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编号:时间:2021年x月x日书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟页码:第1页 共1页CA6140普通车床的数控化改造设计摘要数控机床的优点:具有高度柔性,加工精度高,产品质量稳定、可靠,生产效率高,可加工形状复杂的零件,改善劳动条件,有利于生产管理和机械加工自动化的发展。普通机床的缺点:普通机床靠齿轮和普通丝杠螺母传动。由于各运动副间存在间隙,加上手工操作不准确,因此重复精度较低。普通机床测量时需停车后手工测量,测量误差较大,而且效率低下。适合批量较小,精度要求不高,零活类零件。它投资较数控低,但对工人的操作技能要求较高,因此工资水平高。在数控机床上加工零件,主要取决于加工程序,它与普通机床不同,不必制造、更换许多工具、夹具,不需要经常调整机床。因此,数控机床适用于零件频繁更换的场合。也就是适合单件、小批生产及新产品的开发,缩短了生产准备周期,节省了大量工艺设备的费用。目前机床数控化改造的市场在我国有很大发展空间,现在我国机床数控化率不到3。用普通机床加工出来的产品普遍存在质量差、品种少、档次低、成本高、供货期长,从而在国际、国内市场上缺乏竞争力,直接影响一个企业的产品、市场、效益,影响企业的生存和发展,所以必须大力提高机床的数控化率。本文以车床的数控改造为例,介绍了机床数控改造的方法,包括其结构的改造设计,性能与精度的选择以及最后改造方案的确定。关键字:机床;数控化;改造;意义AbstractNumerically-controlled machine tools advantage: highly flexible, high machining accuracy, the product quality is stable, reliable, high production efficiency, complex shape of parts processing, improve working conditions, be helpful for production management and mechanical processing automation development. Ordinary machine faults: ordinary on gear and ordinary machine screw nut transmission. Because each movement between clearance, plus vice manual inaccurate repeat precision, so low. When measuring the conventional machine tools to stop, and the measurement error of the manual measuring after bigger, and low efficiency. Suitable for mass is lesser, precision demand is not high, a job kind parts. It is low, but investment to workers numerical control the operation skill is taller, accordingly wage level is high. On the machine processing parts, mainly depends on the processing procedure, it is different, not with ordinary machine manufacture, the replacement of many tools, fixtures, need not change often machine tools. Therefore, CNC machine is suitable for parts frequent change occasion. Also is suitable for single piece and small batch production and development of new products and shorten the production preparation period, save a lot of process equipment costs. At present numerical control machine tool in our country are transformation of the market development space, now Chinas great numerical control machine rate of less than 3 per cent. Use ordinary machining out of poor quality, product widespread few varieties, low class, the high cost, delivery, thereby in long the international and domestic markets, lack of competitiveness of an enterprise directly affect product, market, benefits and affect the enterprise survival and development, so we must make great efforts to improve the rate of nc machine tools. Based on the numerical control lathe transformation as example, the paper introduces the method of machine tool CNC reconstruction, including its structure, performance and accuracy retrofit design of the choice and final reform scheme determination. Keywords: machine; numerical control; modification; meaning 目 录第1章 数控化改造的好处5第2章 数控化改造方案6第3章 介绍CA6140普通车床73.1简单介绍 .73.2 加工范围及特点.83.2.1 加工范围83.2 .2CA6140车床的加工特点.93. 3传动系统的介绍.93.3.1 主运动传动系统.93.3.2 车螺纹进给传动系统.103.3.3 纵向、横向进给系统.103.3.4 刀架的快速移动.10第4章 设计进给系统114.1设计纵向进给系统.114.1.1切削力的计算114.1.2滚珠丝杆副的计算及选型 .11 4.1.3 滚珠丝杠副的循环方式.124.1.4 滚珠丝杆的安装 124.1.5 滚珠丝杠的承载能力的计算.124.1.6 减速齿轮的设计144.1.7 步进电动机的设计144.2 横向进给系统的设计.154.2.1切削力的计算.164.2.2滚珠丝杠副的设计及选型.164.2.3减速齿轮的设计.184.2.4 步进电动机的选择18第5章 改造车床主轴及控制系统205.1 改进主轴电动机.205.1.1主轴脉冲编码器的概述. 205.1.2 螺纹加工过程中编码器的作用. 205.1.3编码器的选择. .215.1.4安装步骤. 215.2 改进刀架.215.2.1 改造刀架的目的 .215.2.2 刀架的选择 .215.2.3 刀架的工作原理.215.2.4 安装步骤.215.3 改进机床导轨.225.4 坐标系的建立X、Z轴的限位和参考返回电路.225.4.1 机床坐标系是机床固有的坐标系. 225.4.2 机床坐标系是机床固有的坐标系.235.5 配置用键和变频器的安装.245.5.1配置用键 .245.5.2变频器的安装. 245.6机床的安装、调试、精度检验.24第6章 结论26参考文献27致谢28第1章 数控化改造的好处一、有利于企业技术的提高,成本的节约数控机床与普通机床相比,有很大的优势,数控机床具有高度柔性,加工精度高,加工质量稳定、可靠,生产率高,改善劳动条件,利于生产管理现代化;而普通机床精度低,效率低,适合批量较小,精度要求不高,零活类零件。它投资较数控低,但对工人的操作技能要求较高,因此工人工资水平高。这样会大大的加大企业的支出,对企业的收入也是有所影响的。二、有利于企业经济
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