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文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! 英语奥赛辅导 第九课时高中英语语法基础9动词用法辨析:(1)“Why not+动词原形+?”(干嘛不?)是简略句,完全形式是:Why dont you +动词原形+?如:Why not go and have a look?(干嘛不去看看?)/ Why not try it once again?(为什么不再试试?)(2) seem(好象)的用法:记住几个结构:sb./sth. + seem + (to be+)形容词+;sb./sth. + seem + like +;sb/sth + seem + to (do);It seems that + 从句。如:He seemed (to be) very happy when he was called by the headmaster. (被校长叫到名字时他好象很开心) / It seems that nobody else could do such a foolish thing except Jim. (除了吉姆好象没有什么人会做出如此愚蠢的事情来)(3) be afraid(害怕)的用法:记住几个结构:be afraid of sth; be afraid of (doing); be afraid to (do); be afraid that+从句。如:She is a little afraid of snakes.(她有点怕蛇)/ Dont be so afraid to stay at home alone at night.(别害怕晚上一个人在家)/ Im afraid that somebody will take his place because of his serious mistakes.(恐怕有人要取代他了,因为他犯了那么大的错误)(4) be sorry(抱歉)的用法:记住几个结构:be sorry for (sth); be sorry for (doing sth); be sorry to (do); be sorry that+从句。如:I am very sorry for keeping you waiting so long.(不好意思让你久等了)I am sorry to trouble you.(对不起,麻烦你了)/ I am sorry (that) he isnt here at the moment.(恐怕他现在不在)(5) be sure (确信)的用法:记住几个结构: be sure of (sth); be sure to(do); be sure that+从句。如:She told me many times that she was sure to come.(她给我讲过多次她一定会来的) / Are you sure of your answer?Maybe its wrong.(你对你的答案有把握吗?也许是错的。)/ I am sure that Dad will help me with the job.(我确信爸爸会帮着我做这件事情的)(6) make 与do的用法:一般情况下表示进行活动或者做工作用do,表示创造建构某事物用make. 如:I dont know what to do.(我不知道该干什么)/ Im not going to do any work.(我不准备做什么)/ My father and I once made a boat.(我和我爸曾经做过一只船)此外还要记住一些固定说法:do good / harm / business / ones best / a favourmake a decision / an effort / a mistake / a noise / a phone call / money / war / the bed / sure,. (7)put on、wear、haveon、be in、try on、dress的用法:put on强调“穿、戴”这个动作过程,wear则表示“穿着、戴着”这一状态,have+衣物+on主要表示状态,be in(+颜色/衣物)也是表示一个状况,dress(+人)表示“给人穿衣”。如:Please put on your new shoes.(请穿上你的新鞋)/ The twins are wearing the same clothes.(双胞胎穿着相同的衣服)/ Today she has an overcoat on.(今天她穿着一件大衣) / Do you know the woman who is in black?(你认识那个身穿黑衣的女人吗?)/ Dad is dressing Tom now.(爹正在给汤姆穿衣) 注意dress与wear或put on的区别:wear或put on常用衣物作宾语,而dress常用人作宾语。表示给自己穿衣时常用“get dressed”或“dress oneself”表达。be dressed in与wear基本同义。dress up意为“穿上盛装、乔装打扮”。如:Could you dress the baby for me?(你能替我给宝宝穿衣吗?)/ He is eight but cant dress himself.(他八岁了,还不会穿衣服)/ She was dressed in a red coat.(她穿着一件红上衣)/ Do I have to dress up to go to Jims party?(我得穿上好衣服去参加吉姆的聚会吗?)(8)like、love与enjoy的用法:三个词都含有“喜欢”的意思,但是,like和enjoy后面跟动名词,love 后面一般跟动词不定式love to do sth.。like后面有时跟动词不定式,表示一种习惯或嗜好(往往与具体的时间或地点有关)。enjoy后面还可以加名词、反身代词,表示“享受乐趣;玩得开心”。如:Do you like shopping?(你喜欢购物吗?)/ He likes to have a swim when he gets home every afternoon(习惯,与具体的时间有关).(每天下午放学后他总爱游个泳)/ They love to sing foreign songs.(他们喜爱唱外国歌曲)/ Did you enjoy yourself at the party?(在聚会上你玩得开心吗?)/ He enjoys living in China.(他喜欢在中国生活)(9)study、learn的用法: study主要表示“学习、研究”,指过程;而learn主要表示“学会”,指结果。表示“学”时可以互换。如:How many subjects do you study?(你学多少门课程?) / Have you learned it yet?(这个你学过了吗?)/ How long have you studied/learned English?(你学英语多久了?) learn还可以表示“听说”,如:He learned the musician himself was in town.(他听说音乐家本人就在城里)(10)think、want、would like的用法:三个词都含有“想”的意思,但think指“思考、考虑”,want指“想要、愿望、企图”,would like指“想要”,think后面一般跟介词短语或从句,want和would like后面跟名词或动词不定式。如:Do you think that China will become a developed country in 40 years? (你认为中国会在40年后成为发达国家吗?)/ I am thinking of the money I once lent to Li Min.(我正在想着以前借给黎敏的钱)/ What do you really want to say?(你到底想干什么?)/ Which of these cakes would you like (to have)?(这些饼子中你想吃哪些?)(11)look for、searchfor、find、find out的用法:前面两个词语表示动作过程,后面两个表示结果,look for指“寻找”不见的或丢失的东西,但还没有找到;searchfor指“为找而搜寻”;find指“找到”了东西;find out主要指“查明一个事实真相”。如:Hey, Monkey, what are you looking for in the cupboard?(嘿,猴儿!你在厨子里面找什么呢?)/ Have you found the lost key to your car?(你找着丢失的车钥匙了吗?)/ The soldiers were searching the room for the spy when they heard a loud noise.(士兵们正在房间里面搜寻间谍突然间他们听到了衣声巨响)/ Lets try to find out who broke the window.(让我们查查谁把窗子打破了)注解 find的几个结构:find sb. sth“为某人找到”,find sth./sb. + adj./n.“发觉某人是”,find it +adj. + to do(或+宾语从句)“发现(做)如何”。如: His mother found her daughter a very clever girl.(他的母亲发现她的女儿是个聪明的女孩)(名词作补语补足语) / You can easily find it not good for your health to eat cold food.(你很容易就会发现吃冷食对你的身体是不利的)(12)listen to、hear的用法:两个词与听觉有关,listen to指“听”这一过程,hear指“听到”这一结果。如:Are you listening to me, Jim? Yes, I have heard your words. (吉姆,你在听我说吗?是的,你的话我全听见了)(13)look、see、watch、read的用法:四个词均与眼睛有关,look指放眼去“看”(不管是否看得到),指“看”的过程;see指“看见”这一结果,有时see还引申为“明白”,表示“看”时后面加“电影”等词,see the film/film ;watch指专注的看,含有“注视、监视”之义,后面常跟“电视、比赛”等词;read限制为看书面材料,译为“看、阅读”,后面跟“书、报纸、杂志”等词。如:What are you looking at?(你在看什么?)/ Please look at the blackboard. (请看黑板)/ Let me go to see the film, mum, will you? (妈妈,让我去看电影吧,好吗?)/ He wont feel well until he finishes watching the football match. (要看完了足球赛他才会感觉好些)/ Reading gives us knowledge.(阅读给我们知识)(14)hear、hear of、hear from、learn的用法: hear“听说”,后面可以跟名词、代词、从句表示听见的内容,hear of“听说”,后面跟人,指对某人有耳闻但没有见过面;hear from“收到
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