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福建省福州外国语学校2022-2023学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷一、阅读理解A year is divided into 24 solar terms on the traditional Chinese solar calendar.Startof Spring,to be first solar term of the year,lifts the curtain of spring.After that,everything turns green and full of energy.Here are some things you should know aboutStart of Spring.1.Start of Spring and Spring FestivalStart of Spring had entered people,s lives in the Spring and Autumn Period(770-476BC),During the Western Han Dynasty(206BC-AD 24),Start of Spring was set as theSpring Festival.Actually,it was not until 1913 that the Spring Festival was celebrated onthe first day of the first month of the lunar year as now.2.Wearing fabric swallowsWearing fabric swallows,a custom originating during the Tang Dynasty(618-907),is observed in some regions in Shaanxi.Every Start of Spring,people like to wear aswallow made of colorful silk on their chests.The swallow is a sign of spring and asymbol of PrOSPerity(繁荣)and happiness.3.Welcoming springPeople in China began holding a special ceremony on the first day of Start of Springabout 3.00()years ago.They made SaCrifiCeS(祭品)to Gou Mang,the god of Spring,whois in charge of agriculture.By the Qing Dynasty(1644-1911),greeting spring hadbecome an important folk activity.4.Flying a kiteSpring is the best season for kite-flying,a traditional folk activity with a history ofmore than 2,000 years.It can help build one,s health and prevent diseases.Besides,abreath of fresh air outside can discharge the bad smell accumulated in winter.5.Biting the springIn many parts of China,people observe the custom of tbiting the spring on the firstday of Start of Spring.They cat spring pancakes,spring rolls,or a few mouthfuls ofcarrots.1.In which year might people celebrate the Spring Festival on Start of Spring?A.In760 BC.B.In 210 BC.C.In 1910.D.In 2023.2.Which custom first appeared during the Tang Dynasty?A.Flying a kite.B.Biting the spring.C.Wearing fabric swallows.D.Welcoming spring.3.In which column will you most probably find the text in a newspaper?A.World.B.Business.C.Lifestyle.D.Culture.The word art usually evokes(唤起)images of white-walled galleries,abstractpaintings costing millions of dollars and wealthy people,far removed from our everydayexperience.Yet,art in 21st century is a different story.The Internet has weakened the idea that art appreciation is only for the rich,It hasenabled more people than ever to have access to art.Netizens are not only consumers ofart but creators and participants,too.The social media has made it much easier to shareunprofessional work with the whole world.An unprofessional artist can now sell work orget advertising money from online videos.“A picture is worth a thousand WOrdS is the motto of data visualisation(可视化)fans.The amount of information available today can be huge,so some people areworking on presenting data using visually appealing diagrams that are easy for the publicto understand.Of course,diagrams can also be used by dishonest people to mislead theaudience,so We need to take care to intepret them the right way.Another way that art advances education is by enabling us to understand conceptsthat are invisible to the naked eye.For most biology students,the names and functions ofdozens of proteins go in one ear and out the other,but unforgettable videos like TheInner Life of the Cel,turn proteins into tiny people with different jobs in a city of largemachinery.The same goes for concepts in physics such as black holes-We canunderstand them better with the help of artists who have backgrounds in both art andscience.Even though most people may not be consciously aware of it,art is all around us.Asmost of our surrounding environment is man-made,everything in it contains someelement of art and can influence our behaviour-telling us where to go or how to interactwith objects,feeding us true or false information and controlling our emotions.Artindeed has a greater impact than many would believe it does.4.What is the second paragraph mainly about?A.How the Internet provides service for the rich.B.How the Internet brings art closer to everyone.C.How netizens can contribute to art.D.How people appreciate and use art.5.What,s the author s attitude towards using diagrams in paragraph 3?A.Optimistic.B.Disapproving.C.Objective.D.Indifferent.6.What can be inferred from paragraph 4?A.Videos turn proteins into tiny people.B.Videos explain concepts better than pictures.C.Art helps students understand some concepts.D.Art helps artists have more backgrounds.7.Which of the following best describes art in the 21sl century?A.Accessible and powerful.B.Abstract and graceful.C.Expensive and digital.D.Traditional and controversial.In the three decades since Darah Lady,s grandmother first arrived in this distant areaof northern Brazil,clearing the forest by hand to build a house for her 14 children,thefamily has pushed deeper and deeper into the Amazon.It has been driven by a saying thatgood fortune comes when nature gives in to human control
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