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隆德县第二中学教学案 九年级英语(上)课 题Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. ( Section A(1a-1c)课 型New课 时Period 1主 备 人张 慈审 核 人授 课 人班 级学生姓名授课日期学习目标1.扎实掌握Section A(1a1c)的词汇和句型并能灵活运用;2.初步感知含有情态动词should的被动语态;3.通过自主学习,听力与口语练习,能运用所学谈论家规。教学重点1.初步感知含有情态动词should的被动语态的结构;2.通过听力与口语练习,运用情态动词should的被动语态谈论家规。教学难点运用情态动词should的被动语态谈论家规。教 具课本,录音机,教学案教 学 活 动教师复备一、独立自主学习:(一)重点单词预习:1.选择v._ n. _ 2. 刺破; 刺穿v. _3.执照; 许可证n. _ 4.愚蠢的; 傻的adj. _5.吸烟;冒烟v. & 烟n._ 6.兼职的 adj. _7.驾车;驾驶v._ 驾驶员;司机n._ 8.耳环n._ (pl.)_9.安全的adj. _ 反义词adj. _ 10.安全n. _ 反义词n. _(二)重点短语预习:1.被允许做某事 _ 2.应该被允许做某事_3.16岁的青少年_ 4.兼职工作_ 5.穿耳洞_ 6.驾驶执照_7.选择自己的衣服_ 8.去购物中心_ 9.不够谨慎_ 10.担心_二、合作互助学习:1、说一说你在家被允许或者不被允许做的事情,与同伴探讨你们的家规吧;2、仔细观察1a中的图片,和同伴讨论这些青少年的行为(Circle A or D in 1a),并仿照1c中的对话,表达自己的观点;e.g. A: I dont think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive.B: I agree. They arent serious enough.3、听三遍1b中Anna和Mom之间的对话,判断1b中句子正误,并完成Task 1和Task 2:Task1. 选择正确答案:(1) How did John want to go to the mall with Anna?A. By bus. B. On foot. C. Drive his car.(2)Should Anna be allowed to go to the mall with John by car?A. No, she shouldnt. B. Yes, she should. C. Im not sure.(3)Does Anna think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to get their ears pierced?A. Yes. B. No. C. We dont know.(4) Is Anna allowed to choose her own clothes?A. Yes, she is. B. No, she isnt. C. I dont know. (5)How did Anna go to the mall?A. By train. B. By bus. C. By car.Task2. 完成短文:Annas mom doesnt think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to _ because they arent _enough. She thinks they shouldnt be allowed to get their _ pierced. Anna thinks teenagers should be allowed to _ own _ because she is not a child.三、展示交流学习:1、以小组为单位在班级中展示你们的观点和对话,让同学们了解一下你们的家规有什么相同和不同之处吧;2、模仿Anna和Mom之间的对话,检测 Task 1和Task 2的答案,并说出对话中的重难点句子。四、总结提升学习:1、allow的用法: (1)The teacher allows him to play basketball. 老师允许他去打篮球。(2)Teenagers are not allowed to smoke. 青少年不许吸烟。(3)We dont allow smoking in public. 我们不允许在公共场合吸烟。(4)I allow that he is a friendly man. 我承认他是个友好的人。归纳allow的几种结构:(1)allow sb. to do sth._; (2)be allowed to do sth.是_语态,意思是_; (3)allow+ doing sth._; (4)allow还可以连接宾语从句,表示“承认”例如:Mother _TV every night. 妈妈允许我每晚看电视。 Lily _to Beijing. 莉莉被允许去北京。2、sixteen-year-olds归纳:sixteen-year-olds是_词;“_”; sixteen-year-old是_词,“_”;3、get their ears pierced 穿耳洞归纳:让/使(别人)做某事 get sth. done(过去分词) have sth. done 如:I_ my car _. = I_ my car _. 我让别人修好我的五、达标检测学习: (一)单项选择:( )1. The teachers think students should _ to their homework with friends.A. are allowed B. are allowing C. be allowedD. be allowing( )2. I dont think parents should allow their _ to go out with friends at night.A. fifteen-year-old B. fifteen-year-olds C. fifteen years old( )3. Yesterday my sister had her computer_ at the service center.A. mended B. to mend C. mend D. mending( )4. They do not allow_ in a public place.A. smoke B. to smoke C. smoking D. be smoked(二)根据句意及首字母提示补全单词:1. She likes wearing gold e_, because she thinks it looks cool.2. The policeman wants me to show him my drivers l_.3. Students must not be allowed to s_.4. We call people between the age of 13 and 19 t_.5. Her parents were very angry because her daughter got her ears p_.六、教学反思:1 初三英语备课组 上课日期:
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