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工程测量学中英文术语05.001 工程测量 engineering survey05.002 测量学 surveying05.003 普通测量学 elementary surveying05.004 地形测量学 topography05.005 测量控制网 surveying control network05.006平面控制网(又称水平控制网”)horizontal control network05.007高程控制网 vertical control network05.008 平面控制点 horizontal control point05.009 高程控制点 vertical control point05.010 平面坐标 horizontal coordinate05.011 控制测量 con trol survey05.012 地形测量 topographic survey05.013 三边网 trilateration network05.014 边角网 triangulateration network05.015 导线网 traverse networt05.016 三边测量 trilateration survey05.017 边角测量 triangulateration05.018 导线测量 traverse survey05.019 水平角 horizontal angle05.020 垂直角 vertical angle05.021 点之记 description of statio n05.022 测站 station05.023 测站归心 station centring05.024 照难点归心 sighting centring05.025 照准点 sighting point05.026 闭合导线 closed traverse05.027 附合导线 connecting traverse05.028 支导线 open traverse05.029 经纬仪导线 theodolite traverse05.030 视差导线 subtense traverse05.031 视距导线 stadia traverse05.032 平板仪导线 planetable traverse05.033 距离测量 distance measurement05.034 电磁波测距 electromagnetic distanee measurement05.035 标准检定场 standard field of length05.036 光电测距导线 EDM traverse05.037 小三角测量 minor triangulation05.038 线形锁 linear triangulation chain05.039 线形网 linear triangulation network05.040 图根控制 mapping control05.041 导线边 traverse leg05.042 导线折角 traverse angle05.043 导线结点 junction point of traverses05.044 导线曲折系数 meandering coefficient of traverse05.045 导线角度闭合差 angle closing error of traverse05.046 导线全长闭合差 total length closing error of traverse05.047 导线相对闭合差 relative length closing error of traverse05.048 导线纵向误差 longitudinal error of traverse05.049 导线横向误差 lateral error of traverse05.050 控制点 control point05.051 导线点 traverse point05.052 图根点 mapping control point05.053 高程点 elevation point05.054 碎部点 detail point05.055 图解图根点 graphic mapping control point05.056 解析图根点 analytic mapping control point05.057 坐标增量 increment of coordinate05.058 坐标增量闭合差 closing error in coordinate increment05.059 前方交会forwardintersection05.060 侧方交会 side intersection05.061 后方交会 resection05.062 边角交会法 linearangular intersection05.063 边交会法 linear intersection05.064 贝塞尔法 Bessel method05.065 莱曼法 Lehmann method05.066 横基尺视差法 subtense method with horizontal staff05.067 竖基尺视差法 subtense method with vertical staff05.068 复测法 repetition method05.069 高程控制测量 vertical control survey05.070 水难测量 leveling05.071 附合水准路线 annexed leveling line05.072 闭合水准路线 closed leveling line05.073 支水准路线 spur leveling line05.074 水准网 leveling network05.075 视线高程 elevation of sight05.076 多角高程导线 polygonal height traverse05.077 独立交会高程点 elevation point by independent intersection05.078 高程导线 height traverse05.079 严密平差 rigorous adjustment05.080 近似平差 approximate adjustment05.081 典型图形平差 adjustment of typical figures05.082 等权代替法 method of equalweight substitution05.083 多边形平差法 adjustment by method of polygon05.084 结点平差 adjustment by method of junction point05.085 工程控制网 engineering control network05.086 施工控制网 construction control network05.087 三维网 three 一 dimensional network05.088 变形观测控制网 control network for deformation observation05.089 勘测设计阶段测量 survey in teconnaissance and design stage 05.090 施工测量 construction survey05.091 竣工测量 finish construction survey05.092 纵断面测量 profile survey05.093 横断面测量 crosssection survey o5.094 纵断面图 profile diagram05.095 横断面图 crosssection profile05.096 碎部测量 detail survey05.097 平板仪测量 planetable survey05.098 经纬仪测绘法 mapping method with transit05.099 大比例尺地形图 large scale topographical map05.100 小比例尺地形图 small scale topographical map05.101 直角坐标网 rectangular gnid05.102 矩形分幅 rectangular mapsubdivision05.103 正方形分幅 square mapsubdivision05.104 斜距 slope distance05.105 平距 horizontal distance05.106 地形底图 base map of topography05.107 任意轴子午线 arbitrary axis meridian05.108 假定坐标系 assumed coordinate system05.109 独立坐标系 independent coordinate system05.110 变形观测 deformation observation05.111 位移观测 displacement observation05.112 沉降观测 settlement observation05.113 挠度观测 deflection observation05.114 倾斜观测 oblique observation, tilt observation05.115 地质测量 geological survey05.116 勘探网测设 prospecting network layout05.117 勘探线测量 prospecting line survey05.118 勘探网测量 prospecting network survey05.119 勘探基线 prospecting baseline05.120 地质点测量 geological point survey05.121 井口位置点 point for shaft position05.122 钻孔位置测量 borehole position survey05.123 地质剖面测量 geological profile survey05.124 断层位移测量 fault displacement survey05.125 区域地质测量 regional geological survey05.126 井探工程测量 shaft prospecting engineering survey05.127 坑探工程测量 adit prospecting engineering survey05.128 勘探线剖面图 prospecting line profile map05.129 坑道平面图 adit planimetric map05.130 地质剖面图 geological section map05.131 矿产图 map of mineral deposits05.132 地质略图 geological scheme05.133 野外地质图 tield geological map05.134 地质草图 geological sketch map05.135 影象地质图 geological photomap05
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