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The first: to implement safety first, prevention first and comprehensive treatment, safe development approach, protect the safety of employees in the enterprise production, carbon company equipment to ensure safe and reliable operation, these provisions are formulated. Article II: according to the provisions of the Peoples Republic of China production safety law and other relevant laws and regulations of the State, to limit the carbon system of work safety requirements and management of the company. Article III: the company adopted the administrative Chief for the security responsibility at all levels of responsibility system for production safety, establish a multi-level safety system, guarantee system and production safety supervision system, goals of guaranteeing safe production. Fourth: organizations at all levels within their respective scope of work for which the company around unified deployment, relying on staff to do production safety work. Article fifth units of the company should be based on States, relevant industry and group companies under the relevant laws, regulations, standards, and make the units rules and regulations, the institutionalization and standardization of safety production standardization. Sixth: the units of the company to implement the pipe must be safe principle, plan, layout, inspection, summary and assessment. The seventh article: new construction, renovation or expansion projects (hereinafter referred to as project) safety devices, must be the main part of the project designed, built and put into production and use. Eighth: units should actively promote safety assessment and risk analysis, improvement of working environment, consolidate enterprise security infrastructure, improve the level of safety management. Safety policy and objectives in section II the Nineth: carbon companies overall safety policy, goals are: safety principles: adherence to the safety first, prevention first and comprehensive treatment, safe development approach. Safety goals: 1, no personnel injured group of dead accident 2, personal injury accident 3 and above does not occur, without significant equipment damage accidents and above 4, no major equipment overhaul quality accident 5, major fires and above do not occur. 6, does not give rise to traffic accidents. 3 7, personal injury accidents per thousand. 8, the three wastes in line with national standards, larger, major pollution accidents to zero. 9, hidden rate up to 100%. The tenth article: carbon target levels of safety production control company: (a) control injuries and accidents, physical death, not a major equipment failure; (B) workshop injuries and disorders, personal injuries and accidents do not occur; (C) the team attempted to control and abnormal, absence of physical injuries and disorders. The 11th article: carbon units of the company in accordance with the provisions of the safety goals of the entity, and the implementation of Division and implement. Safety responsibility system in section III article 12th administrative job is our safety responsibility, work safety and safety of this enterprise objective overall responsibility. 13th: the Executive job as security responsibility for the basic functions: (a) is responsible for establishing and implementing the business leaders at all levels, departments第一章 旅游景区开发与管理的目标模式我国旅游景区开发在过去的25年中取得了巨大的成就。作为旅游产业的龙头,它在发展过程中经历了许多波折。旅游度假区热、主题公园热、AAAA景区热、世界遗产热等对中国旅游业发展起了重要带动作用,但也面临了许多问题,如一些景区出现环境污染、生态破坏、亏损倒闭等。第一节 旅游景区分类、功能与治理体制中国旅游、建设、林业、环保行政管理部门出台了一系列的旅游景区开发与管理政策条例,从而形成了一个比较完整的旅游景区管理体系。在我国基本上有两类旅游景区,一类以经济开发为主要目的,另一类以资源保护为主要目的。两类景区在功能、目标与管理方式上存在重大区别。一、经济开发型旅游景区经济开发型旅游景区完全以盈利为目的,基本上采用了现代企业管理模式,正在朝“产权清晰、责权明确、政企分开、管理科学”的现代企业制度发展。1主题公园主题公园用舞台化的环境气氛为游客提供主题鲜明的旅游体验。主题公园以盈利为主要目的,主要功能是为游客生产快乐,为投资者赢得利润。完全采用市场化运作的方式经营。主题公园的管理体制经历了事业管理向企业管理的转变。20世纪80年代中期出现了中国第一批以观赏为主要特点的影视基地型主题公园。为拍摄红楼梦而兴建的北京“大观园”、河北正定的“荣国府”就是其代表。由于其“两栖”性,在当时,盈利并非最重要的目的,在管理上尚未完全企业化。进入1989年,有“中国旅游景点建设里程碑”之称的锦绣中华微缩景区的开放,标志着第二代以华侨城为代表的参与性主题公园的诞生,也意味着真正企业化的主题公园的出现。华侨城采取全资、参股、控股与输出管理方式经营以主题公园为主体的旅游业务,并且上市进行资本运作,采用了典型的企业管理模式。2旅游度假区1991年,国家推出国家级旅游度假区发展战略,在全国选择了12个地点发展度假旅游,希望推动中国旅游目的地由观光型向观光、度假、商务会议综合型目的地转型。它的主要功能是为国际游客提供度假场所。旅游度假区的管理采用的是政府指导下的企业化管理模式。在行政上设立国家旅游度假区管理委员会负责规划、基础设施建设与招商。比如,北海银滩国家旅游度假区管理委员会是北海市人民政府的派出机构,代表北海市政府对北海银滩国家旅游度假区实行统一管理,属机关事业单位(正处级)。国家级旅游度假区的开发与经营则采取企业市场化运作方式,企业自主经营、自负盈亏。二、资源保护型旅游景区以保护为主的旅游景区往往是以公共资源为依托的,景区的目标具有多重性,景区资源的社会文化与环境价值往往超过经济价值,景区资源具有不可再生性。由于这类景区资源的公共性,因此在经营上具有明显的排他性与垄断性,政府对这类景区的干预程度较高。1风景名胜区风景名胜区是经政府审定命名的风景名胜资源集中的地域。其功能是保护生态、生物多样性与环境;发展旅游事业,丰富文化生活;开展科研和文化教育,促进社会进步;通过合理开发,发挥经济效益和社会效益。我国现已形成了国家级、省级和县(市)级风景名胜区相结合的体系。国家级风景名胜区与国际上的国家公园(national park)相对应。从1985年到今年4月建设部审批了4批国家级风景名胜区共有151处。风景名胜区发展的指导方针是“严格保护、统一管理、合理开发、永续利用”。风景名胜区的管理把资源的保护工作放在首要地位,实行统一管理,不允许在风景名胜区各景区范围内设立开发区、度假区,不允许出让土地,严禁出卖转让风景名胜资源。各建设项目必须按规划组织实施,并遵照建设部风景名胜区建设管理规定,严格履行审批程序。地方各级人民政府城乡建设部门主管本地区的风景名胜区工作,负责规划实施与监督、土地和生态保护、景区特许经营许可、景区游人数量的调控、景区骨干路网的监控、风景名胜资源监测和科研活动的组织等方面的工作。在科学界定授权经营的前提条件、建立监管标准的基础上,对景区内建设项目设计、施
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