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学位英语词汇、结 构、语法专项提升练习1.the French and their revolution spirit,many countries have chosen to usethe same colours on their flags.A.In terms ofB.In case ofC.In response toD.In salute toD【答 案】D【详 解】考查介词短语辨析。In terms of 按 照:B.In case of 万 一:C.In response to 响应;D.In salute to致 敬。句 意:为了向法国人民和他们的革命精神致敬,很多国家的国旗使用和法国国旗相同的颜色。根据句意可知此处表示“向致敬”,故D项正确。2.He is old,so his son will the farm.A.take charge ofB.in charge ofC.chargeD.be in the charge ofA【答 案】A【详 解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:他老了,所以他的儿子会接管这个农场。A.take chargeof 接管;B.in charge of 管理;C.charge 承担;D.be in the charge of 在的管理下。根据句意可知,此处应译为“接管”,虽然in charge of也是接管或管理,但是它不能作谓语。故选A 项。3.Only after her mother came to help her for the first few months to begin herpropjet.A.was she allowedB.she was allowedC.did she permitD.she permittedA【答案】A试题分析:句意“直到她母亲在前几个月里来帮助她,她才得以开始她的研究项目。Only+状 语(副词,状语从句或者介词短语)位于句首时,句子用部分倒装语序,由句意可知此处表示被动,故答案选A。考点:考查倒装句。4.(2018滨海 7 校联考)But for your instruction,I such great progress in soshort a time.Thanks a lot.A.wouldnt makeB.hadnt madeC.wont makeD.wouldnt have madeD【答案】D考查情态动词+have done。句意:要不是你的指导,在这么短的时间内,我不会取得如此大的进步。根据but for要不是,句子用虚拟语气,相当于if非真实条件句的主语,此处与过去的事实相反,故主句用would have done结构,根据句意可知答案为 D。5.After the flooding,people were suffering in that a r e a,u r g e n t l y needed cleanwater,medicine and shelter to survive.A.whichB.whoC.whereD.whatB【答案】B【详解】考查定语从句。句意:洪灾过后,那个地区的人们正在受苦,为了生存,他们急需干净的水、药品和住所。将先行词people代入定语从句后为:people urgently neededclean water,medicine and shelter to survive,可知先行词在从句中作主语,所以排除C 项;what不能引导定语从句,故排除D 项;因为先行词为“人”,所以排除A 项。故答案为B 项。6.Theres no snake known that will habitually attack human beings unless withits life.A.threatenB.threatenedC.threateningD.having threatenedB【答案】B【详解】考查过去分词。句意:没有一条蛇会习惯性地攻击人类,除非它的生命受到威胁此处句子主语snake和 threaten之间是被动关系,所以unless和过去分词threatened构成条件状语,故选B。7.They must have mistaken you for your elder sister y e s t e r d a y,?A.haven5t theyB.didnt theyC.arent theyD.mustnt theyB【答案】B【详解】考查反义疑问句。句意:昨天,他们一定是把你错认成你的姐姐了,不是吗?含有must的反义疑问句,当must用来表示对过去的情况进行“推测”(must+havedone)时,如强调对过去情况的推测(一般句中有过去的时间状语),反意疑问句部分要用“didnt+主语”;如果强调动作的完成(一般没有过去时间状语),反意疑问句部分要用“havent/hasnt+主语”,故选B。8.The worse working conditions we are looking forward to must haveattracted the local govemmenfs attention.A.see improvedB.seeing to improveC.see improvingD.seeing improvedD【答案】D【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:我们期待看到有所改善的极其糟糕的工作条件一定引起了当地政府的关注。look forward to结构中的to为介词,其后跟动名词。句子核心结构为The worse working conditions must have attracted the local govemmenfsattention.。we are looking forward to seeing improved 为定语从句,修饰先行词conditions;关系代词在定语从句中作seeing的宾语且被省略,improved为宾语补足语,表被动。故 D 选项正确。9.Tom full marks,but he was too careless and made a spelling mistake.A.could have gainedB.could gainC.must have gainedD.must gainA【答案】A考查虚拟语气与情态动词。句意:汤姆本可以得到满分的,但是他太粗心了,犯了一个拼写错误。but he was too careless and made a spelling mistake,可知是说明的过去的事情,排除B 与 D。could have done”本可以做而没有做,是虚拟语气,符合句意。must have done过去一定做过,表示对过去动作的推测,不符合题意,故选A项。10.Have you read the book Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out by Mo Y a n,t h a twon him the 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature?A.the oneB.oneC.thoseD.onesA【答案】A【详解】考查代词辨析。句意:你有读过那本让莫言赢得2012年诺贝尔文学奖的 生死疲劳吗?此处是the book Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out的同位语,特指这本书,应用the one。故 A 选项正确。11.Teachers in primary schools influence the kids fall under should be rolemodels.A.whoseB.whoC.whereD.whichA【答案】A考查定语从句。句意:小学老师应当是孩子们的榜样,孩子们会受到老师的影响。influence the kids fall under是定语从句,修饰teachers,先行词在从句中做influence的定语,意为”.的,故要用whose引导该从句。A选项正确。12.一I was told that Tom made rapid progress.一Well,after several years self-study he acquired knowledge.A.a large number ofB.a great manyC.scores ofD.a great deal ofD【答案】D【详解】考查数量词。句意:我听说Tom取得了迅速的进步。嗯,经过几年的自学,他获得了不少知识。knowledge知识,抽象名词不可数,故用a great deal of修饰。其余选项用来修饰可数名词复数,故选D。13.The cost of living in big cities steadily for many years,and it has ledsome youths to drop out of the big city race.A.is climbingB.is being climbedC.has been climbingD.has been climbedC【答案】C【详解】考查时态。句意:许多年以来,大城市的生活费用稳步增高,这导致许多年轻人逃离了大城市。表示一个从过去开始但仍在进行的动作,用现在完成进行时,故选Co14.Peter was so excited he received an invitation from his friend_Chongqing.A.that;to visitB.when;to visitC.that;visitingD.when;visitingB【答案】B【详解】考查不定式和状语从句。句意:彼得收到朋友邀请他访问重庆的请帖时激动不已。when引导时间状语从句,sothat引导结果状语从句;前面表示当收到邀请时如此激动,用时间状语从句,to visit限定invitation做后置定语。visiting限定friend做后置定语,选 B。15.Frankly speaking,such efficient strategies were applied in English learning practiceevery student could benefit from in life.A.whenB.thatC.asD.whereC【答案】C考查定语从句。句意:坦白地讲,使每一位学生都能在生活中受益的有效策略,在英语学习实践中得以应用。该题考查suchas引导的定语从句,as every studentcould benefit from in life 做定语从句修饰 such efficient strategies,as 做定语从句中benefit from的宾语,故选C 项。【点睛】一、such as的七个用法:表示举例,such as意为“例如,诸如此类的,像那样的”,相当于like或forexample o 如:There are few poets such as Keats and Shelly.像济慈和雪莱这样的诗人现在很少了。Adverbs are used to modify verbs,such as fast in“she ran fhst”.副词用来修饰动词,例如“她跑得快”中的“快Animals such as rabbits and deer continue to be active all winter,finding food whereverthey can.像兔和鹿这样的动物整个冬天都是很活跃的,它们到处寻找食物。用此义时的几点说明:(1)这类结构既可表现为“名词+such as+例子”,也可表现为“such+名词+as+例子”。如:I enjoy songs such as this one.=I enjoy such songs as
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