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Unit 4 Space ExplorationPeriod 1 Listening & speaking 培优层级1基础多维巩固一、语法填空1.Your performance does not meet the (require); in other words, you failed the driving test.2.The letter was not addressed to me but I opened it out of (curious).3.Those people with high (intelligent) also need to work hard before they succeed.4.Everyone should be both physically and (mental) healthy.5.Our new manager is not only capable also gets along well with others.6.The man in (relate) to the case is being questioned now.7.He needs to finish several (procedure) before he is formally appointed.8.Make list of the students who want to join the football club.9.After the examination, the dentist suggested that she should have the tooth (pull).10.With temperature going , we found it hard to stay outdoors.二、完成句子1. we should do to improve our English?(疑问词+do you think)你觉得我们应该怎么做来提高我们的英语水平?2.George is pass this economics class without help. (notenough) 乔治不够聪明,没有人帮助他的话,他这门经济学课程会不及格。3.Would you please advise me ? (疑问词+动词不定式)你能否告诉我该买哪一个?4. the sun give us light but also it gives us heat. (not only位于句首倒装)太阳不仅提供给我们光,还提供给我们热。5., you should focus on it and turn to others when necessary. (不定式)为了越来越好地工作,你应该专注于工作,并在必要时向他人求助。答案:一.1.requirement2.curiosity3.intelligence4.mentally5.but6.relation7.procedures8.a9.pulled10.up二.1.What do you think2.not intelligent enough to3.which to buy4.Not only does5.To do your work better and better培优层级2 多维训练提能一、阅读理解 AA small device no bigger than a toaster has generated oxygen on the surface of Mars, bringing the chances of surviving on the red planet a step closer.The Mars Oxygen In-Situ Resource Utilization Experiment, better known as Moxie, has been generating oxygen from the atmosphere on Mars, as part of Nasas Perseverance rover (漫游者)mission.Moxie produced breathable oxygen in seven hour-long tests conducted in various weather and atmosphere conditions since landing. During each test, the device produced six grams of oxygen, about the same as a small tree and enough to sustain an astronaut for 15 minutes. Its also found that even in extreme temperatures and after a Martian dust storm, Moxie continued to produce high-purity oxygen.“This is the first demonstration of actually using resources on the surface of another planet and transforming them chemically into something that would be useful for a human mission,”said Jeff Hoffinan, a retired astronaut and professor at MIT.Nasa and the MIT team are planning to build a bigger version of Moxie, as they hope advanced models will produce enough oxygen to support a crewed mission to Mars. “We have to bring a lot of stuff from Earth to support a human mission, but oxygen is a big problem. If you can make it there, go for it and youre way ahead of the game,” Hoffinan said.The device uses pumps that absorb in carbon dioxide which is heated to 800 and processed to separate the carbon and oxygen. Carbon monoxide(一氧化碳)is emitted as waste while the pure oxygen is left behind.Expanding the device to support a human mission to Mars presents challenges. It is needed to run continuously for 400 days, a leap from the one-hour tests and its inner temperature should be controlled stably. Moxie has proved to endure the extreme conditions on Mars, however, and the team plans to assess the machines limits in the coming months when atmosphere is thick and carbon dioxide levels are high. They say they just want to set everything as high as they dare and make as much oxygen as they can.1What can we learn about Moxie?AIt works well in a series of tests.BIt aims to purify breathable oxygen.CIt is stopped by extreme conditions.DIt produces oxygen enough for a team.2By quoting Hoffinans words in Paragraph 5, the author intends to_.Apresent a plan to further explore MarsBdemonstrate Nasas ambition to win the gameCshow the plentiful and useful resources on MarsDhighlight the significance of making oxygen on Mars3Which of the following best describes the team according to the last paragraph?ACautious and ambitious.BConfident and intelligent.CPractical and independent.DCourageous and imaginative.4What can be a suitable title for the text?AA Nasa Mars rover landed successfully.BChallenges for a human mission to Mars.CHuman survives with oxygen made on Mars.DA little oxygen on Mars, a great leap forward. BAt the end of 2018, the Beidou Navigation Satellite System (BDS北斗卫星导航系统) started to provide global services. “This marked Beidous entering a global era from its regional era, ” BDS Spokesman Ran Chengqi said at a news conference.Now with two more Beidou satellites launched on Dec
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