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美国留学申请文书解析与案例分析 申请国外名校留学的学生对于留学文书的个人陈述会非常的头疼,怎么样子的文书才是国外院校喜欢的文书呢?下面慧德留学给大家讲解一下留学文书写作的要点,并列举一篇申请到哥大运筹学的真实文书给大家参考,希望能帮助到大家。PS就是个人陈述或说明,要说出你到底喜不喜欢这个专业、喜欢到什么程度、对未来有什么设想,去读研究生、博士一定要谈对这一领域的看法,说出自己对它的热爱。一、要注意的事项有:1、PS的长度要适中,600-1200英文单词。2、紧扣专业,主线明确,避免盲目个性化。让招生委员会知道你选择该专业的明确和强烈的动机,同时具备充分的条件完成该专业的学习。3、结构简单,衔接紧密,主线明确,便于理解。谨记:simple is the best。4、精心安排PS和其它文件的关系。PS,推荐信,简历等文件构成一整套申请文书,既需要相互应证,也需要这些文件各有侧重点。5、语言表达上,英语要地道、符合英语的思维习惯和文风,避免“中式英语。二、PS的形式1.第一种自传式即将学习阶段的经历有选择性的描述,阐述自己的能力特点。2.第二种是叙事式通过一件事情引出全文,来展现该事件中自己的特点和能力,这是国外学生常用的形式。3.第三种是专业式主要自己研究背景来展现自己的专业研究能力,主要是针对本科生申请研究生阶段的PS。4.散文,戏剧,日记,小说形式。这种形式剑走偏锋,一定要把握好度,还有要体现出你的专业能力或是综合能力。 三、PS的结构PS从形式来说就是总分总模式,一般分为开头、主体和结尾三部分。开头部分要足够吸引人的眼球,先声夺人,能够吸引人继续读下去,同时点明主题;中间部分围绕主题层层展开,详叙文字,填充内容,展现自己;结尾既要回扣主题,又要提供最后的“透视”,但是不要仅仅对前文进行重复,也不要添加新东西。从内容方面而言,最基础的是必备6W,即回答六个“为什么”,即为什么选择这个专业,为什么选择这个项目,为什么选择这个学校,为什么适合这个专业,为什么适合这个项目,为什么适合这个学校。围绕这些话题,将文章展开完善起来,内容精彩、观点独到。还要注意一点的是PS虽是个人陈述但一定要和个人介绍分开,不要一味夸奖自己的优点和过人经历,而忽略了对于专业选择上的阐述,招生官有时候在乎的并不是你本人有多厉害,而是你对于选择专业的喜好及独有的见解。四、PS的写作手法及内容PS从写作手法上来说要有起承转合,所谓“起”就是要从宏观上给自己一个定位,为整个文章做个基调。接下来就是要“承”,从文章宏观基调过渡到用具体的理由说服对方录取你。“转”也可以成为升华,结合自身情况和将来学习的项目,对自己的未来有一个怎样的期待和规划。“合”对前文进行提炼,照应开头的基调,做到首尾呼应,这样才做到一气呵成,整个文章浑然一体。此外,PS段落注意有长有短,有轻有重,有主有次,字数一般在800-1000字左右,切忌重复啰嗦。这样,才能将PS撰写的较为完美,值得一读。总之,完成后的PS应给人一种行文流水,从容自如的感觉。既不过分夸大自我,也不长篇大论没有主次,而是一份独家专属的个人陈述。下面给大家看一篇慧德留学的食品工程专业申请到美国综排第四的哥伦比亚大学运筹学的文书案例。这篇文书用隐藏在事物现象背面的数字做引子,把一个食品专业的学生对数字和统计的热爱表现的琳琳精致,同时通过学校学习和项目经验进一步表达了该生对运筹统计的热爱和相关研究。最终该生以转专业的身份拿到了哥伦比亚大学的运筹统计硕士录取。文书展示:哥伦比亚大学运筹学PSStatement?of?Academic?PurposeAll?applicants?must?submit?a?statement?of?academic?purpose.?Please?compose?a?succinct?statement?of?approximately?1,000?words?describing?your?past?academic?work?and?preparation?related?to?your?intended?field?of?study,?your?plans?for?graduate?study?at?Columbia,?and?your?subsequent?career?objectives.?If?you?intend?to?transfer?from?a?graduate?program?at?another?university,?please?explain?why?you?wish?to?do?so.?If?you?are?not?currently?attending?an?academic?program,?please?describe?your?activities?since?you?were?last?enrolled.?Additionally,?if?there?has?been?a?break?in?your?educational?experience,?please?include?a?brief?explanation.?PERSONAL STATEMENTA bookBeauty of Mathematics I read at my sophomore year brought me into a big wow and deep self-reflection on my choice of program. It profoundly intrigued my interest and passion for statistics. With every nerve being excited, I was aware that numbers hide infinite useful information, and statistics holds the key! I felt so excited statistics is an effective way to solve issues and gradually believed it helps make a greater difference. Thus, although I was recommended to take the graduate programFoodstuff Engineering, I was deeply aware that statistics leads to my better future. After a term of graduate study, my desire got stronger to study Statistics. Having a thorough reflection on myself, I realize my background in all sides supports me to step further into the magic statistical field.Inheriting the mathematical genes from my mother, a mathematics teacher, I not only excel in mathematics and other science subjects, but also think and behave mathematically. The business data and information dealing I learnt from my father strongly sharpened my indentifying ability and formed my sensation to numbers. This part of my life shaped my mottonever see things as we are, see them as they are. With such basic but most crucial qualities, I took my undergraduate programFood Quality and Safety, which was even a much supportive factor for me to set foot in statistics. I mastered well such courses as Advanced Mathematics, Probability Theory, Linear algebra, Bio-statistics and Experimental Design, and Social Investigation etcThe program shared the attributions of statistics and enabled me to contact statistics via food perspective. To be frank, the program was actually a process of setting my professional foundation of statistics, primarily deepening my cognition of it and its application. Such process was not only about academic or theoretical aspect, but also the hands-on one. I got me comprehensively promoted in the professional researches. The Subcritical Acetone Extraction of Antioxidative Compounds from Marigold Grounds witnessed my mature combination of theory, skill and personal qualities. Acting as the project leader, I, a green hand in the field as well, control each procedure and part of the entire experiment Numerous difficulties as I met, I solved them one after another with fixed faith and constantly digested expertise, promoting my scientific researching ability, group managing ability and strong leadership. Worthier of mentioning, in the process of experiment design and data analysis, I made perfect use of statistics and related software, which was of vital significance to my experiment. And, I made a detailed and helpful brochure for reference of other
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