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四年级第一学期英语期末考试听力部分(30分)听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(5分)1.()A. thisB. atC. fatD.that2.()A. whatB. howC. whereD. they3.()A. thirtyB.fortyC.threeD. thirtee n4.()A. classmateB. bathroomC. livi ng roomD.kitche n5.()A.bikeB.kiteC.likeD.lake 二、听录音,按所听内容给下列图片排序。(8分)吕m J( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、听录音,选出合适的答语,并将其序号写在题前括号内。(5分)1.() A. Apples,please.B. Apple juice,please.C.Noodles,please2.()A. Me too.B. No,it isn SC. No,tha nks.3.() A. Twelve o lock.B. Twenty yua n, please.C. He S thirteen.4.() A. Yes, I do.B. Yes, I like.C. No, I can S.5.() A. No,it sin the bedroom.B. Yes, it is.C. Not at all.四、听短文,判断下列表述是否与所听内容相符,用T/F表示。(4 分)1. () It in the morni ng.2. ( )I try on three T-shirts.3. ( )I like the yellow one.4. () The orange one is thirty-seven yuan.五、听录音,补全对话。(6分)A: Good morning. What you like?B: I like a glass of orangeA: Somethi ng to ?B: A,please. How much in?A: yuan,please.笔试部分(70分)一、语音。(5分)A)圈出句中划线处读音与所给例子相同的那个单词。1. fiveThe little boy loves that fat cat very much2. boxThe funny fox_lives n ear our classroom.B)选出划线处读音与其他两个不同的选项。C. breakfastC. glassC. they()1 A. ofB. fifteen()2 A. zooB. zebra()3 A. mouthB. thin二、 用 she/he, she s/he , her/his 填空。(5 分)A: Lucy,look at my family photo.B: Wow, this baby is cute. Isyour sister?A: Yes, brother Tim. to fly a kite.Lily.eyes are big. And this is my littlenot tall, butis fat. likesB: You have a happy family!、圈出合适的词,并填空。(5分)1. -Miss Li, I can make a robot.-Well(dow n / done) !2. Mike and Hele n are(in ,at) the sn ack bar.3. How much(are/is) this pair of shoes?4. Here(are/is) some rice.5(can /can) play football either.四、将所给图片与对应句子连线。(6分) A body part for eati ng,dri nking and speak ing. Children like to make it with snow.UM They can swim in the river.* Many animals have,but we don have.-Thirtee n ,please.hot.A. How muchB. How oldC. How many()2. The no odles look yummy.A. How much is it C.How much are they?B. How much they are* You need it when it rains.3.you,Hele n?I d likenis green jacket.4. -IWhat timeB. What doC. What aboutm hungry.,please.Eat a cakeB. Here s some juice C. All right5. -Na ncy , can I eat applesyou ?-Of course.A.ofB. withC. for6. -my colour pen s,Mum?the sofa.A . Where are; in B . Where $onC.Where are;On7. -Theseare ni ce. Howare they?-Five yua n.A . stickers ,much B . doll, manyC. balls, about8. Her eyesbig,a nd her hairlong.A. is; isB. are; arec.are; is9. -beautiful your toy tiger is!-Tha nk you, Mike.A . HowB . WhatC. Where10. -Is Joh n your cous in?six.Yes ,he sB . No, she sC . Yeah, it六、看图,根据首字母及上下文完成对话,每空一词。(8分)A: Good m. Welcome to our toy shop! Can I hyou?B:Yes.ld like this robot.C: Wow, he sc! He has a small eye. And the other ois very big.B: Can he j?A: Yes. L! And he can t,too.R: Would you like two gof milk, Sir? ”B: Won derful!七、从II栏中选出与1栏中各小题匹配的应答句,并将其序号填在相应的括号里。(8 分)1II()1.Look at the cat .A.IITen.()2.Can I help you ?B.Great.()3.Do you like cats?C.I m hungry.()4.How many pens do you have ?D.Yes, I can.()5.Can you jump?E.It s forty yuan.()6.How much is it ?F.No, I don t.()7.Let s go and play with the dog.G.It s fat.()8.How are you ?H.Yes. I d like these shoes八、连词成句。(5分)1. dogs, you, do, like, Tim (, ?)2. kin g, is, now, he, a (!)3. table, is, in, the, room, livi ng (?)4. two, milk , I d, of, likasses (.)5. don t , any, have, cars, toy, either, I (.)九、将下列句子排成正确的语序。(8分)( )Hi,Ya ng Lin g.Welcome to my new home.() It svery cheap and ni ce.( )Tha nk you, Su Yang.(4 ) Really?Where is it?( )It sonly fourtee n yua n.Yes, I bought (买) it at a charity sale (义卖)() Wow, she beautiful! How much is it?() I have a new doll.() It in my bedroom. Look!十、阅读短文,选择最佳答案。(5分)Mr. Green has two cats. One is big and the other is small. He likes themvery much.One day, his friend Mr. Black comes to see him. He is very surprised( 惊讶).He finds there are two holes in the door, a big hole and a small hole. Hesays, “ Oh, my dear frie nd, why are there two holes in your door?”“ To let mycats in and out. ” Mr. Green answers.“ But why are there two holes? ” ask hisfriend. “ How can the big cat go through穿过)the small one?” Mr. Green says.()1. Mr. Green has two.A. holes in his wi ndowB. cute dogs2. Mr. Gree n likesvery much.A. his catsB. his frie nd3. sees two holes in the door.A. Mr. BlackB. Mr. Green4. Mr. Green thinks(认为)the big catA. canB. cannot5. is not clever( 聪明).A. Mr. BlackB. Mr. GreenC. catsC. his holesC. The black cat go through the sma
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