信8 ear nne, nky or yorinvitationt innatyourhome omor eenng. Unfortunatey, itis muchto my rgrthat I cnnotjoin yu ayor fil,because ill be floccupied the oran iprtt e cminghe aater tomorrow. I feeltril sorr r missingtchan suc aapygtogte,ad I hoe that l of yu nj a god tm s it pssibl or youanme to havea rivate mting afteard? If so, pa dnt hesitate to rop ma liboutyo prfrbe dt. I do ong o a pleaant cht wityo. lease allow me osorryagain Regrd, LiMng本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第1页 共1页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页
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