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word联通公司营销策略研究摘 要“提速降费是今年全社会关注的热门话题,也是通信行业工作的重中之重。4月14日,李克强总理要求“提网速、降网费,5月13日,国务院常务会议确定加快建设高速宽带网络促进提速降费的措施,5月15日,三大运营商迅速响应推出“提速降费的具体举措和时间表。从工信部日前公布的上半年通信行业开展统计数据来看,“提速降费已产生明显的效果,而且随着各项措施的逐步落实,这种效果将持续显现。未来,中国联通将继续深化实施“移动宽带领先和一体化创新战略,巩固和创造差异化服务优势,加快用户结构、消费结构、创新领域的开展转型,推进公司实现持续快速开展。公司将进一步加快集中统一运营,全面深化营销体系、投资建设、用工分配、资源分配等重点领域改革,加快线上线下一体化进程,探索推进重点领域专业化、市场化运营,持续增强企业开展的活力和内生动力。联通双鸭山分公司作为中国联通公司一个地市级分公司,坐落在我国北方的边陲煤城双鸭山。双鸭山联通宽带产品主要包括固定宽带和联通宽带产品,其中固定宽带包括普通宽带产品、集团专线产品以与互联网专用产品,联通宽带包括WLAN上网产品、TD上网产品。普通宽带:指针对个人和家庭用途的宽带。集团专线:指针对企事业单位,开展的专网专线产品。主要高带宽宽带为主。WLAN上网产品指以CMCC无线宽带上网为主的产品,TD上网产品指MIFI等把手机信号转变成无线信号的联通宽带产品现在产品比拟单一,主要还是以普通固网宽带产品为主。双鸭山联通宽带现在主要有三大类市场构成:城市市场,农村市场和集团市场。由于城市人口较为集中,主要的营业厅和员工也在城市中,也是于双鸭山电信的竞争激励的地方。比照可以发现,联通宽带主要靠营业厅渠道的销售,占比非常高,过度依赖传统营业厅。用户接触渠道有限,不能以最简便的方式,最快速的渠道把宽带销售到用户手中。营销宣传不到位,营销人员主动意识差。双鸭山宽带业务实际开展中,营销手段的匮乏在很大程度上限制了双鸭山联通的开展。分析问题产生的原因在于市场细分不够产品不能充分满足消费者的需求; “提速降费导致联通ARPU值逐渐走低;渠道建设有待完善;公司促销形式单一。鉴于此,本文首先对联通双鸭山分公司进展了市场细分,重新进展了目标市场选择和市场定位。之后从产品、价格、渠道、促销四个方面设计了营销组合。并分别提出了分别提出了组织结构保障,管理制度保障,支撑平台保障和团队建设保障。关键词:提速降费;联通;双鸭山;营销策略;AbstractSpeed drop fee is this years hot topic of public concern, the munications industry is the most important work. April 14, Prime Minister Li Keqiang requirements put the network speed, reduce network costs, May 13, the State Council executive meeting decided to speed up measures to promote the construction of high-speed broadband speed drop charges, May 15, the three operators to respond quickly launched the speed drop fee specific measures and timetables. From the first half of the munications industry statistics recently released by the Ministry of view, Speed drop fee has produced significant results, and with the gradual implementation of the measures, this effect will continue to appear. The future, China Uni will continue to deepen the implementation of the leading mobile broadband and integrated innovation strategy, to consolidate and create differentiated service advantages, accelerate user structure, development and transformation of the consumption structure, innovation, and promote the pany achieved sustained and rapid development. The pany will further accelerate centralized operations, deepen marketing system, key areas of investment and construction, labor allocation, resource allocation reform, accelerate the process of integration of online and offline, to promote the exploration of key areas of specialization, market-oriented operation, continued to improve enterprise development vitality and endogenous motivation. Shuangyashan Branch of China Uni China Uni as a municipal branch offices, located in northern Chinas border city of Shuangyashan coal.Shuangyashan Uni broadband products including fixed broadband and Uni broadband products, including ordinary fixed broadband broadband products, green products, and Internet Group-specific products, including WLAN Uni broadband access products, TD Internet products. mon Broadband: Broadband refers to personal and family use. Group Line: means for enterprises, development of the private network green products. The main high-bandwidth broadband based. WLAN Internet access product refers to the CMCC wireless broadband Internet-based products, TD Internet means MIFI product, etc. to convert the phone signal into a radio signal Uni broadband products are now relatively simple products, mainly to ordinary fixed-line broadband products. Shuangyashan Uni broadband market now constitute the three major categories: urban market, rural market and group markets. Since the urban population is more concentrated, major business offices and employees are also cities, but also to encourage petition in telemunications Shuangyashan place. parison can be found, mainly by China Uni broadband channel sales business hall, a very high proportion of over-reliance on traditional operating room. Limited users access channels, can not be the easiest way, the fastest broadband sales channels to the hands of users. Marketing, publicity is not in place, poor sense of initiative marketing staff. Shuangyashan actual developments in broadband services, lack of marketing tools greatly limits the Shuangyashan Unis development.Causes of problems arising in that market segmentation is not enough products can not fully meet the needs of consumers; Speed drop fee cause Uni ARPU value is gradually falling; channel construction to be perfect; promotional form a single pany. In view of this, this paper Shuangyashan Branch of China Uni was market segmentation, re-select the target market and market positioning. After four aspects of the product, price, place, promotion, marketing mix design. And are presented separately proposed organizational structure protection, system security management, security and platform support team building protection.Keywords: Speed drop fee ; Uni; Shuangyashan; Marketing Strategy;目 录摘要IAbstractIII第一章绪论1研究
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