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摘要办公自动化或办公信息系统是现代信息社会的重要标志之一,涉及系统工程学,行为科学,管理学,人机工程学,社会学等基本理论以及计算机,通信,自动化等支撑技术,属于复杂的大系统科学与工程。办公系统充分利用互联网通信技术,改变了传统的办公方式,将办公系统建立在互联网上,使办公系统实现移动化、实时化、高效化、无纸化,用计算机网络技术来推动现代办公效率的提高。某公司是一家从事电子商务的网络科技公司,主要业务包括大宗产品的信息资讯、现货交易和融资交易。从公司实际办公业务出发,在总结和分析了办公自动化发展现状及意义的基础上,详细分析了该公司办公自动化系统的需求分析,结合 SSH 框架、J2EE 平台以及工作流业务流转建立公司部的私有云信息平台,设计个人办公管理、公文管理、公共信息管理、行政管理、审批管理五个业务功能模块,并以这些模块为业务节点,通过用例图、结构图等多种方式进行了详细的需求分析、业务流程及功能结设计的分析和阐述,同时对数据库进行了逻辑、接口设计,通过功能模块间的协同工作,实现了公司部各部门、各分公司间的同步办公自动化功能。论文研究的主要容,首先阐述了课题的背景及意义,分析了办公自动化发展趋势和现状,并简要的介绍了课题的研究主题;其次介绍了系统设计开发过程中涉及的技术,包括云计算、J2EE平台、SSH架构和工作流;然后系统开发是以云计算的概念建立公司部私有云形式的信息平台,利用J2EE平台及SSH框架,遵行工作流的技术构建整个系统的技术框架。同时,对公司办公自动化系统的需求分析,首先对公司业务围和组织框架进行了介绍和分析,然后阐述了办公自动化系统建立的可行性,然后分别从功能性和非功能性需求对整个系统的需求做了详细的分析。确定了系统设计开发的原则,在这些原则的基础上对系统的功能、数据库、系统安全三方面进行了设计。本系统旨在帮助公司搭建一个便利的日常办公平台,使得公司或企业的管理层和员工层能够分别通过该平台沟通和交流,以利于公司或是企业的工作更为方便的开展,并能够利于公司或企业的规化管理。关键词:办公自动化;云计算;SSH / AbstractOffice automation or office information system is one of the important symbols of the modern information society, involves the system engineering, behavioral science, management science, ergonomics, sociology and other basic theory and computer, communication, automation and other supporting technology, which belongs to the science and engineering of complex large system. Office system to take full advantage of the Internet communication technology, has changed the traditional office, the office system based on the Internet, the mobile office system, real-time, efficient, paperless, using computer network technology to promote modern office efficiency.A company is a network technology company engaged in electronic commerce, the main business includes commodity information, spot transactions and financial transactions. Starting from the actual business office, it summarizes and analyzes the basic status and development of office automation, a detailed analysis of the analysis of office automation system to the companys demand, combined with the SSH framework, J2EE platform and workflow business process the establishment of internal private clouds information platform, the design of individual office management, document management, public information management, administrative management, examination and approval management five function module, and the module for service node, through the use case diagram, structure diagram and other methods were detailed demand analysis, business process and functional design of the analysis and the elaboration, simultaneously the logic, interface design of database, function modules through collaborative work the office automation, realize the synchronous function of internal departments, each branch of the.The main research contents of the thesis, firstly introduces the background and significance of the subject, analyzed the office automation development trend and current situation, and briefly introduces the research topics; secondly describes the technology involved in the system design and development process, including cloud computing, J2EE platform, SSH framework and workflow; then the system development is a concept to cloud computing establish internal private clouds form of the information platform, using J2EE platform and SSH framework, technical framework to build the whole system with workflow technology. At the same time, analysis of the office automation system, first, the introduction and analysis of the companys business scope and organization framework, and then expounds the feasibility of establishing the office automation system, and then from the functional and non-functional requirements of the system needs to do a detailed analysis. System design and development principles, on the basis of these principles in the functions of the system, database design, system security.The system was designed to help the company build a convenient daily office platform, make the management and employees the company or enterprise can respectively through the platform of communication and exchanges, so as to contribute to the company or enterprise work more convenient to carry out, and can help the company or the enterprise standardization management.Keywords: Office Automation system; Cloudy Computing; SSH目录第1章绪论.1 -1.1课题背景1 -1.2课题意义1 -1.3办公自动化的发展现状4 -1.4课题研究容7 -第2章系统开发的技术8 -2.1 云计算技术8 -2.2J2EE平台9 -2.2.1 J2EE平台概述9 -2.2.2 J2EE的分层体系和核心技术10 -2.3SSH架构11 -2.3.1表示层Struts框架11 -2.3.2业务逻辑层Spring框架13 -2.3.3数据持久层Hibernate框架14 -2.4工作流16 -2.4.1工作流概述16 -2.4.2工作流分解16 -2.5本章小结17 -第3章办公自动化系统需求分析183.1公司业务结构183.2系统可行性分析193.2.1目标193.2.2可行性分析203.3办公自动化系统需求分析213.3.1 个人办公管理需求分析213.3.2 公文管理需求分析223.3.3 公共信息管理需求分析233.3.4 行政办公管理需求分析243.3.5 审批管理需求分析253.3.6 非功能性需求分析253.4本章小结26第4章办公自动化系统设计和开发274.1系统设计基本原则274.2系统功能模块详细设计284.2.1 个人办公管理模块284.2.2 公文管理模块304.2.3 公共信息管理模块324.2.4 行政办公管理模块334.2.5审批管理模块364.2.6 权限管理模块374.3数据库设计374.3.1主要数据库384.3.2数据库物理结构设计404.4系统安全性设计434.5本章小结44第5章办公自动化系统测试455.1测试目的
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