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河 南 工 业 职 业 技 术 学 院Henan Polytechnic Institute毕业设计(论文)题 目: 汽车安全气囊的发展与应用 河南工业职业技术学院汽车工程系2012届毕业生毕业设计(论文)任务书二零一一年九月姓名: 芮校闯 班级:汽检0903 专业: 汽车检测与维修 学号: 0301090333 论文题目: 汽车安全气囊的发展与应用 进度安排: 汽车安全气囊的发展与应用绪论英文翻译一、 安全气囊系统的概念及功用1.1 安全气囊的认识1.2 安全气囊系统的功用1.3 安全气囊的分类二、 安全气囊的发展历程2.1 安全气囊的发明2.2 相关法律法规2.3 国内外安全气囊是发展2.4 未来汽车安全气囊的发展趋势三、 安全气囊系统结构及原理3.3 安全气囊系统的组成3.4 安全气囊系统工作原理3.5 安全气囊系统动作过程3.6 安全气囊系统的有效范围四、 汽车安全气囊的检修及应用4.1 安全气囊系统的故障诊断4.2 安全气囊的使用方法4.3 安全气囊需要完善的方向结论谢词参考文献绪论 随着第三次科技革命的到来,人类生活日新月异。高速公路的发展及汽车普及量的提升,汽车成为了现代主要交通工具,但随之而来的交通拥挤、安全事故越来越威胁人们的生活质量。因此,汽车安全变得尤为重要。汽车的安全性分为主动安全和被动安全两种,主动安全是指汽车防止发生事故的能力,主要有操纵稳定性、制动性能、平顺性等,被动安全是指在万一发生事故的情况下,汽车保护乘员的能力,目前主要有安全带、安全气垫、防撞式车身和安全气囊防护系统(Airbag RestraintSystem,以下简称安全气囊)等。由于现实的复杂性,有些事故是难以避免的,因此被动安全性也非常重要,安全气囊作为被动安全性的研究成果,由于使用方便、效果显著、造价不高,所以得到迅速发展和普及。汽车安全气囊作为一种辅助的乘员约束条件,在汽车发生碰撞时保护乘员的效用已越来越得到肯定,当今社会对安全气囊的要求也越来越高,尤其是对智能安全气囊的需求也越来越广泛,当汽车发生碰撞时汽车与汽车或汽车障碍物之间的碰撞称为第一次碰撞,第一次碰撞导致了汽车速度的急剧变化。由于惯性的作用,车上的乘员向前运动,于是发生了车内乘员与车内结构件之间的第二次碰撞,事故中造成乘员伤害的主要原因就是第二次碰撞。为了减轻和避免驾乘人员在第二次碰撞中受到伤害,乘员保护系统的设计目标是在碰撞中利用约束系统(包括座椅、安全带、安全气囊等)避免或减缓乘员与车内结构件碰撞造成的伤害。汽车安全气囊的基本思想是:在发生第一次碰撞后,第二次碰撞前,迅速在乘员和汽车内部构件之间插入一个充满气体的气囊,让乘员“扑”在气囊上,通过气囊上的排气节流阻力吸收乘员的动能,使猛烈的第二次碰撞得以减缓,以达到保护乘员的目的。所以安全气囊作为一种防护措施已经是必不可少了。关键词: 汽车安全 辅助约束 安全气囊IntroductionAlong with the third technical revolution arrival, the humanity lives changes with each new day.The highway development and the automobile popularized the quantity the promotion, the automobile have become the modern main transportation vehicle, but following traffic congestion, the security accident more and more threatened peoples quality of life.Therefore, the auto safety becomes especially important.The automobile security divides into the initiative security and the passive security two kinds, the initiative security is refers to the automobile to prevent has the accident ability, mainly has the operation stability, the braking quality, smooth and so on, the passive security is refers is having in accidentally the accident situation, the automobile protects crew members ability, at present mainly has the safety belt, the security air cushion, the anti-collision -like automobile body and the security aerocyst shielding systems (Airbag RestraintSystem, hereafter refers to as security aerocyst) and so on.As a result of the reality complexity, some accidents are avoid with difficulty, therefore the passive security extremely is also important, the security aerocyst takes the passive secure research results, because the easy to operate, the effect remarkable, the construction cost is not high, therefore obtains the rapid development and the popularization. The auto safety aerocyst took one kind of auxiliary crew member constraint condition, has the collision when the automobile protects crew members effectiveness more and more to obtain the affirmation, now the society also more and more is high to the security aerocyst request, also more and more is in particular widespread to the intelligent security aerocyst demand, when the automobile has the collision the automobile and the automobile or between the automobile obstacle collision is called the first collision, the first collision has caused the automobile speed rapid change.As a result of inertia function, on vehicle crew member forward movement, therefore has had in the vehicle in the crew member and the vehicle between the structural element second collision, in the accident creates the primary cause which the crew member injures is the second collision.In order to reduce and avoids harnessing while the personnel receives the injury in the second collision, the crew protective system design goal is in the collision using the restraint system (including chair, safety belt, security aerocyst and so on) avoids or slows down the injury which in the crew member and the vehicle the structural element collision creates.The auto safety aerocyst basic thought is: After has the first collision, before the second collision, rapidly inserts fill gas in the crew member and between the automobile interior component the aerocyst, lets the crew member “throw oneself” on the aerocyst, absorbs cre
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