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初二下册英语作文大全1.以my hobby 为题写一篇短文,并在文中用上as well as ,such as 和 as a result短语,大约50词。 I have many hobbies.I likes as well as playing balls ,such as football,volleyball and so on .I have had about 100 kites now.I bought some and I also made some.As a result,you can see many kinds of kites in my room.I have fun in my free time.2.你是一名中学生,假如你家隔壁住着一位老人,你打算为他做一些力所能及的事情。请就此写一篇短文。短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。 注意:词数60到80 ;提示词:wash clothes ,clean the window,sweep the floor ,read newspaper ,play chess ,write letters ,go shopping My neighbour is an old man .He lives alone.I am going to do something for him when I am free .I will wash clothes,clean the window and sweeo the floor .I will also read the newspapers and write letters to him.sometimes I can play chess with him.After supper ,we will have a walk outside .on sunday,we may go shopping together.I am glad to help him .I hope hell be happy every day .3.回想一件你在过去很喜欢做的事情,并简要描述一下与之有关的经历。大约40词。 When I was a child ,I like cats .My father bougut a white cat and a yellow cat for me when I was eight years old.They were very cute .They were like sisters .I played with them as soon as I was free .Several months later the white one died and the yellow one was lost.I looked for it every where but I couldnt find it .I was very sad .From then on ,I decided not to keep any cat again.4.根据下面的提示,用英语写一篇题“为changes in peoplelife ”的短文,介绍过去和现在人们生活和现在人们生活的变化。词数980左右。开头部分已给出,不计入总词数。提示:在过去人们是利用书信和亲戚朋友联系,通过听收音机了解新闻和其他信息,孩子们骑自行车上学,且很多人组在很小的房间。现在人们利用电话、网络与亲戚朋友联系,通过电视看新闻和节目,一些富裕的家庭用小汽车接送孩子上学,并且住着大房子甚至公寓。 Great changes have taken place in peoplelife in the past 20 years .In the past ,people kept in touch with relatives or friends mainly by sending. Letters ,they would listen to the radio for news and other information.Children used to go to school by bicycle .Big families had to share small rooms . Now people can talk to others by telephone or on the Internet at home .When they are free ,they watch the news and other programmes on Tv .Some families are rich enough to send their children to school in their own cars . More and more people lives in big and bright apearments with several rooms . In a word ,people civeletter than before.
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