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大连交通大学信息工程学院毕业设计(论文)任务书题 目 医院病房管理系统任务及要求:1.设计(研究)内容和要求任务:1、 调查医院病房管理系统当前技术的发展近况,完成实习报告,字数不少于3000,第三周交给指导老师。2、 结合自己实习情况安排进度,填写进度计划表,第二周完成后交给指导老师签字,并严格执行。3、 按照软件工程思想,独立完成系统的设计和程序开发,完成代码估计2000行左右。4、 用JavaEE技术实现医院病房管理系统。5、 程序简洁,算法可行,运行情况良好。要求:1、 每周和指导老师至少见面沟通一次,回报课题进展情况,接受老师询问。2、 接到任务书后,查阅与题目及专业相关的外文资料进行翻译,要求不少于10000个外文字符,译出汉字不得少于3000,于第四周交给指导老师审阅。3、 毕业设计第13周完成毕业论文的装订,并由指导老师评阅。论文要求12000字以上,包括综述、系统总体设计、系统实现、性能分析、结论等。4、 教学第13周通过中软及教研室组织进行软件验收,验收时要提供软件使用说明书。5、 于第13周提出毕业答辩申请并签字。6、 第14 周答辩,要求制作PPT。2.原始依据通过大学几年的学习,已经学习了诸如软件工程、数据库原理及应用、数据结构、C+、Visual Basic、JAVA等多门程序设计语言和网络等基础知识和专业知识,学生有能力而且可以独立完成小中型项目的设计与开发。学校现有设备和环境可以提供给学生实习和上机,而且具有专业老师可以指导学生。3.参考文献1 B.Bruegge.A.H.Dutoit.面向对象软件工程M.北京:清华大学出版社.2002.32 Craig Larman.UML和模式应用面向对象分析和设计导论M.北京:机械工业出版社.2009.23 Grady Booch.James.Rumbaugh.Ivar,Jacobson.UML用户指南M.北京:机械工业出版社.2010.24 Grady Booch,James,Rumbaugh.Ivar,Jacobson.UML参考手册M.北京:机械工业出版.2008.25 郑人杰.实用软件工程M.北京:清华大学出版社.2010.106 郑阿奇.SQL Server 2005实用教程M.北京:电子工业出版社.2006.57 钱雪忠.数据库管理及应用M.北京.北京邮电大学出版社.2007.58 狄祥义.JAVA2实用教程M.北京:清华大学出版社.2006.69 赵强.J2EE应用开发M.北京:电子工业出版社.2006.810 狄祥义.JSP实用教程M.北京:清华大学出版社.2007.4指导教师签字:教研室主任签字: 年 月 日大连交通大学信息工程学院毕业设计(论文)进度计划与考核表学生姓名韩天奇专业班级软件工程08-1班指导教师常敬岩史 原本课题其他人员无题目医院病房管理系统日期计划完成内容完成情况指导老师检查签字第1周拟订毕业论文进度计划与考核表第2周完成实习或调研报告第3周提交外文文献翻译资料第4周系统概要设计阶段第5周系统详细设计阶段第6周系统编码实施、完成论文初稿第7周完成系统编码实施第8周系统编码调试、提交论文初稿第9周完成系统编码调试、完善毕业论文第10周完成撰写毕业设计论文编写及代码测试第11周完成论文终稿、准备毕业论文打印、装订第12周提交毕业论文终稿及代码第13周完成毕业论文第14周毕业论文答辩指导教师签字: 年月日注:“计划完成内容”由学生本人认真填写,其它由指导教师考核时填写。大连交通大学信息工程学院毕业设计(论文)外文翻译学生姓名 韩天奇 专业班级 软件工程08-1班 指导教师 常敬岩史原 职 称 高工 讲师 所在单位 信息科学系软件工程教研室 教研室主任 刘瑞杰 完成日期 2012 年 4 月 13 日On site construction technologyThe development of network technology for todays global information exchange and sharing funding source in the establishment of contacts and provide more channels and possible. Homes will be known world affairs, according few keyboard or a few mouse clicks can be distant friends thousands of miles away exchanges, and online communications, Internet browsing, on-line interactive, e-commerce has become a modern part of peoples lives.Internet era, has created the new peoples work and lifestyle, the Internet, openness and sharing of information model, breaking the traditional mode of information dissemination many barriers for people with new opportunities. With computers and the advent of the information age, the pace of the advance of human society in gradually accelerated. In recent years the development of web design, fast people occupied. With the development of web design, a colorful online website together one scenic beauty. To design aesthetic and practical web site should be thoroughly master the building techniques. In building site, we analyzed the websites of objectives, contents, functions, structure, the application of more web design technology.Web site identified the tasks and objectives, the building site is the most important issue. Why people will come to your website? You have a unique service? The first people to your website is to what? They will come back? All these issues must be taken into account when the site definition of the problem. Definition site to, first of all, the entire site must have a clear understanding of what the design should understand in the end, the main purpose of the mission, how to carry out the task of organization and planning. Second, to maintain the high-quality Web site. Many websites in the face of strong competition from high-quality product is the greatest long-term competitive advantage. An excellent Web site should have the following:(1) users visit Web site is faster.(2) attention to the feedback and updates. To update the content of the website and timely feedback the users requirements;(3) Home design to be reasonable. Home to the first impression left by visitors is important, the design must be attractive in order to have a good visual effect.The content of the web site is to be a new, fast, all three sides. The content of the website, including the type of static, dynamic, functional and things to deal with. Website content is determined in accordance with the nature of the site, in the design of the site, commercial websites, popular science site, company websites, teaching and exchange websites, the content and style are different. We have established websites with the nature of these types of sites are not the same.(1) site structure;
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