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追逐梦想英文演讲稿追逐幻想英文演讲稿 演讲稿要求内容充溢,条理清晰,重点突出。在日常生活和工作中,演讲稿对我们的作用越来越大,你知道演讲稿怎样才能写的好吗?下面是我为大家收集的追逐幻想英文演讲稿,欢迎大家共享。追逐幻想英文演讲稿 Distinghdjudges, teache,dear frieds:elo, vryone! name s cheng xanyan , I am a junor student me fom if ciee intitui.Today,Iam vey glao stad hre ndsharwith yomy mostsincerespeehlyng out, mste ourfture! fe is process groing p Saing ooby o chhood,wstep io aothe importa tieof lifein th pace of yong, facing ewsituatin, elin thdiffeenprobems. owev, who a rally saya theouth s ?Apro ofte? A lief?An attue to li? ryhng ele? acull, eryoe as hi ownunerdin ofyoung, ts aperiodof tie of beauty and nders, ony afteryou exrencedth sor , wet ,biter d aty, n y realy ecoeaprson of sgnifcneJut likefamou pet si youth is a ovel song,whe thin s imposile ,youh is meaingfu ook, yoll b never boredfit ;yoth s a pirver ,iteps onflowinday n niht ;youth s o tea ,ihows yo dieret kinsf tatesn you ie. s youh i soprcious, of ours, mu treaure it Dtlethe limted im ss by, rapng th young ll meas a beter iis watingfor yu in thenearfure.So,It nesay orus t prepe urslve well for th future o com havng a view o tosereaten nte hitoryof hunmbng, they all mde fule f their ouhte to d things thtare useulo scity, totewo akin, nd as cnequence ,the ar rembere b later gneraions, dmired byvryne.sodo somehng inhe meof yg,altoughou my notget ahievements these greaten did ,tuh ot frthewholewrld, jst for youslf, orthoseand! So, wathouldwe do whe w areyoug?Here,l pitout sm tp to ep equip uelves. Firstof ll,thin of wht oudlik tobe some day. teaher? Adoctor? Awrite? Dont fraid o reaming f bgndgret .Since yoryug , youcn deamofdog nyth a bcoin anyone i h futr. Wh more ,never igorethe poe o kwledge. Read reks d trave around.oone thg, it canincas knwlde, fo another, itbaden yu horon. Lat butnot the leat ,sickoyour dem It easier said de. fter l, futueisnot l roe yung is jus lke boing flowrs, the are beautiful when blming, hichmkepeople fehppy, b with time passig by,afe tey withers ,ost pophink tey are uy.nds iti theame with yun,weaeenthsiaticwnwear yong, hen w ay loe ur passiowhen gettinglder andoler So we sold haveenogh couragead dtinai to overcom ll the difficulties in strugligo te road Ifimly beivene setence hatf you think yo can, of courseyou can!Jt blievewe ca make t!Kee o walkin twasor dream. Flin oh , mser ouuure. Fr today, from ow n ,re yu Rdy ? That allThak yu s much fo yor attetion!追逐幻想英文演讲稿 No ung mabiee e shl everd. Thee is a feeling ofEenity in yut, hih es us aed for everyigToeyoug to be as n of theIrtl Gds. One hlf oftiminedi flow-h othe halfrmain insor for as ithllits coutess teaure;r hr is no ine dawn,and we e n limit o ou opes n wishes. We make th cig ae our own- he vat,teunboded prospect ies eore us,incuin our dreams ol say:Cncentate uonyurdeamsan thy wil ecm meria atualites. Through ncntraton we work u ourrems n phsicllie. You future pends upon the dreaou efing no Yo past reams are dtemiin your prsent. Therfore,i ownta bright future, ou must begin to pareo ttoda We sayamn s a chanabe as th eathe t mat s hisdrams hevery i you change our iea ou think iffrenty. You becmelie a ruerlesbot on n ocn.refeelze the imortne f hlding our deam unt itbecoms areliy .Cach the tartha olds yu esiny, the o thatforevertinkle within yor hertTake dvantage preiouoounitie wile hy llsprle befoey. Aways eletat your utmate oais attain as as ou coit yoursel o ithgh barres may soetims stad intheway f our deam, emembr hat yur esty is hidig bin them. Accept te ect tha n everyoneis gimgt apr f the chics youv mde, have fatin youugeme, catch hertha twnks in your hert, n i ill led ou o your destny pah. olw that phwaynd uco th sweet snrise tat wat you. ake ride inyour coplshents, s thy re tpping stoe yr dreas.Undrstan that u maymake mi
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