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2024年江西省高三教学质量监测卷英语答案第一部分 听力(共两节,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1-5 ABCAB 6-10 BACCC 11-15 ABBAB 16-20 CCACB第二部分 阅读(共两节,每小题2.5分,满分50分)21-25 DCBAB 26-30 DACAC 31-35 CBBDB 36-40 AFBGE第三部分 语言运用(共两节,每小题1分,满分 30分)第一节(每小题1分,满分 15分)41-45 CDABA 46-50 BCDAB 51-55 DACBD第二节(每小题1.5分,满分15分)56. traditionally 57. to witness 58. held 59. has been 60. the 61. which 62. performances 63. was honored 64. remarkable 65. of第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分) 第一节 (满分15分)Dear Mr Smith,I hope this email finds you well. Im Li Hua, chairman of the Student Union. I am writing to invite you to participate in our upcoming English Cultural and Art Festival, which aims to enrich our school life and promote cross-cultural understanding among us students.We would greatly appreciate it if you could perform a program at the festival, sharing your talents with us students. Your presence and performance would undoubtedly enrich the festival and inspire the students.The festival will be held on May 30th, in the school hall. We eagerly await your positive response and look forward to your arrival.Best wishes,Li Hua第二节 (满分25分) That night, our monitor handed me an unsigned letter from a classmate. “Looking back,” the man wrote, “I realize that in an effort to make people laugh, I said things that were hurtful and acted like a stupid person. I am really sorry. If you remember me that way, please forgive me. You dont know how regretful I have been all these years. ” Tears welled up in my eyes. I let him stand in for all the boys I couldnt remember, and in the silence of my heart, I said, “I forgive you. I forgive you all.” A dark sorrow faded from my soul. I felt happier, more self-confident and attractive. Back home, my boys noticed that I was wearing a new T-shirt. “Mom, you are really beautiful on that shirt,” they said. I smiled. Theyd said that before, but this time I believed it. In the silence of my heart, I let go of the past, allowing room for newfound happiness and self-assurance. The healing power of forgiveness became a ray of sunshine, guiding me toward a more positive outlook on life.部分试题解析阅读理解A文章导读:本文主要介绍了2024年为青少年打造的5部世界级儿童剧及相关信息。这些儿童剧分别是二等兵彼得-普拉西德重现了二等兵彼得-普拉西德的一生;创伤都铎王朝可以了解从 1400 年代到 1600 年代的英国皇室成员的故事;瓢虫听到了什么由 Hair Wax Ltd(英国)和新加坡青年剧院在 Apian 艺术中心联合推出的合家欢剧目;格鲁法洛由 Julia Donaldson 获奖图书改编的魔幻剧,讲述了格鲁法洛这只聪明的老鼠的故事;我们要去猎熊勇敢的冒险家们将踏上寻找小熊的旅程。21. D。本题是推理判断题,要求考生对文章信息的理解上推断出文章的出处。通过浏览主标题和五个次标题可以推断出本文介绍了为青少年打造的5部儿童剧,文章的目标人群主要是有孩子的家长。因此选D,文章可能出现在一本写给父母看的杂志上。A在故事书中,B在日记中都不合常理。C在一篇报纸文章中,为最大干扰项,这个广告可能出现在报纸上,但不是报纸的文章中。22. C。本题是细节理解题。根据题干“by actors from two countries”可以定位到What the Ladybird Heard部分。根据定位信息可知,由 Hair Wax Ltd(英国)和新加坡青年剧院在 Apian 艺术中心联合推出。因此答案选C。其他选项不符合题意。23. B。本题是细节理解题。根据题干“a 10% discount for The Gruffalo”可以定位到The Gruffalo部分,根据定位信息可知,凭我们要去猎熊的票根可享受九折优惠。因此选B。A选项通过收集和退回票务存根,没有提到要退回票务存根,因此错误。C选项用ACBC信用卡买票,D选项通过加入老鼠的冒险之旅,都与题干不符。B文章导读:本文是一篇记叙文。主要叙述了 “Chooky Dancers” 这支澳大利亚土著舞蹈团成名并成功走向世界的故事。24. A。 本题为推理判断题,考查学生对文章写作手法的理解。首段首句Imagine this situation想象一下这种情况,接着用第二人称将读者代入到新的角色或者情境中,调动读者的情感,让读者产生情感共鸣。因此答案选A把读者带入别人的世界。25. B。本题为细节理解题。根据题干信息和第三段首句“This did happen in 2007 to the Chooky Dancers”,可以定位到文章第二段“.your group is doing an up-beat version of the Sirtaki dance from the 1964 movie Zorba the Greek.” 由此可知让Chooky Dancers舞蹈团成名的舞蹈是改编自1964 年电影希腊人左巴中的 Sirtaki(瑟塔基舞:一种希腊民间舞蹈)。up-beat version是指经过改编的反拍版本,因此选B。A选项它是由他们自己发明的, C选项它是在互联网学的,D选项它是在希腊学的,都不符合原文。26. D。 本题为词义猜测题。根据题干可将信息定位到第五段“Even so, the audience had seen nothing like the Chooky Dancers, who began, as usual, with a traditional Yolngu dance, before breaking out into their signature Zorba.”尽管如此,观众们还是第一次看到像 Chooky Dancers 这样的表演,他们像往常一样,先是跳了一段传统的Yolngu舞,然后又跳起了招牌的 Zorba 舞。前文提到过是希腊电影Zorba使他们轰动一时,因此属于他们的代表作品。因此选D。27. A。本题为主旨要义题。文章结尾“Its a great international, multicultural, outback youth success storyan Indigenous Australian dance troupe performs a techno version of a Greek dance on Chinese TV!”全面概括了文章的主旨,主要讲述的是一个澳大利亚土著舞蹈团走向国际最终成名的故事。BCD选项都不能全面概括文章主旨,因此选A。C文章导读: 本文是一篇关于3D电影及其影响的议论文。作者John Simpson自称是一个守旧的人,他强烈反对3D电影的发展,他认为这种电影形式不仅对观众的健康有害,而且破坏了电影的艺术价值,其背后的商业动机更是让人无法接受。28. C。本题为细节理解题。根据第一段第三句“The other kind: a dinosaur of old-fashioned opinion.”可知,他自称为观点守旧的恐龙,即那种对新观念持反对态度的人。故选C。此题最大干扰项是B选项:以多种形式出现的那种,根据该段最后一句“physically dangerous, economically greedy, artistically self-defeating and imaginatively silly”(身体上危险,经济上贪婪,艺术上自我挫败,想象力上愚蠢)可知,这不是各种形式,而是不同方面。29. A。本题为推理判断题。第一、二段文中使用了很多不完整的句子,如“Call me the youngest dinosaur in the world. Not the kind who attacks you in a 3D movie. The other kind: a dinosaur of old-fashioned opinion.”“That kind of dinosaur”。由此可以看出这是一种辩论式的表达方式,这种方式可以制造悬念,增强文章的节奏感,突出作者对于3D电影的反感态度,让读者感受到他的坚定和强烈情感。同时,这种风格也符合作者自称的守旧形象,加深了文章的主题和氛围。故选A。30. C。本题为细节理解题。根据题干可定位到第三段“These risks are greatest for children and teenagers.”的前后内容,说明文章最强调的方面是3D电影对观众的危害和影响,包括增强感知的深度、眼疲劳、头痛和定向障碍等。故选C。31. C。本题为细节理解题。根据题干“most disturbing about 3D films”可定位到第六段,根据最后一句
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