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欢迎阅读本文档,希望本文档能对您有所帮助!Unit Two知识点总结一、词组1. be cleverer than people 比人类聪明2. have to work harder 不得不更努力地学习3. American English ; British English 美式英语;英式英语4. a mixed school 一所男女混合的学校5. have lessons together 一起上课6. during the Reading Week 在阅读周期间7. bring in books and magazines from home 从家里带来书和杂志 bring in把带进来;赚钱8. borrow books from the library从图书馆借书 lend sb. sth. / lend sth. to sb.把借给9. at the end of the Reading Week 在阅读周结束的时候 in the end / at last / finally最后10. discuss sth with sbdiscussion (n.)与某人讨论某事 11. in Grade 8 / in the 8th grade / in Year 8 在八年级12. listen carefully to my problems 仔细地倾听我的问题13. offer me help 给我提供帮助 offer sb. sth. / offer sth. to sb;provide sb with sth / provide sth for sb 给某人提供某物14. practice / practice playing baseball 练习打棒球15. win two games 赢两场比赛16. on my way to the supermarket在我去超市的路上 on my way home在我回家的路上17. the fewest tomatoes 最少的西红柿 the least juice 最少的果汁19. among the three of us 在我们三个人当中20. come third in the race 在比赛中得第三名21. wear school uniforms / wear ties 穿校服 / 打领带22. do morning exercises 做早操 do exercise 锻炼,运动23. play chess 下棋24. in class 在课上25. have a monthly test on each subject 每门科目进行一次月考26. watch English videos 看英文录像27. at most / at least至多 / 至少28. look through the questions 浏览这些问题29. be in the Singing Club 在唱歌俱乐部 become a member of / join the Singing Club加入唱歌俱乐部30. choose subjects to study选择要学的科目31. at first; at last起初;最后32. have / take two weeks off放两周假33. go on a school trip进行学校旅行34. go to France for further study去法国深造French 法语;Frenchman 法国人35. my ideal school我理想的学校36. wear uniforms穿制服 wear ties打领带37. do morning exercises做早操 do eye exercises做眼保健操38. have 2 days off 放假2天have off 休假(时间) have off for因某个假期休假39. spend on sth/ (in) doing sth在某事上花费/ 花费做某事40. have sometime for有一些时间用于41. look through the questions浏览这些问题42. keep writing in English (坚持) 一直用英语写作43. go on a school trip 进行学校旅游 go on a trip to到地方去旅游44. get up early早起45. have one hour of homework有一个小时的回家作业 half an hour 半小时 an hour 一小时 one and a half hours 一个半小时46. a number of = a lot of 许多,大量 the number of 的数量二、句型1. He is not the cleverest student in our class, but he works hardest / is the most hard-working.他不是我们最聪明的学生,但他是最勤奋的。 2. Whats school like? Its like watching TV. 学校是什么样子的?就像是看电视。3. There are fewer advertisements on TV than in newspapers.电视上的广告比报纸上的少。4. Do you have any plans for the weekend? 你周末有没有什么计划呢?5. Among all my subjects, I like physics best. 在我所有的学科中,我最喜欢物理。6. Learning foreign languages is fun. 学外语是有趣的。 What fun it is to learn foreign languages! 学外语多么有乐趣啊!7. In the Buddy Club, older students help new students learn more about the school. 在伙伴俱乐部里,年长的学生帮助新学生了解更多关于学校的事情。8. On Friday afternoon, our school ends earlier than usual. 星期五下午,学校结束的比平时要早。9. I read an article by a boy from the USA. 我读了一篇来自美国的一个男孩写的文章。10. Time seems to go faster when we are reading interesting books. 我们在读有趣的书的时候,时间似乎过的更加快。 seem(to be ) +adj. e.g. He seems happy today. seem to do e.g. Everything seemed to happen so fast. seem + that e.g. It seemed that the teacher knew our secret.11. Twice a week, I play baseball after school. 我一周两次在放学后打棒球。How often do you play baseball after school?12. John studies more subjects than Nancy, so he has less free time than her. 约翰学的科目比南希多,所以业余时间比她少。13. The number of the cars in our city is getting larger and larger. 我们城市的汽车数量正变得越来越多。The number of the wild animals is getting smaller and smaller. 野生动物数量正变得越来越少。A number of students are playing in the playground. 许多学生正在操场上玩。14. We only have an hour of homework every day. 我们每天只有一个小时的作业。15. Chinese students have more weeks off for the summer holiday than British students. 中国学生的暑假比英国学生长。16. British students spend less time doing homework than Chinese students.英国学生花在作业上的时间比中国学生少。17. How much time/How long do you spend on your hobbies every day? 你每天花在业余爱好上的时间有多少?18. I have only half an hour for my hobbies at most. 我最多只有半小时的业余爱好时间。19. I keep writing in English about my daily life. 我坚持用英语记述我的日常生活。20. My ideal school starts at 9 a.m. and finishes at 3 p.
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