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新版六年级上册Unit 4 I have a pen pal 第一课时教学设计何 艳教学目标:1、能够理解词汇:dancing, singing, reading stories, playing football, doing kungfu, 并掌握ing形式的正确发音。2、能够运用句型I like.表达自己的兴趣爱好。3、能够听懂、会说Lets learn 部分的内容。教学重点:重点:掌握dancing, singing, reading stories, playing football, doing kungfu的意义和读音。:dancing的构词和运用I like 表达难点自己的兴趣和爱好。教法学法:激趣法、比较法、引导法,合作学习法、情境表演法教学准备:PPT, 单词卡片,头饰教学过程:Step1: GreetingHello, boys and girls. How are you today?() 师生问好,拉开课堂的序幕。STEP 2: Warming upActivity: Enjoying a songNow lets enjoy a song.欣赏优美的歌曲并伴随音乐拍打节奏。Do you like the song?(.) Say “I like the song”. (.) Do you like me?(.) Say “I like Ms He”. Yes. I am Ms He. I come from No.3 Primary School. Today let me help you learn English and today lets learn Unit 4 I have a pen pal.用两个问句来帮助学生初步感知I like 的句型和意义,板书课题。STEP3 PresentationActivity1: Know me1、You know, Im new here, I dont know you and you dont know me, too. So lets talk about our hobbies and lets know each other better.()Do you know “hobbies”?()作为学生的新英语老师,表达想要和学生互相了解的愿望,板书 “hobbies”。3、Do you want to know my hobbies? Please ask me: What are your hobbies, Ms He? ()学生询问老师的爱好,板书句型“What are your hobbies?”Activity 2: Lets learn1、OK, let me tell you my hobbies. I like reading stories. I like climbing mountains. I like playing football. I like playing volleyball. I like doing kung fu. I like dancing . I like singing. I like playing with my students.图文展示老师的业余爱好,激发学生对新知识的兴趣。2、Do you know me now? Can you say something about me? I like?()学生看图回忆老师的爱好,尝试用英语来表达,教师在此过程中,纠正发音和学习新词汇。Activity3: Lets PKLook, can you read it ?(sing-singing, dance-dancing, play-playing football, read-reading stories, do- doing kungfu.)用比较法来操练词汇,提醒学生注意ing形式的发音和dancing的构成,并用比赛朗读的方式帮助学生掌握词汇。Activity4: Lets sayCan you say like this? I can sing. I like singing. I can dance. I like dancing.()You should pay attention to the form of the verbs.用说句子来帮助学生明白like加动名词的用法。STEP4 PracticeActivity1 Know youNow let me know you , please answer the questions to introduce yourself to me. What is your name? What are your hobbies?()学生在回答问题的活动中介绍自己的兴趣爱好,让老师了解学生。Activity 2 Lets tryPlease listen to the dialogue, and try to answer: What are Zhang Pengs hobbies?让学生带着目的听对话,并准确捕捉问题的关键信息。Activity 3 Lets LearnBoys and girls , look! Zhang Peng is coming. And Peter is coming, too.Please read their dialogue after me ,OK?()学生练习对话,并扮演角色表演对话。STEP5 Consolidation and extensionActivity 1: Lets actNow, please find a friend and make your own dialogue like this:()学生结对子练习,编新的对话。Activity 2: Lets do a surveyPlease do a survey in your group and report it next class.布置调查组内成员的兴趣爱好,延伸课堂内容。STEP 6 Emotional educationBoys and girls , I hope you can help your friends, care about them, share with them and cherish your friendship. Because the more friends, the more happiness! Now say after me: ()Yes! Boys and girls, you are so great today. I am very proud of you. See you next time!激励学生关心朋友,珍惜友情,对学生的努力学习表示赞赏。板书设计: Unit 4 I have a pen pal What are your hobbies? singing dancing reading stories playing football doing kung fu教学反思:
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