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Book 6 Module 6 学案 By Wang HongyanI. 根据提示写出下列单词1. 放弃, 抛弃 v. _ 2. 行动 n. _ 3. 持续 v. _4. 海滩 n. _ 5. troop _6. 指挥官 n. _7. 最后, 最终 adv. _8. 使受伤 v. _ 9. 纪念碑, 纪念馆 n. _10. private n. _ adj. _ 11. 俯视, 望下看 v. _10. 责难, 谴责 v. _14. 营救, 拯救 v. _15. campaign _16. 根据地, 驻扎地, 基地 n. _17. 链条, 铁链 n. _18. 观点 n. _19. 混乱, 无秩序 n. _ 20. (陆军的)连, 连队 n. _21. 被褥, 寝具 n. _22. (军队的)行装, 行李 n. _23. 梳子 n. _24. 混乱的局面 n. _25. 香水 n. _ 26. 剃须刀 n. _27. 剪刀 n. _28. 刮胡子 v.&.n. _29. 拖拉机 n. _ 30. 大叫, 呼喊 v. _31. 理发店 n. _ 32. moustache _33. 蜡 n. _34. 磨器, 磨具 n. _35. 罐子, 广口瓶 n. _ 36. 胡萝卜 n. _37. (用于祝酒)祝你健康 int. _38. constitution _39. 醋 n. _40. 值得做的, 有价值的 adj. _41. 政治家 n. _42. 投降 v. _43. strategy _44. 头盔 n. _45. 装备, 武装 v. _46. personnel _47. civilian _48. (感到)震惊的,惊骇的 adj. _49. vengeful adj. _50. invade v. _51. drown v. _52. survivor n. _53. occupy v. _54. heroism n. _55. artillery n. _56. private n. _57. weary adj. _58. backpack n. _59. sequence n. _60. senseless adj. _61.sacrifice n. _62. memorable adj. _63.confidential adj. _64. stroke v. _66. quote v. _II. 写出下列短语1. 对作出牺牲 _ 2. 要求和平 _ 3. 向宣战 _ 4. 被称为, 被认为是 _ 5. acts of heroism _6. 取得重大突破 _ 7. 救起 _ 8. machine gun fire _ 9. 参加 _10. 对的个人看法 _ 11. 悲痛欲绝的母亲 _ 12. 一部令人难忘的反战电影 _ 13. 印象最深刻的场景 _14. 令某人吃惊的是_ 15. 高等教育_ 16. 另外两个_ _ 17. 为.干杯_18. 片刻_ 19. 作为回报_ 20. 欠某人某物 _ 21. 下定决心做某事_ 22. 鼓励某人做某事_23. 劝阻某人做某事_ 24. 激励某人做某事_25. 面对 _ 26. 诺贝尔和平奖_ 27. 尽管,不顾,即使_III. 作文素材积累: 翻译下列句子1. 发展经济的同时,我们必须考虑保护环境。(takeinto consideration)_2. 我敬佩爱迪生,因为他对世界做出了巨大贡献。(admire)_3. 如果给我这个机会,我会努力把工作做好。_4. 在这儿与大家交流英语学习的经验我感到无比荣幸。_5. 更糟的是,工厂可能会污染水源,危害征稿村庄。 _IV. 阅读表达1 There are times in everyones life when they failEven the most successful people in the world have troubled timesAnyone can turn a failed situation into a winning one, if they know howFailure is not the end of the line for anyoneUse these three tips to use failure as a catalyst (催化剂) for success2 When you turn failure into motivation to do better, you will find it easy to better your situationIf you need to do better in school, make a study schedule to followNo matter what the failed task consisted of, you can use it to motivate yourself to get more done3 When something does not work out as planned or even when you fail in something, it could be because you need to redirect your lifeUse failure as an opportunity to evaluate your life and decide what you need to do to get back on trackThe new track may be a more successful one4 When you have failed and feel like you have hit rock bottom, you ca
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