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动词时态讲练大全概述:动词形式是英语学习中的难点。动词形式分为谓语动词形式和非谓语动词形式两类。谓语形式有时态、语态、语气和单复数形式,4种形式主要体现在时态形式。动词作谓语时,必须反映动作发生的时间,即动词的时态。动词的时态分为四类:一般时、进行时、完成时、完成进行时。一般时表示动作发生的时间(过去、现在、将来),进行时表示动作在某一时间或时期正在发生,完成时表示动作的结果,完成进行时表示动作的持续。如:He works. He worked. He will work.He would work.He is working. He was working. He will be working.He would be working.He has worked. He had worked. He will have worked.He would have worked.He has been working.He had been working.He will have been working.He would have been working. 对于基本时态,可以分为现在和过去两大块:表示现在的情况用一般现在时;表示现在某时的情况用现在进行时;表示过去过去发生对现在有影响的动作用现在完成时;表示过去发生持续到现在的动作用现在完成进行时;表示将来的动作用一般将来时;表示过去的动作用一般过去时;表示过去某时的情况用过去进行时;表示过去某时前的情况用过去完成时;表示过去某时以后的情况用过去将来时。动词时态的构成和用法(附被动语态构成):1.一般现在时: 构成:动词原形或动词原形s/es 被动语态构成:am/is/are + 动词-ed(am, is, are表示现在, 动词-ed表示被动)。用法:1)表示现在的情况、动作或事件。如 His father works in a bank.2)表示不断重复的动作,或经常性、习惯性的动作。通常与often, always, sometimes, every + 时间名词连用。如: I get up at 7:00 every day.3)表示客观事实,即过去、现在、将来都不会改变的情况。如: Summer follows spring. The earth moves round the sun.4)表示将来,用于谈论时间表、日程表、节目单等安排好的活动。如: The plane takes off at 8:00 in the evening on December 21st.2.现在进行时: 构成:am/is/are + 动词-ing(am, is, are表示现在, 动词-ing表示进行) 被动语态构成:am/is/are + being + 动词-ed用法:1)表示现在或现阶段正在进行的动作或事件,常常与now, at the moment, just等连用。如: What are you doing? Im just repairing my bike. (现在) We are preparing for the exams at the moment. (现阶段)2)表示暂时的情况。如: Your father is using the ladder. Dont take it away.(非说话时) The river is flowing very fast after last nights rain.(说话时)3)表示重复的动作:常与always, constantly, continually, forever等连用,表示不断重复的动作。如: Shes always helping people. Our burglar alarm is forever going off for no reason(It doesnt work).4)表示将来的动作:指事先安排好的动作,通常需要有上下文或时间状语。如 Were spending next winter holiday in Australia. 转移动词常常用于进行时表示将来的动作.如 : The train is leaving in no time比较 Look! The train is leaving. 现在进行时与一般现在时比较:1)一般现在时着重表示某人或某物现在的情况;现在进行时则强调现在暂时性的或现阶段的动作。如: He studies in a middle school here. (他的一般情况) He is studying in a middle school here. (他现阶段的情况)2)一般现在时表示时间表上的安排; 现在进行时表示将来的计划如: The performance is put on at 7:30, Sunday evening, December 15th.(根据节目演出的时间表) Were spending next winter holiday in Australia. (我们的安排)3)一般现在时表示某人的情况或为人, 现在进行时表示某人不断重复的动作, 通常有着某种感情色彩.如 : She often helps people. (她平常的为人) Shes always helping people. (她重复的动作) 注意:由于进行时表示的是正在发生的动作,因此,表示状态、结果、情感、思维等的动词不可用于进行时。这类动词有:状态类:add up(有意义), afford, appear(似乎), belong to, come about, come from(出生地), contain, cost, differ from, equal, feel(摸起来), fit, happen to, have/have got, hold(容纳), include, keep +动词-ing, know(认识), look(看起来), mean(意思是), own, possess, prove(证明是), seem, smell, sound, stand for, taste, etc.结果类:catch(听懂), find(发现) hear, make out(弄懂), notice, observe, see, smell(闻到), taste(尝到), etc.情感类:admire, appreciate, astonish, attract, believe in, care about, dare, dislike, doubt, envy, fear, hate, hope, impress, interest, like, love, mean, mind, please, regret, respect, cant stand, trust, value, etc.思维类:agree, appreciate, believe, consider(认为), disagree, disbelieve, expect, feel, figure(美:捉摸), find, get it(弄懂), guess, hear, hear about, hear of, hope, imagine, know(知道), realize, recognize, regard, see, see through, suppose, tell(辨 认), think(认为), understand, wonder, etc.3)一般过去时: 构成:动词的过去时形式(动词-ed或不规则的过去时形式。) 被动语态构成:was/were + 动词-ed(was, were表示过去, 动词-ed表示被动)用法:1)表示已经结束的动作:指过去发生而现在己结束的事件、动作或情况,可以是最近发生的,也可能是很久前发生的。如: Tom phoned you a moment ago. Paper was first invented in China centuries ago.2)表示过去的习惯:常常与often, usually, always等连用。比较一般现在时的第三种用法。如: He smoked a pack of cigarettes every day till he gave up smoking. Sometimes the Smiths went camping in the country.3)表示刚发生的事,通常不必说明时间。如 Did the telephone ring? Who left the door open?4.过去进行时: 构成:was/were + 动词-ing (was, were表示过去, 动词-ing表示进行) 被动语态构成:was/were + being + 动词-ed 用法:1)表示过去某时正在进行的情况,常常与 then, at that moment, just等连用。如: He was watering in the garden at that moment. Mr. Black was working in the factory.2)表示某事发生前正在进行的动作,通常表示这一动作被后 发生的事所中断。如 :They were having supper when the telephone rang.Just as I was leaving house, the door opened.3)表示强调同时进行的动作。如: While the teacher was reading the article, the students were writing.4)表示重复的行为:与现在进行时第三种用法相似。如: The old man was always saying the same words to strangers.5.现在完成时: 构成:has/have + 动词-ed (have, has表示现 在, 动词-ed表示完成) 被动语态构成:has/have + been + 动词-ed用法:1)表示过去开始并持续到现在的动作,常常与以下时间词语连用:before(now)(在此以前), Its the first time.(第一次), so far(到目前为止), since + 时间(从过去某时到现在为止), up till now(直到现在), up to the present(直到目前), ever(任何时候), never(从不,不仅仅用于完成时), for + 时间(不仅仅用于完成时), in/for the past + 时间(过去多长时间以来)。现在完成时的这一用法要求动词必须是持续动词,非持续动词不可用于这一时态。如: China has changed a great deal in the past 20 years.
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