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Unit 10 词汇篇学生通过本讲学习,能够掌握本单元的重点词汇句型,并在综合能力上有一定的拓展。1. check out:察看,观察2. clear out:清理,清除3. no Ion ger:不再,不复No longer=not any Ion ger4. part with:放弃,交出5. as for: 至于,关于6. to be hon est:说实在的7. search:搜索,搜查Search sb/sw for sth.8. give away:分发9. accord ing to:依据1.别担心!他不再是个孩子了。Dont worry. He is a child.2. 说实在的,他是一个好人。, he is a good man.3. 让我们把这些东西捐赠给慈善机构吧。Lets the things to charities.4. 我们已经从我们的卧室里清扫出许多东西。We out a lot of things from our bedrooms.5. 根据这个调查,我们应该戒烟。the survey, we should give up smoki ng.解析:1. no Ion ger2. To be hon est3. give away4. have already cleared5. accord ing to基础演练一、单项选择1.1 will meet Jane at the station. Please the arrival(至U达)time.A.cou ntB.chooseC.checkD.catch2.-What is Jack doing in his room?-He isa magaz ine.A.searchi ng forB.ask ing forC.wait ing forD.going for3.these toys, I like the bear best.A.Betwee nB.FromC.WithD.Among4. Her parents always her as the cleverest of their children.A.regardB.makeC.keepD.watch5.-We missed a cha nee to win a goal.!A.Well doneB.Good luckC.What a shameD.How lucky二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)6. The paper is too hard. I need some s paper.7. Do you like b games such as chess?8. Learning a foreign Ianguage requires a c effort.9. She is waiting for you on the o side of the street.10. Could you be quiet for a w ?11. They were in j school before they entered the high school.三、适当形式填空(单句适当形式)12. Mr. Smith told us that his early (child) had bee n very happy.13. I dont like traveli ng, (especial) in summer.14. Tony never tells a lie; he is a (truth) boy.15. Most of us have many sweet (memory) about childhood in our hearts.四、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)16. 他不在努力工作了。He works hard.=He work hard .17. 说到学校的郊游,大多数学生都很积极。the school trip, students arevery .18. 根据天气预报,雨还会持续3天。the weather report, the rain will last for ano ther three days.19. 说实在的,卖旧东西是很难的。, its hard to sell the old thi ngs.20. 我们已经从我们的卧室里清扫出许多东西。We out a lot of things from our bedrooms.答案一、单项选择1. C 2. A 3. D 4. A 5. C二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)6. soft7. board8. certa in9. opposite10. while11. ju nior三、适当形式填空(单句适当形式)12. childhood13. especially14. truthful15. memories四、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)16. no Ion ger; does nt; any Ion ger17. As for, most, active18. Accordi ng to19. To be hon est20. have already cleared巩固提高1. 我已经在北京工作三年了。I in Beijing three years.2. 银行在超市对面。The bank is the supermarket.3. 我从来没去过博物馆。I have never the museum.4. 根据这个调查,我们应该戒烟。the survey, we should give up smoki ng.5. -你买这个房子多长时间了?五年了。- have you had the house?- five years.6. 里克将什么时候回法国?(词数不限)When will Rick France?7. 她正在寻找与这双鞋子同类的鞋子。She the same kind of shoes as these.8. 本每天运动至少两个小时。(词数不限)Every day Ben plays sports two hours.9. 为了多赚钱,他努力地工作。(词数不限)He works hard make more money.10. 我们过去经常步行去上学。(词数不限)We to school.1. have worked, for2. opposite to/across from3. bee n to4. Accord ing to5. How long. For6. return to7. is search ing for8. at least9. in order to10. used to walk尊5当堂检厕1. Many people leave the countryside (look) for work in the cities.2. Bob (live) in Han gzhou in the last five mon ths.3. I used to (be) late for school, but now rm always on time.4. Bruce (learn) Chinese for two years. He can speak it well.5. - Why not consider (sell) these old things?-Thats a good idea.6. Every one (like) to be free.7. She (hold) me by her arm and asked me to go shopp ing with her.8. Our hometow n is very beautiful, (especial) in autu mn.9. Why not consider (visit) the Great Wall?10. Sally used to (sleep) with the light on.1. to look2. has lived3. be4. has lear ned5. selli ng6. likes7. held8. especially9. visit ing10. sleep二、完型(重庆中考题)Wang Ling, a middle school girl, felt angry with her pare nts after gett ing a boys phone call.“ A classmatecalled me to discuss homework. We talked 1 just a few mi nu tes before my pare nts got mad,” saidthe girl. “ They asked whether I liked the boy. I said I didnt, 2they would nt believe me.”Wangs trouble is not strange at all because puppy love (早恋)becomes a big headache for3 parents and schools. They worry that puppy love will be bad for 4. Her school makes it a rulenot to allow any talk or any physical con tact ( 身体接触 )5 one boy and one girl alone.Many stude nts say they un dersta nd6pare nts and teachers are so n ervous about puppy love.But some think they are going too far.“ We have our own thoughts and we know whawtQ it, ”said Wang Ling.Ano ther girl, Jia ng Tin g, liked making friends with boys.“ Boys and girls can lear n from each otheshe said. “ My mother asks me to study hard. However, she8 s
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