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Unit 3 Our Hobbies Topic 2 What sweet music! Section AThe main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. (1) Learn useful words and expressions: concert, go on, hall, lend, tape, come on, pay (2) Learn more words about musical instruments:violin, drum2. Learn about exclamation:(1) How exciting!(2) And it sounds beautiful!(3) Oh, wonderful!3. Talk about concert and musical instruments:(1) Who is going to sing at the concert?Celine Dion.(2) Where is she going to give the concert?At the Music Hall.(3) What time is it going to start?At 7:30 p.m.(4) What musical instruments do you know?(5) Which kind of musical instrument can you play?(6) Which kind of musical instrument are you going to learn?. Teaching aids 教具录音机/音乐磁带/小黑板. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:12分钟)1. (请两个学生将上次调查结果汇报给全班同学。)S1:Our head teacher used to stay at home, but now he often climbs mountains. Because he thinks climbing mountains is good for his health.Our Chinese teacher used to Our maths teacher Our English teacher (第二个学生继续。)S2:Our physics teacher 2. (教师让学生欣赏一首歌曲。)(师生对话,导入新课)T:Do you like the music?SS:Yes, we do.T: It sounds beautiful! Its name is My Heart Will Go On. Do you know who sings the song?S3:I know. Her name is Celine Dion.T: Yes. And she is my favorite singer.(板书)My Heart Will Go On Celine Dion singerIt sounds beautiful!T: Who has some tapes of her songs?(教师手举磁带让学生理解tape的含义。)S4: I have.T: Can you lend some to me?(加手势). It means“May I borrow some from you?”(板书)tape lend to borrow from T: Boys and girls, would you like to listen to some beautiful music?Ss: Yes, Id like to.T: OK, lets go to the concert. (由此导入1a。)(板书)concert at the concert give the concertStep 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:7分钟)1. (播放1a录音,让学生听后回答小黑板上的问题。)(1)What is Sally going to do this Sunday evening?(2)Who is going to sing at the concert?(核对答案。)(再一次播放1a录音,让学生听后回答3个细节性问题。)(3)Where is she going to give the concert?(4)What time is it going to start?(5)Is Jack going to the concert? Why? (核对答案。)2. (让学生自读1a对话,找出感叹句并板书。)(1) How exciting!(2) And it sounds beautiful!(3) Oh, wonderful!(4) Thats too bad. (让学生读,体会感叹句的语气与情感。)Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10分钟)1. (教师放1a录音,让学生跟读,注意语音语调。)2. (男女生分角色跟读。)T: Please listen to the tape. Boys read after Jack and girls read after Sally.3. (将学生分成两组,朗读对话。)4. (学生两人一组,表演对话。)5. (以“Im going to the concert this Sunday evening”为题,让学生自编一组对话,可参照小黑板上的提示词。对话中还要有感叹句。)SingerPlaceTimeFaye Wongat the Music Hallat 7:00 p.m.For example:S1: What are you going to do this Sunday evening?S2: Im going to the concert.S1: How exciting! Who is going to sing at the concert?S2: Faye Wong. Do you know“Eyes On Me”?S1: Yes. Is that her song?S2: Right. And it sounds great!S1: Where is she going to give the concert?S2: At the Music Hall.S1: Oh, wonderful! What time is it going to start?S2: At 7:00 p.m. Why not go with me?S1: Id like to, but I am going to see my grandparents this Sunday evening.S2: Thats too bad!6. (两人一组,根据1b中的海报,编一个类似的对话。完成1b。)(请23组同学表演。)Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)1. (看2a中的乐器,学习新单词。)T:Look at the pictures. Theyre all musical instruments. (让学生猜意思。). Look at the first one, whats this? Do you know?S1: I know. Its a guitar.T: Look carefully. Is it a guitar? No, its a violin. Look at the third one. Thats a guitar. Now what about the second one?Ss: Its a piano.T: Right. What about the last one?(大部分学生沉默,个别学生也许会大声说“鼓”。)T: Yes. They are drums.(教师边说边板书,并领读。)violin drumT: Violin, piano, guitar and drums are musical instruments. Which kind of musical instrument are you interested in? Please tell us. OK, S2.S2: Im interested in the piano. It sounds nice.T: Can you play the piano?S2: Yes, of course. I began to play the piano when I was six years old.T: Oh, what a clever girl! Can anyone else play the piano? Oh, S3.S3: I cant play the piano, but I can play the guitar.T: Who taught you to play it?S3: Nobody. I taught myself.T: Really? How clever! Thank you. Who can play the drums? Nobody? S4, are you going to learn the drums?S4: No, I dont like them.T: Which kind of musical instrument are you going to learn?S4: Im going to learn the violin.T: Why?S4: Because it sounds great.T: Good. Thank you.2. (听录音,完成2a。) (核对答案。)3. (两人一组回答2b中的问题,并编成对话。) (找23组表演。)For example:S5: What musical instruments do you know?S6: The piano, the violin, the guitar and the drums.S5: Which is your favorite? Why?S6: The piano. Because it sounds beautiful.S5: Which kind of musical instrument can you play?S6: I can play the guitar.S5: Which kind of musical instrument are you going to learn?S6: Im going to learn the piano.4. (读2c中的短文,选择正确答案。)(核对答
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