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雅思写作Task 2评分标准及范文雅思写作分为Task1 和 Task2 ,考官从四项 :任务完成情况(Task1) 、任务反应情况(Task2) 、连贯与衔接、词汇和句式丰富性及语法准确性分别进行评分。以 Task1 为例,四项评分分别要求为:1.在任务完成方面,即审题方面,考察你是否能够在正确审题的基础上完成题目的指令。2.连贯及衔接方面,即思路方面的要求,文章只有通过一定的衔接手段才能保持上下文的连贯性。衔接手段,经常用的有逻辑、语法和语义三方面的连接词。3.词汇和句式多样性,即要求用词丰富(Variety)、句子结构注意变换。(高分关键 :词汇包括词汇的准确和 多样性(同义词,避免重复)句法结构包括准确性(语法)和多样性(非谓语动词,复合句)4.语法准确性方面,指的是文章的语言表达。要获得5 6 分的成绩,要求语法错误较少,用词和句子基本准确。Band 5.0Somepeoplethink thatuniversitiesshouldprovidegraduateswith the knowledgeandskillsneededin theworkplace.Others think thatthe truefunction ofa universityshouldbe togiveaccess to knowledge fro its own sake, regardless of whether the course is useful to an employer.What, in your opinion, should be the main function of a university?What knowledge an skills should universities provide has been argued for many yeas. Some people thinkthat the true function of universities provide knowledge for their own purpose, but nowadays, more andmore people point out hat universities should provide graduates with the knowledge and skills accordingto the workplace.The first reason for university should provide these knowledge and skill is thestudentsneeds. Obviously,the most of the students go to university purpose of is to get some knowledge and skills which could make them have the ability to get a job. If a university does not provide these knowledge and skills, thestudents might not get a job and they would be very disappointed. As a result, the university would lose its students.Moreover, providing knowledge and skills need in the work place make a university progress. The new skills and information always are initiated in the workplace, so focusing on the needs of the workplace the university could get sound strategies to do research and make it more mordenization.Lastly,providingtheseknowledgeand skills couldbenefitour countrywhichusuallygivesa financialsupport to universities. Having these knowledge and skills, students are more easy to get a job, and thiscan make our countrieseconomy strong.In conclusion, it can be said that providing the knowledge and skills which the workplace needs is everyuniversitiesbasic function.评语:1 任务完成方面: 字数不足 250 , 没有全部回答问题。2 连贯衔接方面: 行文组织良好,有些地方连词使用恰当。3 词汇句式方面: 词汇量的缺乏,导致词汇严重重复,4 语法准确方面: 试图使用复杂的句式,但是有些地方使用不当。Band 6.0Companiesshouldencourageoldemployees(55yearsold)toretire,inordertogiveopportunities to the new generation.To what extend do you agree or disagree?Accordingto a recentinvestigation,a numberof individualsarecognizantofundersucha severcompetitionin the societythat a massofemployeeswhoare morethan55 yearsold mustretirethanks to company policy. Therefore, many leaders believe that thedevelopment of a company can nobe without more young employees.The main reason is that numbers of fresh employees mean that the companyblood.The new generationhas advancedtechnologyand the energyis filled withlots of newto exploit,and they alsohavelearned lots of knowledge and skills in the university or college;(举例 重叠) therefore it is more useful forthe development of companies in the future. Another reason is thatmany old employeesare forced togasp under the heavy burdenand endless works. With the growth of their own, the peoplefound itdifficult to take overwhelming pressure, so theyfail toget with their family, even thought they expectall the time. And the companies mustsend morewagesto old employees than young employees, as itmeans there is an increasing amount of costfor a company.On the other hand,most old employees have already worked for more than half of their lifetime,so it istimefor them to retire to enjoy life. The old employees have already paid out too much in order to lookafter their families and careers.So they shouldpursuetheir hobbies now.In conclusion,old employeesshouldn tcontinueworkingfor themselves.Moreover,advancementofsociety need a new generation.评语:5 任务完成方面: 主要论点扣题,支持句基本明确。个别例子不精简。6 连贯衔接方面: 行文有逻辑性,连词使用良好。偶见错误。7 词汇句式方面: 尽量丰富的使用的词汇,但是词汇准确方面有些欠缺,8 语法准确方面: 表意清晰,尽量使用多样化的句式,但是标点,语法掌握不精练。Band 6.5Companiesshouldencourageoldemployees(55yearsold)toretire,inorderopportunities to the new generation.To what extend do you agree or disagree?According to a recent investigation, a number of people realize that the employ
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