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人教新课标高一寒假(必修1、2)重点知识复习回顾并经典寒假作业(附答案)经典短语归纳(一)1. at the age of 在岁时 例句:He became a doctor at the age of 25.拓展:与age搭配的其他常用短语:of the same age同龄;for ages好久;look ones age容貌和年龄相称。 2. because of 因为;由于 例句:He was late for class because of the heavy rain.拓展:同义短语:as a result,thanks to 由于。注意:because of后面跟名词或代词,而because引导原因状语从句,所有后面跟句子。 3. be short for 是的缩写 / 简称 例句:Ben is usually short for Benjamin. 拓展: 同义短语:for short 简称缩略。 与short搭配的其他常用短语:in short order麻利;简单省事;in the short run从短期来看;眼下;be short of短缺;be short on缺乏(某种品质);short and sweet简明扼要;in short总之;简言之。4. cant wait to do sth 迫不及待地做某事 例句:The children cant wait to see their new house. 拓展: 同义短语:can hardly wait to do sth等不及做某事。 类似的结构:cant help doing sth情不自禁地做某事。 5. consist of 由组成 例句:The class consists of twenty girls and twenty-three boys. 拓展: 同义短语:be made up of由组成。 与consist搭配的其他常用短语:consist in在于;存在于。注意:consist of是及物动词短语,但是没有被动语态,也不能用于进行时。6. in danger 在危险中 例句:He can always keep calm whenever he is in danger. 拓展: 与danger有关的其他常用短语:in danger of 处于的危险中;out of danger脱离危险;be a danger to 对来说是一个危险的人或物 / 威胁 / 危险的因素。 类似的“in + 抽象名词”构成的短语:in trouble处于困境中,有麻烦;in peace和平地;平静地;安详地;in surprise吃惊地。7. instead of 代替;而不是 例句: I went to borrow this book from the library instead of buying one. People today like to use cloth bags instead of plastic ones. 拓展:同义短语:in place of代替。注意:instead是副词,而instead of是介词短语。8. make a difference 有影响;起重要作用例句:Your age will make a great difference to whether you get the job or not. 拓展:make some / no difference (to sb / sth) 对有些(没有)作用。 9. not at all 一点也不;根本不 例句:Unlike his classmates, he doesnt like playing computer games at all. 拓展: 同义短语:by no means绝不,一点也不。 与all搭配的其他常用短语:in all总共;above all最重要的是;after all毕竟;first of all首先;all in all从各方面考虑;总的说来。注意: at all还可以用于疑问句和条件从句中,用来加强语气。 “Not at all.”用在交际用语中,表示“不用谢;不客气”。10. so far 到目前为止 例句:So far we have collected more than 100, 000 yuan for the Hope Project. 拓展:与so搭配的其他常用短语:so as to do为了做某事;以便做某事(不能用于句首);so / as long as只要;so that为了;如此以至于。注意:so far表示“到目前为止”时,一般与现在完成时连用。11. take turns to do sth 轮流做某事 例句:The students take turns to clean up their classroom. 拓展:与turn搭配的其他常用短语:take turns in doing sth轮流做某事;by turns交替地;in turn依次;轮流;逐个;turn around转身;turn on打开;turn off关上;turn to转向;向求助;turn up出现;开大;turn down关小;拒绝;turn out结果是;turn into变成;turn into 使变成。12. try out 试用;试验 例句:Before I buy that car, Id like to try it out. 拓展:与try搭配的其他常用短语:try out for 参加的选拔(或试演);try ones best尽最大努力;try on试穿;try to do努力做某事;try doing尝试做某事。13. up to now 直到现在;迄今为止 例句:He has translated three books into English up to now. 拓展:与up搭配的其他常用短语:be up to sb to do sth由某人决定做某事;up to sth达到)某数量、程度等);up to (doing) sth(体力或智力上)能胜任;up and down上上下下;来回。注意:up to now用作时间状语时,常与现在完成时或一般现在时连用。 同步练习(一). 单项填空。1. We all know that parents can make a great to childrens lives. A. difference B. decision C. way D. gift2. -Thank you so much. - . Its my pleasure. A. Exactly B. Dont say so C. Not at all D. It depends3. -Tom, cant you the radio a little bit? The baby is sleeping. -Sorry, Mum. A. turn on B. turn down C. turn off D. turn up4. -This coat is too big for me. Can I the blue one? -Sure. A. put out B. try on C. turn into D. take on5. I know he hasnt finished the work, but , he has done his best. A. at all B. in all C. above all D. after all. 根据句意从方框中选出合适的短语,并用其正确形式填空。out of danger, be short for, up to now, instead of, try out, not at all,make a difference, turn into, cant help, turn down1. It is well known that the USA the United States of America.2. We wanted to help her, but she the offer.3. The child crying when he heard the bad news.4. To our joy, the little boy was .5. going to shop with her friends, she did some washing at home.6. In my opinion the job is suitable for you .7. Your effort will , however little it is.8. Years of hard work had him a strong man.9. he still keeps silent over what has happened to him.10. We wont know if the plan is practical until we it . 根据所给汉语提示完成句子,每空限填一词。1. 这个地方现在缺水。 The area water now.2. 去哪里野餐由你来决定吧。 Its decide where to have a picnic.3. 酒后驾驶对司机来说是一件很危险的事情。 Driving after drinking is drivers.4. 他们没乘汽车而是骑自行车去的。 They went there by bike by bus.5. 他是否加入我们对我们没有多大影响。 Whether he will join us or not wont to us.6. 从短期来看,小麦的价格不会降。 the prices of wheat will not go down.7. 迄今为止,我还未了解到到底发生了什么事。 I havent learned what on earth happened.8. 他发高烧时,他的家人轮流照顾他。 His family looking after him when he had a high fever.9. 一周有七天。 A wee
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