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2005年成人高考英语模拟试卷一.语音知识(共5小题,每题1。5分,共7。5分)在下列每组单词中, 有一个单词的划线部分与其它单词的划线部分的读音不同。找出这个词。() . A. knowledge B. snow C. own D. low ( ) 2. A. hear B. ear C. heard D. dear ( ) 3. A. cheap B. children C. reach D. machine ( ) 4. A. walked B. heated C. stopped D. passed ( ) 5. A. any B. matter C. happy D. carry二. 词汇与语法知识(共15小题,每题1.5分,共22.5分)6.Sandy could do nothing but _ to his teacher that he was wrong.A. admit B. admitted C. admitting D. to admit7.The person _ of the factory has _ ill since last week.A. in charge, been B. in the charge, fallenC. taking charge, fallen D. in charge, fell8.The boy was so _ about the pandas in the zoo that he stayed there the whole afternoon.A. nervous B. eager C. anxious D. curious9.Please _ up this chair for me. Its really comfortable to sit on.A. put B. hand C. fix D. shut10. She was frightened and, _ what was wrong with him, at once rang up the doctor.A. knowing not B. not know C. didnt know D. not knowing 11. Readers can _ quite well without knowing the exact meaning of each word.A. get over B. get along C. get in D. get through12._ we shall raise ducks or geese remains to be decided.A. That B. If C. Whether D. Where13.All _ is needed is a supply of oil.A. the thing B. which C. what D. that 14. How long _ to finish the work?A. youll take B. will take you C. youll take it I D. will it take you15. He thanked me for what my son _ .A.didB. had doneC.doesD.hasdone16.The new secretary is supposed to report to the manager as soon as she _.A.will arriveB.arrivesC.is going to arrive D.is arriving17.Thestory_,andeverybodyknowsaboutit. Ahasgotround BgotroundCwasgotroundDhasbeengotround18. In China,bicycle ispopular means of transportation(交通) Aa; 不填 Bthe; a Cthe; the Da; the19The price of vegetables isthan before Amuch cheaper Bstill dearer Ceven higher Da lot more expensive20. How about the price of these refrigerators? Theyre equal in price to, if not cheaper than, at the other stores. A. others B. it C. that D. the ones三.完形填空(共20小题;每小题15分,满分30分) The Middleton Bank was robbed,and Detective Paul Nichols was sent forThe bank 21said,“The robber had a long and ugly 22 on his right cheek”It happened that the man came into the bank and stood in line with the other customersWhen he reached the window,however,he23 the bank clerk a piece of paper,saying,“Do not say anything or24 anythingI have a gun and will use it if I have toPut four thousand dollars in a(an)25 and hand it to me”Realizing he was not joking,the bank clerk did exactly as the robber wishedThe man walked out of the bank, and no one realized what had happened,not even the lady standing behind himA thorough search was made,26 no such a person with an ugly scar was27 “I cant understand how he could get28 so rapidly,”Detective Nichols told his29 Nancy that evening“We questioned30 inside and outside the bankNo one saw a man with a scar on his31”Nancy Nichols was a very32 womanHer husband liked to discuss his33 with her because of thisShe enjoyed helping solve a caseWhile her husband was34 a program on TV,Nancy sat drinking coffee in35“Why should the robber want the bank clerk to 36 the scar?”She said to herself“He should have wanted to 37 it” Nancyrose from her seat,and went over to turn off the TVShe let her husband know what she had come up withFive minutes later,Paul was in his car,hurrying to the38 stationAnother39 was organizedThe robber was caught within twenty-four hoursThe man had been a(an)40,and knew how to disguise(伪装)himself21Aleader Bguard Cclerk Ddirector 22Abite Bhole Cbirthmark Dscar 23Ahanded Bread Cwrote Dprinted 24Ado Bsee Chear Dtouch 25Acar Benvelope CboxDlorry 26Aand Bbut Cbecause Dso 27Akilled Bheard Cfound Dinvited 28Aout Bup Cin Daway 29Awife Bdaughter Csister Dworkmate 30Ano one Bnobody Ceveryone Dsomebody 31Aleg Bface Carm Dback 32Abeautiful BuglyCpolite Dpractical 33Astudies Bfamily affairs Cpersonal affairs Dfamily plans 34Awatching Bhearing Clooking for Dlistening to 35Aanger Bsurprise Cdanger Dsilence 36Asee Bfeel Cmake Dcover 37Awipe BcleanC
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