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海门市麒麟中学高一英语备课组编号: 073编制:吴洁审核:包永梅M3U2 Grammar Exercises1 .surprised me most was the news our team won.A.That;that B.What;which C.What;that D.That;which2 .This is the only book I want to read.A.which B.that C.what D.as3 .The reason I am so late is the bus.A. that;I didn t catchB./;that I missedC.why;because I have missed D./;because my not catching4 .The problem has been completely settled.A.which you thoughtB.that you thoughtC.about which you thought it D.that you thought about5 .Is this the tape recorder you wish ?A.to have it repaired B.to repair itC.to have repaired D.repairing6 .The electric toy last month has gone out of order.A.I bought it for himB.which I bought to himC.I bought for himD.that I bought to him7 .His head soon appeared out of one of the second storey windows,he couldsee nothing but tress.A.from which B.from where C.where D.from there8 .Every minute full use of to study our lessons will do our students good.A.which makesB.that is made C.that made D.what is made9 .Will it be two months we can get another one?A.that B.when C.before D.in which10 .After graduation we should go our Party needs us most.A.to the place which B.in which C.that D.where11 .There is a popular belief among parents schools are no longer interestedin handwriting.A.who B.whose C.that D.which12 .He lent me a lot of money,I couldn t buy the TV set.A.with it B.for which C.without which D.by which13 .Water power stations are built big water falls.A.which are B.which has C.where there have D.where there are14 .The direction a force acts can be changed.A.how B.which C.towards D./15 .Was it yesterday you received the letter from her?A.when B.which C.on which D.that1.1 In the end she decided to sell the house windows were almost broken.A.which B.that C.of which D.whose17 .That you lent me wasn t I wanted.A.that;all B.which;all C.that;what D.which;that18 .Each time they met,they would talk long hours together.A.during B.which C.where D./19 .This is the third week for the rubbish.A.that they didn t come B.they aren t comingC.they haven t comeD.when they haven t come20.On the desk a Chinese brush he had made drawing.A.lay;with whichB.lies;by whichC.laid;in whichD.lay;on which21 .We ll never forget the days we spent on the seashore.A.during which B.in which C.when D./22 .The beautiful church we see there is very famous.A.the tower which B.of whose tower C.the tower of which D.of which tower 23.The 11th Asian Games,China won 183 gold medals,was held in the autumn of1990.A.which B.that C.at which D.at that24 .The only thing_is wrong with this is_a friend of mine said to me the other day.A.which;what B.what;that C.that;what D.that;which25 .Who is he man is talking with John?A.which B.who C.what D.that26 .The farmer uses wood to build a house to store grains.A.with which B.to where C.whichD.in which27 .I really don t know I had my pocket picked.A.where was it thatB.it was where thatC.where it was thatD.was it where that28 .He insisted that he right in doing that.A.should be B.was C.would be D.is29 . Have you heard from Mary recently? Yes,she said she was thinking she should do next.A.that B.of what C.what D.how30 .Can you guess ?A.who that man isB.who is that manC.what is that manD.whom that man is31 .Tom told his aunt that he what he was doing during the time when he wasin the country.A.had just asked B.had just been asked C.was just asked D.just asked 32.The reasonshe gave for not being present wasthe heavy snow preventedher coming.A./;because B.why;because C./;that D.why;whether33 .Air is to us water is to fish.A.what B.that C.which D.is that34 .The free ticket will be sent to comes first.A.whoever B.whomever C.whosever D.no matter who35 .is still unknown when the president will make a public speech.A.It B.That C.He D.What36.I don t know is I was born.A.that;when B.that;what C.that;where D.what;where1.1 It is generally considered unwise to give a child he or she wants.A.however B.whatever C.whichever D.whenever38. Father made a promiseI passed the examination he would buy me a bicycle.A.that B.if C.whether D.that if39. As many members were present agreed to the plan.A.who B.that C.which D.as40. can be seen from his face,he is quite satisfied.A.That B.It C.Which D.As41. matters most in learning English is enough practice. 2007全国卷IIA. WhatB. WhyC. WhereD. Which42. _he referred to in his article was unknown to the general reader. 2007上海卷A. ThatB. WhatC. WhetherD. Whereto43. The traditional view is we sleep because our brain is “ programmed”make us do so. 2007上海卷 A. when B. whyC. whether D. that44. Could I speak to is in charge of International Sales , please? 200山东卷7A anyone B someone C whoever D no matter who45. You can
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