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2022小学升初中试题(难点和易错点剖析)含答案1. let us( 缩写形式 )_正确答案: lets 2. - Thank you very much! - _. A. Youre rightB.All rightC.You are welcomeD.OK正确答案: C 3. Juice and water are healthy drinks,_ Coke isnt healthy drinkA.andB.butC.or正确答案: B 4. she_(宾格)正确答案: her 5. ()Its nine oclock. I must _.A.go homeB.go to homeC.to go homeD.go the home正确答案: A 6. ()I would like _.A.some bananaB.eat some bananasC.some bananas eatD.some bananas正确答案: D 7. 看图算一算. (1)组合图形的面积是多少? (2)图形阴影部分的面积时多少? 正确答案: (1)解:18 12+(12+28) 19 2 =216+380 =596(平方米) 答:组合图形的面积是596 平方米 (2)解:3.6 42 =3.6 2 =7.2 答:阴影部分的面积是7.2 8. 五(1)班有学生50人,其中有女生21人,男生占全班人数的几分之几?正确答案: 解:( 5021) 50, =29 50 =29/50; 答:男生占全班人数的29/50 9. ()Whats that _ English?A.forB.inC.onD.under正确答案: B 10. When you see foreign friends in our school,you can say to them“W_ to my school正确答案: Welcome 11. close_ (现在分词)正确答案: closing 12. over there( 汉语意思 )_正确答案: 在那边 13. ( )_ you see the blackboard?A.DoB.AreC.IsD.Can正确答案: D 14. Jason is used to _ (watch) TV the whole night.正确答案: watching 15. boy_(复数)正确答案: boys 16. ()Whose gloves are they? _ my _.A.Its ,mothersB.Theyre ,mothersC.Theyre ,motherD.Its ,mother正确答案: B 17. ()Whats this in English? _ a jeep.A. This isB.ThatsC.ItsD. it is正确答案: C 18. Look at the sign. The library is _ (close) from 1:00 p.m to 2:00 p.m.正确答案: closed 19. ( )Look! Some meat _ in the box. Some apples _ in the basket.A.are ,areB. is,isC. are ,isD. is , are正确答案: D 20. fox ,wolf ,friends ,and ,are _ 正确答案: Fox and wolf are friends. 21. The children have some apples.(改为单数句子) _ 正确答案: The child has an apple. 22. he( 物主代词 )_正确答案: his 23. A. B. C. 正确答案: C 24. you ,let ,help ,me _ 正确答案: Let me help you 25. shoes(单数)_正确答案: shoe 26. 1 米的5/6和_米的1/6相等;3/4再加上 _个1/4就是最小的质数.正确答案: 5、5 27. There are two _ in our schoolA.libraryB.librariesC.librarys正确答案: B 28. Can I have _(a) orange?正确答案: an 29. Whats your _ fruit?A.very likeB.favouriteC.much like正确答案: B 30. She cant _ in the lakeA.swimmingB.swimingC.swim正确答案: C
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